Meant for No One but Each Other

I Have All I Need Except Everything I Want

Not talking to Draco was killing her. Danica had never realized how much of their relationship she took for granted. After all, they had been betrothed since the age of three. She had never known anything else but Draco, and honestly, she had never been even slightly tempted to venture away from him. He was all she knew and wanted, and she was okay with that.

But she couldn’t bring herself to forgive him. He had practically thrown away everything they had, forgotten about everything they had ever had, and believed that old cow Parkinson. Draco knew Pansy wanted to come between them. He knew she would say anything to even be acknowledged in Draco’s eyes. And he had just believed her.

She sat in History of Magic, having been back at school for a week now, and stared absentmindedly off into space. Michael Corner was sitting next to her today, where Draco usually sat in this class. Instead, he was three seats behind her sitting next to Goyle. She had passed them, staring ahead of her as she walked to her usual seat. In the week and a half since their fight, Draco had tried to talk to her in the beginning. But then his advances had stopped when she didn’t respond. Now they spent so little time even looking at each other. She knew it was killing him too, from the way she saw him snap at anyone and everyone lately, but she remained silent. She had done absolutely nothing wrong. She had nothing to apologize for, and until he did apologize, she would make do without him.

But then, why hadn’t she spoken to Neville since the start of term? Why had she completely avoided his owls after that day in Diagon Alley? She knew she was being unfair. He had done even less than she had. But she knew she should feel guilty. She knew how Draco had felt about her friendship with Neville, and she had been planning on lying to him about it, that is until she got caught. Damn that Pansy Parkinson. She always ruined everything. Danica wondered if she could make Pansy experience an untimely death in this Triwizard Tournament that was happening this year at Hogwarts.

She blankly followed Michael and her other classmates out the door after the class was done to the Great Hall for lunch. They had a break now, and then Herbology with Gryffindor afterwards.

“Think the Scarklswats will get through my charm?” Luna asked her, waving her wand around next to her.

Danica sighed, already used to Luna Lovegood. “I don’t know Luna. What’s a Scarklswat?”

“They’re small creatures, practically invisible to the eye,” Luna explained, “and they are sent by evil dark wizards to buzz in your ear and make you do their bidding.”

“You mean like the Imperius Curse?” Danica rolled her eyes as the closest people near them at the Ravenclaw table looked at her. They knew she was meant to be in Slytherin, and that her parents were suspected Death Eaters, but honestly, it was ridiculous how often the younger students gawked at her, waiting for her to hex someone. It had gotten easier when they had grown and they had seen she obviously had no secret plan to curse them all in their sleep, but sometimes, she saw a weird look in their eyes and knew they suspicions were never far from her mind.

“Yes but Scarklswats don’t need wands,” Luna explained.

“Well seeing as they’re not wizards, I’m not surprised,” a snide voice said. They turned to see Draco standing behind Danica. She grew rigid as she turned back to her food. “Danica, could I talk to you?”

“That depends,” Danica said, not turning around, “on if it involves more lies your girlfriend whispered in your ear.”

“Do you mean Pansy Parkinson?” Luna piped up. “You know I heard her talking to the girl’s bathroom yesterday about how easy it was going to be to shag Draco Malfoy now that the whore was out of the picture.”

Both Draco and Danica froze at the words, growing tense. Draco didn’t even bother telling Luna off. This made Danica wonder. “Has she succeeded then Draco?” Danica asked in a deadly whisper. She looked towards the Slytherin table and saw Pansy watching them intently, a small smirk on her pudgy face. So it was true? She paid attention to Draco’s passing silence.

Draco spun her around, looking her in the eyes. “Do you think so little of me?” he asked quietly. “Do you not know me better than that Dani?”

Her eyes flashed with anger. He was asking her that when he had accused her of kissing Neville? She stood then, marching past him. When he didn’t make to follow, she turned and looked at him. “I wish to speak to you alone Draco.”

They walked out into the courtyard, sitting between two pillars. Draco was quiet the whole time, allowing her to start. His eyes were guarded, yet soft. She tried not to look away from his smoldering stare. “Did you sleep with her Draco?” she asked quietly after a group of first year Hufflepuffs had passed.

“No,” he said quietly, his eyes hard.

“Did you kiss her?” she asked.

“How can you ask me that?” he asked, his voice wavering. “Do you not know how much I love you?”

“Answer the question,” she demanded, not allowing herself to be distracted by another train of thought.

He stared at her a long time before he said, “No.”

“Do you swear?” she asked, hesitant to believe him.

Draco took her face in his hands now with a gentleness he reserved only for her. “Danica, you are my whole world. I will admit I was hurt deeply when I thought you and that blood traitor had—,“ he stopped, sighed and shaking his head. He started again differently. “I could never want Pansy when I have you.”

She sighed and looked in his eyes. “But she can be quite seductive.”

“You mean quite easy?” he chuckled, not moving away. Instead he moved slightly closer so he was in her face, only a few inches away.

She smiled. “It wouldn’t be hard to get instant gratification with her,” she reminded him. She wanted so badly to believe he would never cheat on her, but something made her reluctant.

“Danica, she may pine for me,” he said. “But you know as well as I do that it is my name and money she is after, all she will ever be after. Trust me, that thought even in her ploys of seduction could stop the need for any type of gratification. And anyway,” he continued, “there is only one thing that ever gratifies me. And it’s between my hands right now.”

She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. It had been too painful to stay away from him, and hearing him now, she didn’t even need an apology. She didn’t need anything else. She only needed him.

If only her heart would stop pining for Neville as well. She missed her best friend. And though she knew Draco would never like it, she knew she had to see him.
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Haha I couldn't have her fight with Draco long! There's some gushy Draco for you guys :] What did you guys think? Comments anyone?