Discovering The Meaning Of Love-A Gaara Love Story

So This Is What Happened To Gaara

When I woke up, I found Temari sitting in a chair beside my hospital bed. She was reading a magazine. She looked up when she heard me stir.

“So your awake.” She looked back to her magazine. “Are you feeling better? You’ve been here for a few days and rested up well, so Sakura said if you were, you might be able to go home today.”

“Yes! I am feeling much better!” It was the truth, but I really just wanted to get the hell out of here and find Gaara.

“Alright,” she replied, hopping up out of her chair gracefully. “Well I’m gonna go find Sakura so she can check you out and hopefully we can get you out of here.” She closed the door behind her.

As I waited for her to come back with Sakura, my thoughts raced. All I could think about was Gaara though. Where was he? Is he okay? Is he hurt?

Temari returned with Sakura quicker then I expected. Sakura checked me out and said I was well enough to go home. I packed what little I had. Mostly what Temari had brought for me to do and “Get Well” presents form Temari, Sakura, and Kankuro. None from Gaara. Not that the presents mattered, I just hoped he would come see me. I hadn’t seen him since the day of the fight, but I heard him when Sakura was healing me and when woke up again after that. I would make sure to see him soon though. Just to make sure he was okay.

We said our goodbyes to Sakura, then Temari led me out of the hospital. We didn’t say anything. I just followed her. We walked on in complete silence, but when we came to the turn leading to my house, Temari kept going straight.

“Uh, Temari? My house is back that way,” I told her pointing in the direction.

“Oh, we aren’t going to your house.”

“Then where are we going?” I wondered.

“My house.”

“What for?”

“Oh, before Gaara le- oh I’ll tell you when we get there, so I can explain everything.”


The rest of the way to Temari’s house we walked in silence again. I followed her the whole way. I knew how to get there, because I had been there so many times before, but I let her lead me there.

When we reached her house, she led me in. Kankuro was sitting on the couch in the living room, drumming his fingers nervously on the coffee table in front of him. He looked up when he heard us come in and he half smiled.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking around. “Where is Gaara? I don’t sense him here.”

“Yeah, that’s what we are going to talk about,” Temari said. She dropped my stuff and went to sit down beside Kankuro. I dropped what I carried here with the rest, then sat on the couch across from them, bracing myself.

“Alright, what’s going on?” I asked calmly, but I was struggling to keep from jumping up and demanding they get on with it. I just had to know!

“After what happened to you, Gaara became angry with himself. He blames himself for it. He says it’s his fault you almost died.”

“But that’s crazy! It wasn’t his fault! It was mine, I was careless.” I disagreed.

“Well Gaara, for some reason, thinks the fault is his own.” Kankuro stated.

“Anyways,” Temari continued. “He told us to take care of you while he was gone. Then he took off…”

“So that’s why you are here, Miki.” Kankuro said, finishing things up.

“Wait, hold on!” I said, jumping up. I was trying to process all that they had told me. “Gaara took off?!”

“Yeah..” Kankuro said, shifting his gaze to his feet. “He disappeared.”

“But…why?” I asked, not believing it.

“We aren’t sure,” Temari went on. “I think it might have been because he was so upset. He wasn’t thinking straight.”

I processed everything they told me. It didn’t make sense. Why would Gaara just leave like that?

“Well…its getting late,” Kankuro said changing the subject. “Temari? Will you show Miki where she will be sleeping, please?”

‘Good!’ I thought to myself. ‘When I am alone I will set out to find Gaara!’

Temari got up and walked over to where we had dropped my stuff I brought from the hospital.

I got up off the couch and followed her. She led me to a part of the house I had never been before, but I knew Kankuro’s room was on this side of the house. She stopped when we came to the end of the short hallway. There were two doors. One on the right and one on the left. She opened the door on the left and led me in.

“You can stay in Gaara’s room,” she told me, dropping my stuff by the bed.

I nodded.

“Alright, well, I will leave, so you can get some rest.”

“Okay. See you later,” I said with a smile.

She gave me a hug and walked out.

I looked around Gaara’s room. It was small and bare. The walls were painted a light beige color and other then the bed, there was a desk, covered in various scrolls. I walked over to the bed. There was a bad on it. I opened it and found my stuff in it. ‘Someone must’ve gotten my stuff for me’ I realized.

I waited for things to quiet down and give the others time to fall asleep. When I felt like it was okay to leave, I grabbed my bag of supplies I sorted out for my journey. I slung it over my shoulder and walked over to the window and opened it.

Suddenly, someone I heard the door open. ‘Shit! I’ve been caught’ I realized. I turned to the door to see who it was.

It was Kankuro. He didn’t seem shocked to see me trying to leave. He also looked somewhat sad.

“Yeahh, I thought you would try to leave sometime during the night to look for Gaara. But do you think you will be able to find him? Do you even have the slightest clue where he could be?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted, looking away from him. “But I have to try! I can’t just sit here!”

“Please wait until morning and Temari and I will go with you.”

“No. I’m sorry, but I’ve done enough waiting! I have to go now.”

“But you don’t even know where he could be,” he said, softly.

I thought about that. I also thought about what he and Temari had told me earlier today and the fight with the Akatsuki, that had started everything.

“Oh My GOD!!” I said, in astonishment. “I know where he went!” At that I jumped for the window, but Kankuro caught my arm.

“Tell me. Where?” he asked ever so softly, searching my eyes.

“I’m sorry. If I tell you, you will follow me. Please don’t follow me.”

“Miki! He is my brother! And what if you get hurt?”

“I’m willing to take that risk to find him. He may need me.” I paused and he let go of my arm. I jumped on the window sill and looked back at him. “Please don’t follow me.” Then I jumped out the window and ran for the village gate, not looking back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tada, another chapter done and typed up.
Hehe this one is the longest one so far!(:
Might get the next chapter up tomarrow, who knows? XD

And thanks to my commenters:::

Comments are Welcome(:
Andddd I hope you enjoyed. ^.^