Discovering The Meaning Of Love-A Gaara Love Story

Temari's News

The sky was filled with a variety of colors. It was beautiful, but also quiet sad. Although the daytime had it's advantages, I still prefer the nighttime. The moon, the stars, the darkness, it is all so beautiful and comforting. It has always been my favorite time of day. People are asleep at that time, so it is usually the only time I can have to myself. Well, I'm not like Gaara, where he can't sleep. I just choose to stay up to experience the night, so in the morning I would always be tired. Surprisingly, I never do regret it. The sounds of the owls, the crickets, and the wind is all so soothing. I always take this time to think and to reflect back to things. Other times, I take this time to wonder, dream. I never knew I was so lonely. Sure I had Temari, who was the closest thing I ever had to a sister and Kankuro was like my brother. But as I was thinking about that one night, I realized I didn't know Gaara. Of course I knew about Shukaku. Hell, I'd been warned I don't know how many times, but that never stopped me. I knew there was more to him than that. I was curious, fascinated. I guess you could say I was drawn to him, like he was the center of my world. What got me everytime and made me feel like my heart was slowly dying, was that there wasn't any way he would ever return the feelings. Just that being near him would just make me hurt worse. I never doubted that he would find someone. He wasn't the problem. The problem would be me. I could never come up with a single reason why he would choose me.

A sharp pain shot through me. I feel to the ground, clenching my stomach.

"Miki, what's wrong??" Temari asked, panicking.

Kankuro stopped to turn around and look at me. Gaara stopped as well.

"Oh. I'm just hungry. I didn't eat anything yesterday."I lied lamely. I hated lying to my friends, but I was just too ashamed to tell them the truth.

"Alright then." Kankuro said. "We will stop and eat breakfast before we continue on."

"No." I protested embarrassedly. I hated to slow the team down. "I'm fine, really. Don't let me slow us down. Lets go."

"No!" Gaara said. His voice ringing in my ears. I turned to look at him. I could feel that my eyes were practically bugging out of my skull, but I couldn't help it. I was shocked. Gaara has never spoken out like that before.

"You need to eat, Miki," he continued, looking at me. "It's fine. We will continue later."
"H-hai." I said looking away. I felt a blush coming. I know it wasn't a big deal, but Gaara has never cared so much for me before. He hardly even speaks to me.

Gaara and Kankuro set their things down.

Temari began preparing breakfast for us all, so I desided to help her. We walked down to the creek in the dimly lit forest. Temari bent down to get some water. I desided to take this time away from the guys to ask Temari what I wanted to know.

"Uh, Temari?"

"Yeah, Miki?"

"Have you noticed anything different about Gaara today?"

"Yeah," she agreed, "but it makes sense, I guess, considering..."

I waited for her to continue, but she didn't, so I prompted her.


"Well, he's been asking about you a lot lately. He's been talking abou tyou a lot."

Temari's words stuck in my mind and mentally played over and over. I was shocked. No, that didn't even come close to how I felt. Suddenly, my heartbeat quickened and before I knew it I became dizzy and couldn't think. My vision blurred.

I saw, what appeared to be Temari, walk towards me.


I didn't answer. I couldn't move my lips. I couldn't think, to for form an answer.

"Miki??" she yelled concerned.

Gaara appeared in front of me. He was the clearest I could see.


Then I fainted.
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weeee chapter 2.
Sorry its sort of a chiffhanger. I will try to type up the next chapter as soon as I can. ^^
Comments are welcome(: