Discovering The Meaning Of Love-A Gaara Love Story

Finally, The Truth! Or Not

The sun began to set. We have been walking all day, but we have seen no signs of Akatsuki. I caught myself, I don’t know how many times, catching glimpses of Gaara out of the corner of my eye. He has been doing the same to me, but not as much as I have. I still don’t understand. He seems like he might like me, but I’ve never been good at this kind of thing. I sighed and Gaara looked at me.

“Let’s make camp,” he said.

“Alright,” Kankuro said while dropping his stuff. “I’m tired,” he added incoherently, while yawning. I laughed inwardly. I was surprised he lasted this long walking after staying up all night last night partying, as usual.

Temari sat down, she couldn’t walk anymore either.

“Alright, I’ll get the firewood then,” I said after observing my tired teammates.

“Okay, I’ll join you,” Gaara said from behind me.

I froze. It felt like my heart stopped. I was shocked.

“Sure,” I managed to say, glad my voice didn’t sound as alarmed as I felt. Gaara walked over to me and grabbed my hand. Then, he smiled. I smiled back, but felt my cheeks warm up. ‘Yet another blush’ I thought regrettably, but I barely noticed it, for I was lost in the moment.

“Come on, Miki,” Gaara said when he noticed my slight delay. I followed obediently, like a well trained puppy.

“Oh…My…God, Kankuro!” I heard Temari whisper. “Do you think he’s gonna tell her?” I felt like I was being left out again. It was killing me to know what they were keeping from me. Yet I was also quite patient, for since I love Gaara, I will wait until he is ready to tell me himself. I could feel Gaara examining me as I contemplated all of this. He squeezed my hand as if to reassure me. I smiled shyly.

When we were quite some distance from the camp, Gaara stopped and looked at me. He began searching my eyes. Then after a minute, he seemed satisfied with what he saw and smiled.

“Miki…,” he began.

“Gaara, can I say something first?” I asked, before he could begin.

He nodded, so I began.

“Gaara, I’ve know you for almost my whole life. I accepted you when I found out about Shukaku.” I paused and searched his facial expressions. He smiled and seemed to be listening attentively. I took a deep breath and continued. “I’m not afraid. You know this. I also want you to know you can tell me anything. I won’t think differently of you. You will always be very important to me.” I suddenly felt very dizzy, but braced myself for whatever Gaara would say next.

He smiled and reached for my other hand and held them both and looked me in the eyes. My heart fluttered.

“Miki-” suddenly Gaara was cut off by someone saying, “Ow! Kankuro!”

‘Temari,’ I thought and laughed inwardly. That was just like her. Suddenly, Kankuro came out of the bushes, pulling Temari along behind him by her shirt.

“Shit! Kankuro, what are you doing?!” she grumbled.

I glanced at Gaara. He looked furious. I expected as much. I was a little upset myself, because I thought he was about to tell me…whatever it was.

“Temari? Kankuro? Care to tell me what you were doing?” he growled, while glaring at them.

“I caught her spying,” Kankuro stated triumphantly.

“You were spying as well!” she sounded annoyed.

“I was not and you cant prove it!” he whined, sounding like a five year old pitching a fit, because they weren’t getting their way. I giggled, amazingly no one seemed to have heard me. I was relieved. I just couldn’t help it, he looked so funny.

“Dumb ass,” Temari muttered under her breath.

“Alright! Enough fighting and tell me,” Gaara growled.

“Oh, Gaara, calm down,” Kankuro said bravely.

I sensed Gaara’s body tense beside me, so I placed my hand on his arm. As if my touch was magic, his body calmed.

“Alright, can you just give Miki and I some time to talk alo-” Gaara was suddenly cut off by the sound of arguing.
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The New Chapter!
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