Discovering The Meaning Of Love-A Gaara Love Story

We Found Them! Or Rather, They Found Us

“Aye! Watch where you are going you bastard!”

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll set one of my birds off on your ass!”

“How would you like to be turned into a puppet?!”

They stopped arguing when they saw us in the clearing. The red-head had an unemotional expression. I realized by his features, that it must be the Sasori that Baki had described to us. I don’t know his partner though and I’m not really sure if his partner is a guy or a chick. He, or she, had long blonde hair that looked somewhat feminine, but he looked somewhat masculine. I pushed that thought aside, for I didn’t care and turned my attention back to Gaara.

He was tense again, but that was to be expected. I was tense too. I decided to get ready and took my fan off my back. Temari did the same with hers. She looked like she was itching for a fight. Kankuro seemed annoyed.

“Ah, Sasori, right?” Gaara said coolly, strange because he looked so angry, but that was just something he did. I didn’t notice before, because he was so stealthy about it, but he already had his sand at their feet. I probably would’ve never noticed his sand, had I not seen him in action so many times before. For this, I knew they wouldn’t notice.

“Why, yes,” Sasori confirmed. “And who might you-”

“Aye, aye, aye! How do you know him and not me?!”

‘Wow, he or she, is kinda stupid,’ I thought to myself.

“Uh, yeah. If I met you before, I’m sure I would’ve remembered.” Kankuro muttered. I agreed.

“Yes! Because I am just that special!”

“Heh, Yeah…” Kankuro said sarcastically.

“Alright,” Sasori butted in, “back to my question, who are you?”

“No one important or for your concern.” Gaara said evasively. I held my breath, hoping he would buy it.

“Huh? Alright, then I guess no one will miss you after I’ve killed you.”

I gulped and gripped my fan harder. My knuckles turned white and I clenched my teeth in anger. Gaara glanced at me when he sensed my anger. I calmed down slightly.

The blonde ran out towards Gaara. Before he noticed, I was in front of Gaara and swinging my fan. It worked, he was thrown back.

“Deidara, you dumb ass, don’t be hasty.” Sasori hissed, disgustedly. So that was his name, Deidara. I glared back at them.

“Oh, and who are you, little lady? Your quite pretty.” Sasori went on. “What is your name?”

Gaara growled at them and got in front of me. I was shocked, but didn’t show it.

“Aw, come on, cutie. What’s your name?”

“She’s none of your concern. Keep her out of this. This is between you and me!” Gaara snarled.

“Alright, when we kill you, she will make a nice “addition” to us.” Sasori snickered, hinting at his puppet idea.
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Sorry it's sooo short. XD
I might add more later today though, maybe not.
Well anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Comments are Welcome(: