Discovering The Meaning Of Love-A Gaara Love Story

From the Sidelines

Deidara came back from where I had tossed him with my fan. He had bits of snow on him. ‘Huh, should’ve thrown ice at him instead,’ I thought.

“Heh, Sasori, you take him. I wanna take care of her, un. She deserves what I am about to do to her.” he narrowed his eyes at me. “I will make her death slow and painful, un.”

Gaara growled. “Kankuro!”

“Oh right!” he answered. He ran over to me and pulled me back.

“What the hell are you-” I began, but Kankuro put his finger to my lips to silence me. I was confused.

“Oh, so is this your little girlfriend? She that weak that she needs protecting, un?” Deidara said disgusted.

“I’m not weak!” I blurted out. To my surprise, no one stopped me, so I decided to go further. “If I was so weak, I wouldn’t have knocked your ass 50 feet from me.” I seemed to have angered him with that, because he started after me. He stuck his hands in his pouches at his sides. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I wasn’t about to let him do it. I grabbed my fan and tried to swing it, but I couldn’t. I looked at it. There was sand on it. I looked in front of me at Deidara. Somehow he was facedown in the sand. I sighed. Gaara wasn’t going to let me in this fight. I looked at him and he was watching me.

“Kankuro,” he called, still looking at me. He sounded annoyed, but not at me, surprisingly. I was thinking he would kill me for that and that thought brought tears to my eyes. I pushed them back. Kankuro came over and grabbed my arm, causing me to take my eyes off of Gaara, he was angry and on edge. Kankuro pulled me back with him to where Temari stood. He was a little uneasy. He sensed it, just as I did. This only happened when Gaara was angry and defensive. He was going to let the demon in him out and the look he gave off showed he wasn’t going to let anyone interfere. Especially me.

“Damn it, un! You are so going to die!” Deidara yelled, still face down in the sand.

A tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away. I had no clue why I was crying, I just was.

Gaara sent his sand out around Deidara. “Sand Coffin!” The sand enclosed on Deidara’s form and shards of wood went everywhere. Substitution. A puppet came from behind Gaara and caught his arms in a death grip. My heartbeat sped up uncontrollably. A needle, dripping with poison, shot out in Gaara’s direction, just mere inches from his chest. ‘Gaara!’ I screamed in my head.

Gaara eyes turned red. ‘It’s happening,’ I realized. I looked away. I didn’t have to watch to know what was happening. The sand formed around Gaara and around the poison covered needle, causing it to break. I focused back on Gaara. He had the Shukaku’s tail and arm. He hadn’t fully lost control yet, but he was close. Deidara came out of the woods and ran towards Gaara.

Gaara swung his arm at the puppet that still hold his grip and it jumped back, to dodge being shattered. Then he jumped in the air, narrowly missing Deidara’s fist. I just stood there and watched. There was nothing I could do. The scene in front of me played out in a daze.

Gaara landed back on the ground. I wanted so much to help Gaara, but I knew he wouldn’t let me. I would just be in the way. I could hear the occasional bounds from missed hits and the occasional explosions from Deidara’s clay birds, but I kept my eyes on Gaara to make sure he was okay.

As the fight wore on, more and more sand formed around Gaara until he was the full Shukaku. All my senses were instantly more alert, because I knew Gaara was so close to losing control. The Akatsuki members were looking quite tired now, and I’m sure Gaara was tiring as well.

Suddenly, Deidara appeared and took hold of me. ‘Damn!’ I thought. I couldn’t believe I let my guard down. I was too busy watching Gaara.

“Hmm I wonder what he would think of you, if I slit that pretty little throat of yours…” He pondered, hissing it in my ear. Temari and Kankuro had run over to take care of one of Sasori’s puppets, so I was a perfect target with my attention on Gaara and he apparently sensed that. Also because none of my teammates were near me and Gaara tried to keep me out of the fight.

“You bastard! You are too weak!” I spat in his face.

“Uh! You little bitch!”

“Hey!” Gaara snarled, “You better keep your fucking hands off of her!”

“Gaara…” I whispered.

Deidara looked at me and studied my face. “Did you just say Gaara, un? I thought there was something special about his fighting style…”

‘Shit!’ I screamed in my head. Now they knew. They had found a jinchuriki, and I knew they wouldn’t leave without him now. There was no way they would let him live.
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New Chapter.
I will try to update soon!(:

Also I would like to say thanks to my commenters:::

Well I hope people are enjoying my little fanfic.
Critisism is welcome and so are Comments(: