The Black Signature


"In nature there's no blemish but the mind;
None can be called deformed but the unkind.

My eyes scanned the clock across the room intently. My pupils bore into it like a knife cutting through a thick slice of butter. The short darkened hand of the clock lay almost sinisterly. The other black hand was barely scraping around the white circular bulb. Ten minutes until the bars have been let loose of my jail cell and I am let out. My stomach grumbled to a boiling point with hunger. I clenched my fists tightly against it, my teeth gritted.

This may seem a tad melodramatic for someone who is hungry, but I have a quick metabolism and I haven’t eaten since last night. And all I had then was stale chips and a few beers. Not exactly my cup of tea if you ask me. My insides currently felt like something has simply eaten all of its organs out and all that’s left is hot air.

I glared at my Chemistry teacher harshly, as if it were her fault time had been moving so hesitantly. In a way it was; if her class was smidge more interesting, maybe I would’ve been distracted.

“Diane, I don’t think staring at Kaden will cause your notes to magically write themselves,” Mrs. Andrews said, her mouth in a tight line.

The class erupted in giggles and whispers; Diane, red faced, stared down intently at her Chemistry book. I noticed her long fingers were trembling slightly.

Kaden, a scrawny boy with a head of curly blonde hair turned slowly to face her. I noticed his high cheekbones held a smudge of red. His eyes held embarrassment...but I also noticed a smidge of...relief? The testosterone species are strange indeed...

Before the teacher could let any voice sound out from her stern mouth, the bell signalling our break rang shrilling and proud. I swiftly grabbed my heavy Chemistry text book, and without bothering to put it in my bag, I dashed out the classroom door into the crowded hallways.

As I was walking rapidly to my locker, my books clutched tightly against my chest as if I were terrified for their life, I decided I was going to sneak out later on today. For my lunch anywaysI needed a new environment for a bit, my mind needed it. A person can merely go insane if captivated in one space for too long. And I sure as hell didn’t want to end up like the next Jack Torrance.

A group of swooning first years were cluttered around my locker in a semi-circle. I never did get why younger girls fled in groups. Maybe they were afraid to be eaten alive. Ha ha.

I coughed dramatically to the two whose backs were turned to me. Their noisy chattering seemed to have drowned out my obvious coughing. Getting impatient and aggravated, I let one hand let go of my text book and lay it heavily on the shoulder of a girl whose hair I noticed was long and dark. She turned to face me with a confused expression, her eyebrows meeting her hairline.

“You’re in front of my locker,” I snarled. I knew I must’ve appeared animal-like, but I was hungry, tired and...stressed. Stressed out about him. Mentally shaking my head, I let my thoughts of Leon vanish away like dust particles. His name however, lay hidden and lingering at the back of my mind.

The girl with the dark hair continued to stare at me as if I asked her to impregnate with a canine. Her friends looked at me with the same expression.

“What, are you all mentally impaired? Move.” My lips were pulled back in a snarl and I could feel the temperature rising on my cheeks. Without another word, the dark-haired girl stared intensely at me and then walked away, her friends following.

“What the fuck is up with people these days,” I mumbled, opening my now soliciting-free locker.

“She thinks you’re sleeping with Dale,” spoke a female voice I could only recognize as my friend Willow.

I turned to Willow with a look of disgust on my face. “Dale? You mean, that Geek-o-tron who created the Transformers Elite club?”

Willow nodded, her golden blonde hair moving swiftly around her lean shoulders. “She’s crushing on him. You can only imagine how she felt when saw you.” Willow’s face held pure amusement.

“This isn’t humorous, Will. Where would she even come up with that assumption?” I said, my eyebrows bowed down in frustration.

Willow smiled slightly. “Dale told her. He said you two got into it at the dorm party last night.”

A growling sound escaped from the back of my throat. “Got into it? Got into it? That is the last time I go into a closet with that...freak!”

“What were you doing in a closet with him anyway?”

“He was showing me his Light Saber that glowed in the dark.”

Willow’s eyebrow rose high. Her expression clearly stated that she didn’t believe me, or she thought I was insane.

“I was drunk. Christ. A squirrel eating nuts will appear captivating to me if I’m under the influence of alcohol.”

“I just get turned on easily.”

I rolled my eyes. “Will, this is not the time to discuss what alcohol does to our central nervous system. I’m hungry. I want to eat.”

Willow put her hands up in mock-defence. “Whatever Queen of Menstrual Land.”

Ignoring her previous comment, I shut my locker with a final slam and turned to her.

“I’m going out for lunch later today. A head’s up: If I’m late for fifth period, make up some bullshit story that I’m suffering from food poisoning or something.”

Willow snorted. “Food poisoning? Yes, that sounds convincing.”

I gave her a crooked smile. “This is why you’re the expert at making fibs. Now, onwards to our break!”

I linked our arms together with a smirk as we walked promptly through the now empty hallways. I could feel my stomach mumbling to me ragingly for some form of edible food.

As Willow and I walked in silence, too busy thinking of the food awaiting us--I think by this point you realize how hungry I actually am—I felt a nudge poke me in the mid of my back. Without unlinking arms with Willow, I spun around, causing her to yelp with surprise. As I was about to shout some explicit words at the poking culprit, I stopped mid-breath. Standing in front of me with a victorious grin plastered on his summer-tanned face, was Damien, a friend of mine.

“You know, vocal chords were given to you for a reason,” I said with a stern tone.

Damien chuckled comically. “I know, but poking you is so much more amusing. Especially seeing you react like someone’s shoved a—“

Willow coughed. “Alright, enough. Can we go to the caf now? My stomach feels like it’s going to dissolve inside of me.”

“I second that feeling.” I declared with a side grin.

On that note, the three of us hastily made our way to the cafeteria, our stomachs growling with loud anticipation. When we entered the crowded room, I was disappointed to notice that a good percentage of the tables were occupied with students. I could feel my hungry insides twist even more drastically as I saw them chatting blissfully to one another, as if the world were made of fucking marshmallows and rainbows.

“Are you alright Kiera?” I heard Willow ask from beside me. I snapped my head to her direction. Her face displayed an expression which clearly stated that she thought my mental area held some mutilation.

“Yeah, I’m just hungry. I could eat anything at this point,” I said, clutching my stomach for dramatic effect.

Anything?” Damien asked, a look of foolery splattered on his features.

I scoffed and shoved him ruthlessly. “Why don’t you take that thing you call a dick and shove it—“

“Alright dude, let’s grab some edible shit,” Willow said, interrupting my insult and taking a strong hold of my arm. I shot another grim look at Damien before following Willow to the now residing cafeteria line.

“I’ll just…find a table!” Damien shouted after us, his voice getting lower in tone near the end of his sentence.

Without acknowledging his words, I grabbed a tray from the beginning of the line, and stood behind Willow. As I was waiting to be served, I couldn’t help but glaze my eyes over the swarming room. As I took in the faces of all the occupied students, I couldn’t help but notice one particular person wasn’t there. Leon. His name rung in my head like a penetrating scream, sending off a sea of spectacular emotions throughout my insides. I could feel my fingers which were grasping the tray, starting to grow hot and perspiring with the thoughts of the dazzling and mystifying boy.

“Excuse me?” a droning voice stated from in front of me.

“What?” I snapped, my head meeting the impatient eyes of the cafeteria server.

The middle-aged slightly over-weight woman looked at me with a look that could only mean utter dislike. She clicked her tongue dramatically, clutching the spoon in her hand harder, her knuckles displaying a white tinge.

“I asked if you would like the pasta salad or chicken wrap?” she asked, her eyes never changing in lightness or emotion.

A mental smirk grew vivid in my mind. “What a difficult decision. Willow darling, what do you think?”

Willow turned to me, a humorous grin plastered on her face. “Well, the chicken wrap sounds lovely.”

“That, it does. But pasta salad surely contains fewer calories. And you can never be too healthy,” I said, slyly eyeing both the pasta and the wrap. I noticed the cafeteria lady’s face become a deep scarlet, clashing horribly with her light hair.

“What shall it be, then?” the woman spoke, her voice growing rougher.

“Patience is a virtue,” I said softly, signalling her with my two fingers to wait a few moments.

After a few minutes of looking deeply at the two types of food, I heard the cafeteria server cough, a cough that surely meant hurry-your-ass-up-or-I-will-not-hesitate-to-kick-that-ass-of-yours.

“You know what,” I said, smiling brightly at her, my mouth split open to reveal my numerous rows of teeth. “I’ll just take an apple.”

Her eyes opened wide with disbelief and rage. Her hand clutching the spoon now shook unevenly. She opened her mouth, about to say something, but I merely cut her off by waving and walking to the end of the line. Willow burst into a fit of giggles as she watched me walk away with a grin shown on my lips. When I got to the end of the line, I grabbed an apple from the top of the pile, making sure not take any bruised ones. I only enjoy my food hard and delicious. And as I process that through my mind, I realize how dodgy it sounds.

After grabbing a decent piece of fruit and a can of coke, Willow and I made our way to the table Damien was situated at. Shaun must’ve arrived when me and Willow were in the line, seeing as he and Damien were now enthralled in deep conversation, their heads bent together.

“….I couldn’t stop moaning, man!” Shaun practically shouted to Damien, his eyes lit up in pure exhilaration.

“Having a charming conversation boys?” I asked as I slipped into the empty seat across from Damien. Willow snorted as she took the seat next to me, slamming her tray onto the table.

Shaun’s face immediately turned to match the delicate surface of a rose. His eyes lowered to his lap, and his fingers twisted together in nervousness. I raised an eyebrow at him, but decided to not push him any farther; he’s had enough humiliation for one day. Of course, Willow didn’t share the same thoughts as me.

“Talking about the dorm party from last night, Shaun?” Willow asked, taking a bite out of her pasta.

He looked up to glare slits at her. “In fact, I was.”

Shaun had been considered a close friend of mine since I started Leaderton. He started however, near the same time Willow and Damien did. He’s a down right party beast who will take the chance to act wild and psychotic whenever give the opportunity. However, despite his actions, he was probably one of the most laid back guys when it came to conversation.

“Everyone knows you were receiving numerous amounts of hand jobs at Coleman’s party,” Willow said giving Shaun an accusing look.

“Give the guy a break,” Damien said, defending his friend. “The whole school population knows how insane Jack Coleman’s parties get.”

Willow shrugged. “They are indeed, but you don’t see me jacking off with some random pervert.”

I looked at her and let out a bark of sudden laughter. “That’s not what I witnessed last night.”

Willow threw her crumpled napkin at me with a polluted glance. I quickly swapped it with my hand, sending it floating airily to the filthy cafeteria floor. Without a word, Shaun stood up.

“I’m going to get more food,” he said, heading to the cafeteria line which was situated across from their table.

The three of us grunted in response, munching on our own untouched food. As my teeth dug into the firm and luscious fruit, I couldn’t help but feel a sudden pleasure ripple through my body. My mouth, which had been dry and metallic during the previous class, now was full of sweet moisture which caressed my tongue significantly. I closed my eyes in savoury, enjoying every bite…

“Only Kiera is capable of getting turned on by fruit,” a deep voice said from behind me.

My eyes shot open in shock as I jumped highly in my seat. A shout of laughter was heard, and I turned my head to affront the person who had made the idiotic remark. Standing behind me, his toned arms clutching his stomach tightly from his unending laughter, was Rune.

“Honestly,” I said, rolling my eyes and sending a defined nudge to his durable abs.

“Chill,” he said, taking a seat beside me. As soon as he was seated, he grabbed a fistful of fries from his stacked plate and shoved them carelessly into his mouth. I stared at him in disbelief and fascination.

“Do you need to eat so….maniacally?” I asked, my extensive eyes never leaving his overly-stuffed mouth, which showed portions of discoloured and half eaten food.

“I do if I want to make football try-outs,” he replied, never ceasing to shove another edible article into his mouth.

I shook my head lightly, and looked down at my half eaten Red Delicious. I failed to comprehend how Rune’s past with myself didn’t seem to change how he acted towards me presently. It was as if he hadn’t done anything, or wasn’t affected by it in any manner. As if his pride remained unharmed and fully refurnished.

“New kids are extreme tools,” Shaun said as he returned to the table with a newly made chicken wrap placed in the centre of his plate.

I looked up from my apple to stare at him in confusion. “What the hell are you going on about?”

He picked at his wrap, taking out the bits of lettuce which I knew he disliked immensely. “There’s a new kid. He was standing behind me in line. After I took the last chicken wrap, he looked as if he were ready to either rant a fit at me or possibly start bawling.”

New kid. Once again, the words seemed to seep through my mind artfully. “I’m sure you’re over-exaggerating, Shaun.”

He shook his head while taking a small bite from his wrap. “Not at all.”

Without a reply, I looked up to wander my eyes around the room once again. As they passed over the faces of numerous amounts of students, they suddenly landed on one in particular, sitting a few tables away from mine. His eyes were also studying the cafeteria’s cluttered atmosphere. However, unlike mine, his oceanic eyes appeared nervous, almost intimidated. I watched attentively as his pasty fingers moved to reach his head of scarlet tousled hair. Leon. As his tense eyes landed on mine, I bounded off of my chair without any faltering.

“What are you doing?” Willow asked from beside me, her voice sounding inquisitive yet insensible.

Without replying to her question of curiosity, I walked towards Leon who was making his way leisurely to an empty cafeteria table. His eyes caught me approaching, and a peculiar expression flashed across his face. Almost as if…he dreaded my company. I offered him a dazzling beam, which showed how genuinely elated I was to see him. His face seemed to relax as I drew nearer to him, my heart pounding callously with every step I took.

“Leon!” I yelled, as neared him.

“Hey Kiera,” he said, sounding almost relieved. “What’s up?”

“Got no one to sit with?” I asked, more in odd excitement than sympathy.

“Well, you know, it’s fine, I’ll just-”

Before he was able to finish his protesting sentence, I blurted out a rush of words. “Come sit with us!”

I could feel my cheeks tightening remarkably as my smile grew wider with eagerness. He sighed once, studying my face.


If it were physically possible, I was sure my smile would’ve grown eminently in size.

I gestured him with a swift move of my finger, to follow me. He obliged, walking in stride with me to my table. I couldn’t help but notice the features on his face turning into tranquility. His shoulders which were once high with tenseness now seemed to slump in comfortableness.

When we reached the table, Willow, Rune, Shaun and Damien sent me looks of pure repugnance and expressions which read: what-the-hell-were-you-thinking. Leon collapsed down on the empty seat next to me, placing his tray down on the table. His eyes never left his cup of coffee, which he deliberately brought up to his lips.

“Ah shit!” he spat, a pained and flustered expression crossing his face. Everyone at the table turned to look at him in bemusement.

“You okay?” Damien asked, his tone repugnant.

“Yeah, fine,” he replied. “Burnt my tongue on the coffee.”

Everybody looked at him with identical blank stares perched on their faces. And as fast as the vacant looks appeared, they disappeared into laughter. I looked at the people at my table with disbelief and infuriation. Leon automatically looked like he would be no happier than to leap up from this table and run until he reached the possible end of the Earth.

“Shut the fuck up, you guys,” I scolded. “Don’t be so bloody cruel!

“Apologies, Your Highness,” Rune replied sarcastically. “Forgive us for laughing without your consent.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You ‘kay?” I asked him, feeling a surge of sympathy.

“Yeah, I’m all good,” he said, taking a bite of cheese on toast. “I’ll live.”

“Okay, everyone, this is Leon. Leon you already know most of the guys here. Rune, Shaun, Willow and Damien,” I announced, pointing at each one as I said their names. I noticed with great satisfaction that everyone waved in return. “And I’m Kiera. But, of course, you know that already.”

I smiled once again at him with slight hysteria shown in my voice. He was doing it again. Pondering me, almost trying to decipher me with those aquatic eyes of his. Their blue irises seemed to grow darker, like an aquamarine sea suddenly growing gloomier with an approaching storm.

He seemed to appear in mid thought, so I resorted to becoming engrossed in a conversation with Willow and Damien.

“So, where were you during that party last night?” Willow asked, her eyebrows arching. “I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“Well, I was with Dale at some point,” I said, looking down.

Damien laughed loudly. “Dale? The nerd-tron?”

I groaned at his invented name. “Yes, that one.”

“He was showing her his light saber,” Willow said as her and Damien burst into a fit of giggles.

“L-Light S-Saber? Is that meant to be an analogy?” Damien asked, hardly containing his laughter.

I buried my face into my hands. “The sad part is, it isn’t.”

Damien snorted. “You encounter such deformed guys.”

“It’s not my fault I attract odd species,” I said in defense. “Besides, I get my good share of decent men as well.”

Willow grunted beside me. “What about Billy the Perspired? Wasn’t he practically living off of you last night?”

I felt my throat tighten considerably fast as I felt a gag rising. “Euch! He smelled revolting. It was as if he consumed a heard of rats, and they all decayed in his body! I tell you, the kid practically reeks of death and decay.”

Damien and Willow shot me looks of pure disgust. “Eating over here.”

I sighed. “Sorry. But I did give him a hint of how bad his scent was.”

“What did you say?” Willow asked.

“Well he was practically inhaling a slice of pizza at the time. He kept on sniffing it. Almost pleasurably,” I said shivering at the memory.

“Like you were doing with that apple earlier?” Willow said with a grin.

I sent her a glare as I went on with my story. “So he was like ‘I love the smell of pizza. It’s so fresh and arousing.’ Then he asked me what my favourite sent was, as lame a question as it was.”

“Then what did you say?” Damien said, edging me on.

“...and so I said ‘I just adore roses',” I concluded and burst into a fit of the giggles. “He then proceeded to sniff his own shirt and walk away.”

I heard a harmonic laughter sound beside me. Instantly, I turned my head to face Leon, whose eyes were crinkled in mid-laughter. They were no longer tense, but fully composed and amused. I felt myself laughing along to his laughter, finding it surprisingly contagious.

After our fit of laughter, I once again found myself joining in conversation with Damien, Willow, Shaun and Rune. I noticed with great disappointment that Leon didn’t include himself much in our chatter. He did, though, look pretty content with where he was. After we ended our conversations, Rune spoke directly to Leon.

“So, how are you liking Leaderton, Leon?”

Leon’s expression turned into one of stone; almost thoroughly blank. It was as if he couldn’t process the question Rune just asked. After a few moments, Leon seemed to gain his composure…or as some people may say, returned to Earth.

“It's okay, I suppose. The food isn't that great and the rooms are a bit small but apart from that it's not too bad.”

Rune continued to stare attentively at him before popping out with another question. Leon looked as if he were a victim in a court case, which I could hardly blame him for.

“You like English?”

“I love English. Hate the teacher, love the subject.”

At this point, I wanted to let out the blurb of laughter which was etching its way up my throat. Leon’s unhesitant honesty seemed to polish his personality even more. Averagely, the new kid is most likely to lie and say that he or she absolutely adores his whole atmosphere--teachers, subjects, rooms etc—to appear as if he or she is confident and not intimidated. Leon however, impressed me immensely after his unfeigned answer. And of course, who doesn’t assume that Cotton’s a down right git?

However, Rune did not seem as impressed with Leon’s answer. His eyes which were once interested now flickered with resentment. At noticing this, Leon looked on guard, ready to defend his answer at any moment possible.

“You hate the teacher?” Rune said, more so like a statement.

“Yeah,” Leon replied. “And the feelings seem to be mutual as well.”

“You hate Cotton?”

I swear, Rune was acting as if someone told him he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

“That’s what I said.” Leon’s face remained as still as a frozen pond during winter.

I could feel Willow rustle beside me; the awkward tension seemed to be spreading out to everybody around the table. Damien had a smirk on his face, eager to see how this conversation will lead on. Shaun’s face was drenched in complete nervousness, and Willow’s appeared deeply concentrated on what Rune and Leon were saying.

I noticed Rune’s face deepening in colour; his breathing seemed to be increasing as his chest continued to rise up and down hastily. Assuming this outcome would not be pleasant, I decided to step in and save Leon some of his self-esteem.

“You got anything planned for free period?” I blurted, leaning lightly on my arm to face Leon. At my words, Rune immediately snatched his daggering glare from Leon to the clock which was located on the cafeteria wall.

“I’m thinking of trying out for football,” he said a minuscule smile appearing on his face.

I was about to reply in encouragement, when a fulminating scream pierced my ears. Everyone, including myself, turned to look at Rune who impetuously bounded from the table, pure aggravation displayed on his features, and stomped away from the cafeteria.

“I’m thinking he doesn’t like me all that much,” Leon said. “What did I say?”

“Well,” I began, “I'm not sure what was with the whole Cotton scenario but he's the captain of the football team. He's afraid of competition, I think. You any good?”

“Guess so,” Leon said, trying to appear modest. “I mean, my coach in high school told me I had talent for it.”

“Well a word of warning,” I said, bending my head closer to his, feeling his scent crawl over my nostrils. “Don't try too hard. He won't be very happy at all. He has some temper on him.”

Leon looked extremely appreciative at my words.

“Just make sure you try hard enough to get picked but not hard enough to humiliate him. He could potentially make this place a living hell for you. God knows he's done it enough for other people who got on the wrong side of him,” I said, finishing my advice.

After the words left my mouth, I could feel the muscles on my face drop as I felt myself become filled with a sudden sadness. Leon seemed to notice as well, as his sapphire eyes glowed with pity.

Feeling myself fill with embarrassment at my obvious troubled appearance I spoke two final words before getting up from the table. “Good luck.”

I left the table after, swiftly making my way through the packed room, but not before hearing a low “thanks,” coming from behind me.

Never, in my life was I intimidated by a human presence. Never did I once care how I acted around a person, never mind a guy. Leon was different. And I had yet to find out if it was in a good way or a dangerous way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am terribly sorry for the wait! I thank you guys and Ryan for being patient while I wrote this. This took me a while to write. (it's actually the longest chapter I've ever written for any of my stories). I hope you enjoy it!

Your comments mean everything to us. :]