Rock And Roll

When you die

Chapter 11 **Heavens Not a place that you go when you die.**

I woke up in a hospital bed with about 10 people in the room. I felt fine, I sat up and everyone gasped. “SHES FINE!” Val shouted. I looked to my left Iris was in bed hooked up to oxygen. Drew sat in a chair next to her, his head in his hands. The doctors checked my arms and legs one more time and let me get up, I only had a few bruises and scratches. Beckett held me in his arms,
“I thought you were dead..” He whispered.
“You were the last person I saw, I woulda died happy.”
He sighed and told me what happened.
When Iris and I were standing there the blonde showed up and rammed into us. We rolled into the street, Iris had tried to get up but she stumbled in front of me. The car hit her first, the heat I felt was my legs under the car, truth was, the engine coulda burned my legs off. The car backed up in reverse and that’s when Beckett had came over.
Iris had a few broken ribs, besides that she’d be fine. But she hadn’t woken up yet. We spent the rest of the night at the hospital, at 3 in the morning Iris opened an eye, I was the only one awake. I saw her and shouted,
She shook her head with a smirk and sat up. “I thought I really died.”
Drew woke up and sighed in relief. We called a doctor in and he said Iris could go if she stayed in bed for the next 3 days. We all walked out of the hospital and onto the tour bus.
So we played 2 shows without Iris, but a month later and 25 shows that were killer. We were back in New York. We stepped off the bus in the middle of Times Square, Iris and I jumped up and down in joy thankful to be home. Beckett stepped off the bus he looked around, he loved New York, but it wasn’t his home. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, I kept my arms around his neck and he put his arms around me waist. I put my head on his shoulder,
“Stay here with me…please..”
He rested his head on mine,
“On one condition..”
I looked up at his face.
“And that would be?”
He pulled out a little box from his pocket and shock washed over me. Everyone was standing around us, **There’s no fucking way this is happening..**
I watched his bandana-ed knee reach the floor as he opened the box.
“I’ll stay in New York… If you’ll be Mrs. Beckett.”
No one breathed and I felt like every car stopped moving around us. I flew into his arms.
“Yes. With out a doubt.”

Beckett moved to New York and A Silent Gasp went on tour with The Academy Is. Death Can Dance were taking a break and Drew tagged along on our tour bus. But he swore on his life that he wouldn’t touch Iris’ bass again. Iris and I finally got rid of that blonde as we chased her down the streets of Times Square screaming… “HOPE YOU LIKE HAVING HAIR LIKE ADAM LAZZARA’S!!!”. Our lives had totally changed, Drew proposed to Iris on a stage on front of 100,000 people, on the last day of our tour with The Academy is. Val got to be in a violin performance on Broadway, it added more fame to her name. Kaitlyn, well she didn’t wanna give up her life of partying but she found a guy that would take her seriously…and not eat her breakfast. This was the best year of our whole career and If I could live it all over again. Heck Yes, I would.

**Its that moment in life when you actually feel alive.**