‹ Prequel: Princess Crashing Down

Prince In Distress

Chapter 7

I was sitting on the edge of the fountain, as usual. I usually never came until it was pitch black, but I had nowhere to go, right now.
There weren'y any surprises either. No Isabella. No phnoe calls. I was able to drift away into my own mind.
I still hadn't gotten any more sleep, so I rested my head onto the cement. It was about time I sorted things out.
My little fits at school were already forgotten. I really don't care what kind of punishment I'll be getting when I return to school in the morning -if I even go.
Josh was probably regretting his little jokes for once in his life. He actually liked my dad, he was just a natural showoff. I looked around a few times, making sure Josh wouldn't magically appear just because I'm thinking about him.
I put my head back down and started thinking again.
The pain from my dad was just a numb feeling, now. I could easily ignore it, but I still had my mom to deal with. I know I love her, but something just went wrong within the past five years that turned her into someone I didn't even know anymore. She drove me crazy.
I heard someone yell from across the park, so my head popped up to see if it was Josh. It wasnt, so I buried my head back into my arms, hoping no one chould see me, but now I was thinking about Josh, again. The kiss was haunting me. Maybe it was just my brother getting into my head. He's just a crazy person in the crazy house. How would he know if I were gay or not?
Then there's Isabella. I didn't even want to be near her today, but just last night she was the only person in the world who I could tell anything to. I almost thought I loved her, but now I know I was probably just on the rebound from losing the love of my father. It seems like I only have the ability to love one person at a time. Now that my dad's gone, I don't know who to turn to.
I closed my eyes really tight and felt a headache coming on.
Then, some blurry image was appearing in my thoughts.
Dillon Viota was pointing the gun right at Sal Rolden's heart. Dillon was screaming something about staying away from someone, then a shady picture of Isabella's face came out from the background.
I sat up as quick as I could and started rubbing my eyes.
That's what she meant about it being all her fault. Dillon was obviously protecting Isabella from Sal, but why?
I tried resting again, but I was too restless.
I got up and ran straight home to look up the school directory online.

I crashed around nine at night and woke up around six because of my mom, again. I finally had gotten a good night's sleep.
I jumped up and threw my clothes on, running right past my mom. This time I grabbed some cookies off the counter.
"You can't eat those for breakfast."
"I'm really in a rush, mom. I have to talk to you later anyways. Bye."
I kissed her cheek and slammed the door behind me. I want to find out why she's so mean, now and what she has against my brother later, so I can't be rude back to her now.
I wasn't going to school. I was going to talk to someone that might be ale to help me. I'm not really sure who, yet, but I'll find out soon.
I stopped in front of a door and rang the bell.
"Hell-o?" A tall, dark haired kid around my age answered.
"Hi. Um. Do you know Sal Rolden?" I hit my forehead. "Sorry. Of course you do. This is his house."
He looked at me strange, but didn't leave. "If you're looking for my brother, he's not here."
"I know. I just kind of wanna know a little more about why."
"Why he's not here?"
He growled and turned away to close the door in my face, but I caught it with my hand.
"I really wanna know."
"Why should I tell you. I don't even know who the hell you are."
"I was there."
"Then, why do you wanna know anything?"
"Because I can't remember it."
"You're lucky, then. I wish everyday that I didn't remember it."
"You were there?"
"Of course. I was at school that day."
"Why aren't you at school now?"
"Why aren't you?"
"I don't play by the rules much." I scratched the back of my head.
"Well, I dropped out all because of that day. It ruined everyone's lives."
"I know the guy."
He just looked at me.
"Dillon Viota. The one who shot him."
"He cringed at the word, but he slightly opened the door some more.
"I guess we could talk."
"Great. Thanks." I walked in and just kept following him down a hall. I didn't ask any questions, but I was dying to know where were going.
"This was his room."
"Oh." I stayed really quiet.
We've kind of left it the way it was, other than some dusting or cleaning here or there.
"Oh. Why are we in here?"
"This is pretty much where it all started."
"I don't know if you know her, but Isabella Marcc-"
"Wait! Isabella?" I was eager for more information.
"You know her?"
"Well, let's get it into the air right now that I think this is all her fault. I blame her."
"She blames herself, too."
"Oh." He seemed bothered by it.
"So, what does Isabella have to do with him?"
"They were together."
"Like, dating?"
"As far as I know, they only went on one date."
"Yeah. They ended up in this bad, which is what drove Dillon Viota mad."
"Are you serious?" I was bursting. I didn't know how much more I could handle knowing.
"Yeah. They got in this big fight a while after, then the next morning-"
"That's why he looked all beat up!"
"Uh. Yeah."
"My entire memory was becoming clearer and clearer."
"If you wanna know any more, I'd recommend asking someone at the station for security footage of the shooting."
"Can you really do that?"
"Yeah, I think."
"Welcome, but you know you don't have to leave right yet. You know, if you were planning on skipping school anyway."
"Uh. Sure, yeah."
"Let's just get out of this room, though."
"Oh. Ok. Yeah."
He brought me to his room.
"Wanna play any games? I have football."
"I don't play that often, I might suck."
"That's ok."
I laughed. "Sure, then."
All he had to do was turn on the console. I guess he plays a lot.
Right before tha gme finished loading, he looked over to me.
"Actually, I haven't used it in forever. I'm gonna suck, too."
We both started laughing.
The game started and we both fumbled about 10 passes. I was just about to throw the virtual ball, when he completely stopped playing. He zoned into the play and was waiting for me to throw it.
"Can you make it, man?" He said with his eyes never leaving the screen.
"I don't know."
"Well, go!"
I chucked the ball over what seemed like a thousand yards, then it finally flew over the goal.
"Yeah!" We both exploded.
We kept whooping and laughing, until he high-fived me and closed his hand over mine. He came close to my face and he started kissing me.
My mind was racing like crazy. I put my hands on his hips and kissed him back.
He pulled away and looked at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
For anyone who's been reading this story. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written, but here's an awesome chapter for you. I promise to write again, soon.