Status: Chapter 4 is Being RE-WRITTEN! and then I'm re -write chapter 5..I didn't like the both of them.

Cross My Heart And Hope To Lie

I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret


“Welcome to Hollywood Central. I’m Nicole Simmings your host.” Cheers erupted from the audience as a small smile formed on my lips. My right hand went up to my dark brown hair and brushed away the bangs that had gotten in my eyes. I couldn’t think about the one thing I was going to say. This one secret of mine I hope that they will never find out. But that’s it they would never find out. I won’t let them find out. Letting out a deep breath I readied myself to tell the millions of viewers watching the latest ‘Celebrity Gossip’ . “Well thank you everyone . Really the love in the room is overwhelming.” I crowd replied with cheeky bright smiles. “You won’t believe the latest news I have for you. Trust me you won’t” And sadly they did trust me. They trusted me to tell them the truth. They wanted me it talk about the big mistakes. Like the people with the fame must be perfect. It sickens me to hear that people out there are outraged with a celebrity’s mistake. It’s like they never make mistakes.

Clearing my throat I began to talk again. “Blake Lively, ,yes my dear friend and cousin Blake has heard the rumor that she is engaged to her six month boyfriend Chace Crawford,” My bright blue eyes studied the crowd for a quick second. The expression their faces held were filled with curiosity. “I am here to tell you the truth.”


“And the truth is that rumor is not true. She personally told me that they still are in any early stage in their relationship for her to be engaged.” Actually the truth is she is engaged but she plans on keeping it down low for about a year or so passes and with me talking about how it’s not true it will stay secret until they are ready to start planning the wedding and go public with the fact she’s engaged. Now you probably have the impression I’m this big liar. Right? I thought so. I may seem like one. But I’m not. I try with all the power I have to keep celebrities private life’s private. I do tell my viewers the truth every now and then. I know your probably don’t believe me. And you’re thinking that everything I’m saying is a lie but really it’s not. Think about it this way. Put yourselves in their position. Where you need to watch who you befriend because someone could be using you, where you need to be careful of what you say or do and what you eat has to be fat free or almost always salad to keep your figure nice. Who ever you date is never a secret and your life can’t stay private. What you wear has to always be cute and if it’s not comfortable at least you look good. Paparazzi never leave you alone. Life for them if harder then it seems. Look at me I’m in their position and I try my hardest to give them some type of privacy at least so they feel a bit normal again.

But the worst part of all they all expect you to be perfect to not make mistakes. I think when your mistake is easy to fix there isn’t a point in trying to help you. If you’re dating someone who is way to old for you I won’t lie I’ll just give every one my thoughts on it. I understand it’s their life but still my opinion is always wanted from people when it comes to couples . But the worst part is nothing is kept private sooner or later people will find out and then the news will spread like wildfire. And every day I worry that my secret will be told and all the hard work I’ve done to keep things private will be for nothing. But I try to keep things private putting a lie or two out there isn’t as bad as it seems. When people can trust you with things like their secrets or when they can come to you for advice . It’s nice to know that I’m considered one of their closest friends.

Every single day I get a call from someone that I had lied for saying thank you and that they weren’t ready for the press to find out about that one thing. I love my life and all but sometimes I wish I mean I really wish I didn’t have to lie to my audience and the one thing I wanted the most would be the fame I had.
You see when I was seventeen I had planned to try to get a record deal with Hollywood Records. Then I would become the newest Disney star. That people looked up to. But my mother never really cared about my dreams. She only cared about the money. And being a stripper she really needed the money. Plus I was an accident baby. One night she had sex with some douche bag ,and the next thing she knows she’s pregnant with me. Then when I get all this fame I also got the money and she just doesn’t want to give up. Thinking that I should let her handle my bank account., that’s like saying superman is gay and trees are monsters. Mainly she thinks I’m stupid and I would let her . But knowing her oh so well she would take very last penny in that account and run off to god knows where. So I moved as far away as I could from her I moved to Los Angeles. All the way across the country, what else was I supposed to do?

The sad part is I have a really good voice. The night I was scheduled to meet a scout was the night the house I lived in caught on fire. So I never got to . Now I know I have all this fame I can get a record deal in a second. But that really isn’t trying I want to work hard for it not just say get me a record deal and I instantly get it. That isn’t right. People out there would do anything to just get a chance for their voices to be heard. I smiled a fake smile as I said my last few words to the crowd.
“The show must come to an end today ladies and gentle men but I have some news. A Disney artist will be coming onto the show next week to talk about their new album and how the tour is going. Sadly I do not know who this star is . So tune in next week to find out who this person is. Thanks for watching Hollywood Central I’m you host Nicole Simmings and tune in next time for the latest gossip and latest interviews.”
That’s a wrap . The lie had ended just for a while. Just for a day or two. But it will go on until someone finds out. Until everyone knows.
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