Can Dreams Become Reality?

Chapter One

Gerard P.O.V

Why does life have to suck so much? especially MINE! Why is it my life which everything bad happens too! I was 16 yesterday, your probably thinking whats wrong with having a birthday, birthdays are great, you get presents and have big parties. But my birthday wasn't like that, mine bought back horrible memories of last years birthday party.

My brother Mikey and some of our friends decided to throw one of the biggest parties every for me. I thought it was really nice of them and couldn't wait till the night because it was going to be so good. They said they had only invited our friends so I was chuffed! They had also invited my girlfriend, Laura. We'd been going out quite a while then, a month or two, and we were getting on great. I remember thinking to myself how amazing she was going too look. So everything was set up at our house that night, food and drinks and our friends started to pile in. It had been half an hour and Laura still hadn't came, i started to wonder where she might be but the guys assured me that she would be there soon and that I had nothing to worry about. Ten minutes later, Laura arrived. She looked stunning, I couldn't believe I was with someone so beautiful as her. I ran other to her and gave her a kiss. I loved her so much, I was so lucky having her, but there was always doubt that she might not really like me or was using for some reason but I always tried to push those horrible thoughts out of my head. Anyway, the music was blaring and everyone was dancing and drinking. There was so many people there, I couldn't even see who was there or not, or who was coming in. I was gettting bored of the music playing so I ran up the stairs to my room to get a different CD. Thats when my birthday turned into the worst one ever. Laura was in MY bed with the schools most popular and most horrible boy. I couldn't believe it they were in MY bed!!! I couldn't believe Laura could do this to me, I really loved her, I'd told her before about the popular kid, he's name is Max, I'd told her how he'd always call me names and pick on me because I'm different and now she is in MY bed with him! Then she turned around smiling, she said that she'd only been with me to hurt me and that her and Max had been together all along. I told them to get out of my house and shut the door behind them, sliding down it crying.

Tears are running down my face now just remembering it now. School has just got worse since then. I get picked on more because I look different to everyone with my jet black hair and dark black eyeliner. All the popular kids think its funny how I got used by Laura and laugh at me whenever I pass them. The only thing I good at, at school is Art, everything else I suck at! Apart from singing, but I don't think I'm anything special, even though my mates think my voice is really good. No one talks to me apart from Mikey and my best mates Frank, Matt and Ray.

Speaking of Frank, I think I will go have a chat with him, I need some comforting right now and Mikey's sleeping so I can't talk to him.


Pressing the button I hear the doorbell ring in Franks house. I hear stamping from someone coming down the stairs. Thank God he's in!