Can Dreams Become Reality?

Can I Do That?

Frank's P.O.V

After shoving Gerard into the lockers, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, although for all he's done he doesn't deserve to be forgiven, but its been 2,1/2 weeks now, surely he's going through hell, what am i gonna do without my misfits buddy? We used to love rocking out to them in Gerard's bedroom....

Gerard is just sitting across the table from me and i'm not sure wether to tell him that i want him to be my misfits buddy again..... although i'm still pretty pissed at him for trying to fuck my girlfriend.....

Errrm... Gerard, look, dude i'm really sorry 'bout all the shit i've been giving you lately, i can't cope rocking out to The Misfits on my own, it just ain't the same ya'no? You gotta promise me you ain't gonna fuck any more of my future girlfriends ok? i'm still pretty pissed, but i'm giving you this one chance ok dude?

"woah, dude you kidding me? Course it ain't the same, you were making me depressed, i was just worried that you were never gonna talk to me again.... you were worrying me man!!! You got over that bitch Katrina yet? Oh yeah about that, i won't do that, if you have non-whore-ish girlfriends! I swear i won't fuck up, again....promise"

Yeah, no worries dude, when's the next misfits rock out? *laughs* You knew that we were gonna talk again right? Yeah that whore can fuck off, we've spoke and i've already told her what i think of her and we're well and truly over, no worries man...

"Cool, glad we're mates again Frank, I've missed ya to be honest! Glad that slapper has gone, she was causing trouble between us... You can come over afterschool if you want, we could talk it out."
Gotta run off to band practise, Pencey Prep are getting big, we aim to get into battle of the bands this year in NJ, Gotta perfect our best song, 'Yesterday' .. We gotta win this, i heard Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Matt were forming a band.... that's cool, we could exchange song parts and stuff, i suppose...
After our little 'chat' i felt more at ease and that i no longer had to avoid Gerard in the hallways, and now all i have to do is focus on getting a girl and making sure Gerard doesn't try to sleep with her either! Unless... Laura? Could I be that mean?