Can Dreams Become Reality?

How Could He?!

Gerard P.O.V

Frank had asked me earlier to go to his house after school so I'm just dropping my bags home and picking up some music. It really is great being friends again, we've came up with some really amazing music! He asked me to be there at 4.30PM but I'm so bored I'm going to go there earlier, give him a little surprise!

I picked up some CD's and DVD's and ran out into the entrance of our house.

"Going Frank's now Mikey!!"I shouted into the living room where Mikey was humming some tunes.

"Okay, see you later, have fun!"Mikey yelled back. I'm so glad I have Mikey as a brother, he really is the greatest brother anyone can have! We never really fight, it rips!

I stepped out into the frosty air of New Jersey, the weather always sucks round here. I shivered all the way down the street and around the corner to Frank's house.

As I just turned the corner I could faintly see someone coming out of Frank's door. I couldn't really see who it was so walked further up his road. Oooo Its a girl! Wow, Frank gets girls fast, he's only just got over Katrina and he's already had another girl at his house! My happiness for Frank didn't last long though. It was Laura....

"Why the hell have YOU been at Frank's house?!"I said, talking really close to her face.

"Well, let me say that Frank is alot "bigger" than you!"She said walking off giggling.

"You've....You've slept with him!!"I said, hardly believing what she just said.I wasn't that small.....Now I'm all safe concious....

"Yeh it was great, he loved it, he pleaded for me to stay, looks like your bestfriend would rather have sex than keep his friend!"She said with a huge smirk on her face.

Oh my god. Frank actually slept with her, he knows how crap I felt after I found out she used me, how could he!!!I just wanted to go back to my house and run in my bedroom but I had to confront Frank. I slowly walked up the steps still not getting to terms with what that evil slut just said. I punched the door hard until I heard Frank coming to the door.

"Hey ya Geee, how are y.."

"How could you Frank!!!!! You know I was so upset after what she did to me. I know you wanted revenge or too hurt me but doing that, thats going way to far. I can't believe you would do this to me Frank."I bellowed, stoping him mid-sentence.

"Oh shit...Gerard I'm sorry, I didn't mean just happened, I don't love her or anything." He said, he wasn't a bit sorry, you could hear in his voice that he was just coming out with whatever shit came into his head. He had done this purposely to hurt me.

"Frank, I know you are lying, you did it for revenge, you wanted to hurt me, I understand but doing that, thats just unbelievable, how more lower could you of got!" I said, tears of anger and tears of sadness from the memories I had remembered of me and Laura together started cascading down my face. I started to run, I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running....