Can Dreams Become Reality?

What Have I Done?

Frank's P.O.V

I saw Gee running, and i knew it wasn't good, news... Shit! Laura, why do all the girls i date, have to be associated with Gerard? It seems as if i always break his heart, even though i'm his best friend, not his goddamn lover!


i saw Gerard run around the corner of my street and i knew, just knew that i would nver see him again, i just had this feeling... i just fucked his EX-girlfriend, who broke his heart the first time around, by cheating on him ...! I knew i should have never invited her for 'coffee' it always ended up with sex.... always was and always will do.... i never should have trusted her, its all the same with these 'barbies' they get their fuck and then they move out onto someone else, someone ''fuckable'' they might as well be called prostitutes! - Except they dont get paid for what they fuck.. which is unbelieveable, coz they could be millionaires!! Gerard was gone.... my one best buddy and i had managed to fuck it up! Well you could call it revenge, revenge felt good when i was ficking her! It sure hurts now knowing that ive blown my chance with Gerard, or was this how he felt when he did this to me? Things are so confusing, i'll have to wait and see what happens with him? Only time will tell what will happen... who knows, Gerard is an ultra-sensitive guy, did i blow it?