Can Dreams Become Reality?

Silently Weeping

Frank's P.O.V.
I remember this time last year, Gerard's party, I felt so bad for him, that Laura was a BITCH! I couldn't believe she done that to him, if she wasn't a girl i would have hit her! Hopefully this year's birthday was more happier for Gerard.... Come to think of it I haven't spoke to him yet, i should wish him happy birthday! Oh well will call him later, and come to think of it i should call Katrina too, she'll be wondering why i havent spoke to her today!

I'm so happy for Gerard.... going out with Laura i'd do anything to be going out with her! She is like the really popular girl here, and it sucks because Gerard's got her, bitch! It really sucks here because my parents have really fallen out at the moment and they argueing about me. I'm sitting all alone in my room trying to block the shouting out with my band's demos, i still haven't perfected the lyrics yet but anything is better than listening to my parentsdebating wether they want me to be 'emo' because my dad thinks i'm gonna start slitting my wrists and my mom knows me better. My dad is never at home, he's always out gettin drunk down at the pub, what does he care about my life anyway? My mom knows that i wear eyeliner and that gerard wears it too.... so shes fine with it, but dad is totally different and thinks that i am gay for wearing eyeliner... how wrong is he?? I really like this girl in school, she's emo too, she's into led zeppelin, which is cool but i'm really shy, i mite get Gerard or Ray to ask her out for me, depends how things go here.


Hang on, i hear my mom calling me...
Oh, Gerards at the door, will write later....