Can Dreams Become Reality?

Cheer Me Up

Gerard P.O.V

Frank opened the door to see a grumpy me. His face changed when he saw my face from being quite happy to sympathetic.

"Hey ya Gerard, come in, its pretty cold out there!" He said a concerned sound in his voice.

"Yeh, I was wondering when you were going to ask!" I replied sarchastically.

We ran up the Frank's bedroom and he turned of the blaring demos he was listening too. I sat down on the bed and lied my head on the pillow.

"Have a good birthday then??" He said trying to make me perk up a little bit.

"Na, I just kept getting bad memories from last years events.." I said keeping the same dull expression on my face. "How are you and Katrina then?"

"Oh, we are going really good but I need to call her she's probably wondering why I haven't already" Frank said but he looked a bit, I don't know how to describe, confused...maybe.

"Good....Frank I need a hug, man!!!! I feel like shit!!! Life can't get anyway worse!!" I said as I wrapped my arms around Frank. We were really close so if we randomly hug, it doesn't mean anything sexual!!

"It's Okay, I'm here for you Gee!!!, you will get another girl soon, you'll see!" His words echoed around my head, maybe I would, it would be great if I did. I placed my head on his shoulder thinking about how wonderful it would be to have a girl who loved me for me.