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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?


“No, it’s your fault, Andy!”

“My fault?” he shouted, incredulous, “How is it my fault?!”

“Same reason it’s MY fault!” Ren shouted, ignoring the others as they switched back to Andy for his rebuttal.


She screamed wordlessly, “I’m done with this!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration before turning on her heel and storming out.

“So,” Donny started, seemingly non-chalantly as Andy followed her out to the front lawn, “Who do’ll think will end it this time?”

They all shrugged and stood, walking to the garage door frame and standing, watching as Andy grabbed his girlfriend by the wrist and spun her around.

“Andy stopped ‘em the first two times,” Chris pointed out, “Ren the last three.”

Any arguments Andy and Ren had were solved about two to three hours later by a simple process – yell at each other about it, one persons gets pissed and gives the other the cold shoulder for about an hour or so, they fight again, one person storms off, other follows, one cuts the other off mid-sentence with a kiss that then turns into a makeup make out session. All problems solved.

“I bet Ren,” Chandler finally said.

Donny, Chris, and Trisha nodded in agreement.

Levon shook his head, “Nah, man, Ren’s really upset ‘bout this one. I bet Andy.”

“Agreed,” Levin, Sandra, and Seth chorused.

“Is that a bet?” Chandler questioned, smiling small, “Twenty each?”

“Deal,” Levon grinned wildly.

“You know what, you lying son of a bitch?!” Ren suddenly screamed, earning everyone’s attention as she balled her fists by her side, “You need–”

Andy suddenly wrapped his arms around her stomach, pulled her in, and interrupted her by firmly pressing his lips against hers, causing her anger to fade and body to grow limp.

“Yes!” Andy’s team cheered while the others groaned, “We won!”

“To die you bastard,” Ren finished breathlessly, eyes wide.

Andy grinned, obviously enjoying the fact his girlfriend couldn’t breathe properly due to him.

“Twenty!” Levon bellowed, laughing as Andy pulled her back in for more.
I smiled slyly as I hopped down the stairs, turning into the den, not at all surprised to see Levon, Levin, Chandler, and Donaven all sprawled out on the furniture.

“So,” I sang out, causing them to jump, startled, “Should I ask as to why you’re all just sitting around here, not even with the TV turned on, doing nothing or would I rather not know?”

“Don’t,” Levon groaned out, “Renny......I’m bored!”

I laughed and plopped down between the twins, shifting so my head was placed in Levon’s lap and my legs in Levin’s.

“Levy,” I groaned, mimicking him, “I’m sorry.”

He scolded and pushed my legs, “Shut up. Where’s Andy?”

I shrugged carelessly, “He, Chris, and Sandra had to go. Their manager called about an hour ago,” I explained, “Something about something with thing.”

“Wow, you are SO well informed,” Donny muttered lazily, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.

I shrugged again, grinning, “Shut up. Let’s watch a movie.”

“What movie?” Chandler questioned, opening his eyes to look at me.

“Uh, I dunno. Hey, where’s Seth?”

“Date,” they all chorused, “How about this movie Taken? Chris gave it to me,” Donny suggested.

I shot up, lifting my head from Levon’s lap with wide eyes.

‘Shit,’ I cursed in my head, a scowl crawlin onto my lips, ‘Damn that accursed man.’

I had watched that movie with Andy, Chris, and Sandra last week at their Hollywood mansion-home, and I was in Andy’s arms. By the end of the movie, both Andy and Chris were holding onto me so tight I swear I was gonna die of suffocation.

As soon as the credits rolled in they turned to me with wide eyes and practically yelled at me for five minutes on how I was never going to Europe even if I had my bandmates or even them with me as long as they lived while I just sat there, arms folded across my chest, pouting.

Sandra had set there, holding back laughs, and wearing a big shit-eating grin while I just glared back.

Finally, I shot back, “What about Sandra?”

They turned to her and she just laughed and Chris replied, “No one would mess with her. She’d kick their ass.”

I then glared at them all and Andy pulled me to my feet and into a hug before they switched the movie to a comedy.

“Uh, let’s – let’s not!” I said, ‘How about a comedy?”

They all turned to me, eyebrows raised, “What? You wanna pass up a thriller?” Chandler questioned.

I bit my bottom lip. I knew no matter what I said we were watching this movie.

“Damn, you Chris,” I muttered under my breath.

Before I left that night with Andy so he could take me home, I told them all specifically to NEVER give my bandmates that movie – I’ll never leave the house again.

Chandler took the movie and slid it into the DVD player and I shifted so my feet hit the floor, still in between the twins.

Donaven sat at my feet and Chandler sat in a lounge chair on the other side of Levin.

As soon as the movie started I reached forward and buried my hands in Donny’s soft blonde hair, running it through slowly, massaging his head.

I did it out of habit so no one said anything about it.

Half way through the movie I retracted my hand and slapped it on my hip where my phone was buzzing wildly.

“Be right back,” I mumbled, swinging my legs to avoid hitting Donny’s head.

I slipped my blackberry out of my pocket as I ran to the landing at the top of the stairs, leaning against the door that lead to the TV room, and pressed the green button.

“Hello?” I questioned since I didn’t check my caller I.D.

“Hey, Dawn.”

I couldn’t help but frown at the voice, Chris was the only one who called me by my middle name – ever since he found out what my full name was.

“Chris,” I muttered, still angry with him, “Fuck you, man.”

He laughed, “Fuck me? I don’t think Andy would like that very much.”

I could hear Andy groan irritably in the background, “Chris, you bastard, what’d you do to Ren now?”


I could see his grin through the damn phone.

“Liar!” I hissed quietly, heading back down to see where the movie was, “You gave Donny the movie!”

“Whoops,” he chuckled, “Did I do that?”

“Andy,” I groaned into the phone, “Punch him!”

Chris laughed again and began to fumble with the phone, putting it on speaker, I could hear his and Andy’s voices clearly now.

“What is so appealing about torturing my girlfriend?”

“It’s cute when she’s mad or when she whines.”


“Andy!” I spat, “Shut up!”

“It’s funny to see her complain,” Sandra admitted.

I hit my forehead with the heel of my hand,

“Damnit, Sandra–”

“I love you, Ren!” she called.

“I’m beginning to hate all of you.”

“Ouch,” Chris sucked in air between his teeth, “That hurts deep.”

Someone picked up the phone and clicked it off of speaker.

“Hey, baby,” Andy’s deep voice sounded.

“I hate your guitarist.”

“Aw, but he loves you,” he chuckled.

I scolded, “He gave Donny Taken, Andy!”

He burst out laughing, “Chris, you little fucker!”

“Andy! Hello? You’re supposed to be on my side!”

“Sorry, Ren,” he laughed, “You know I love you?”

“You’re SO lucky you’re an amazing kisser,” I sighed, before hanging up.

I trotted back over to my seat, not surprised to see Donaven there.

I plopped down at his feet, frowning.

I had walked back in at the part where the daughter was being auctioned off. in nothing but a gypsy costume and heavily drugged.

Chandler glanced over at me before tapping his knee.

I crawled over and he lifted me into his lap before turning back to the movie.

I felt my stomach drop – so much for going to Germany to visit, huh?


“So, we have come to a conclusion,” the twins said in unison as the credits rolled in.

All the guys turned to me, “You can never go to Europe.”

“Fuck you, Chris, fuck you,” I grumbled as I twisted the upper half of my body to face Chandler.

“But, c’mon, isn’t that a little extreme? What if we have a tour in Europe?”

“Then you can’t leave the hotel room after the show,” Donny replied simply, walking over to the DVD player.

I crossed my arms over my chest haughtily, “That’s not fair!”

They all shrugged, “Oh, well.”

I narrowed my eyes and sighed, just as my phone began to vibrate.

I dug in my pocket and glanced briefly at the caller I.D. before pressing the green button and placing it on my ear.

“Hey, Andy.”

“Hey,” I smiled at his exited tone, “Guess what?”

“You got a pet monkey and named it French Toast?”

My bandmates turned to me, both eyebrows raised and I just smiled back.

“What? No,” Andy replied, confused, making me giggle, “We’re auditioning for new band members. Our manager has a bass and another guitarist audition set up.”

I stood from Chandler’s lap, “That’s great. When are you holding them?”

“This Wednesday. Do you and your bandmates wanna come?”

My smile widened, “Lemme ask.”

I pulled back and covered the mouth speaker with my hand,

“Hey, you guys, Black Veil Brides is having an audition for their new bass and other guitarist, you wanna go? It’s this Wednesday.”

“Sure,” the twin answered, not taking their eyes off of the TV.

Donaven just nodded and Chandler shrugged one shoulder,

“Sure, but we have practice in the morning.”

I put the phone back to my ear and laughed, nodding,

“Yeah, that’d be great.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up?” Andy questioned through the phone the next morning as I busily ran around the kitchen.

“Yeah,” I replied, flipping my chocolate chip pancakes, “I don’t wanna leave the guys to find it by themselves, they won’t get there until it’s over. Plus we have to practice a little bit before we come.”

Andy laughed, “You don’t give them enough credit, Ren. I’m sure–”

“Ow!” I shouted, interrupting him mid-sentence and sucking on my burnt fingertip, “Shit!”

“What happened? Are you alright?”

I whimpered and ran over to the sink, scowling once it touched cold water,

“Nothing, I just burnt my finger,” I reassured him, “It was an accident. No biggie. I get them all the time.”

I could feel him roll his eyes, “Why do you cook all the time? Shouldn’t the guys cook too?”

I laughed aloud and ran back over to the oven, taking out the bacon and setting it on the stove before flipping the last pancake onto the platter and switching everything off,

“Pfft, are you kidding me?” I questioned, watching with a smile as Levin and Levon played with Transformers action figures, “Them cook?”

“They can’t?”

I giggled, “They once tried to cook me Thanksgiving dinner, since I cook for them so much, ya know? Well when I came home the turkey was on fire and we had to throw it out the window and into the pool and the stuffing had exploded in the pan and the pie imploded in the oven. They can never cook again. Not in MY clean kitchen”

“It was one time!” Donny huffed as they all looked over at me from the living room, “And it was Levin’s fault!”

“Yeah!” a chorus of agreements went up around the now fuming twin.

Andy laughed on the other line, “Well, it’s the thought that counts right?”

I shrugged, “Guys time to eat!” I called, walking back to the kitchen to wash my hands, “Andy, I think they want me gone.”

“Yes, we do!” Chandler said sarcastically from the dining room table, “So let us cook again. Food poisoning is for sure this time.”

I threw a pot holder at him, “Shut up! I actually like this house so no more cooking for you guys.”

They all rolled their eyes, “Well, I gotta go,” Andy chuckled, “I’ll see ya later, alright?”

“Okay, bye, babes.”

He chuckled once more before the line went dead.

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the right side of Chandler, smiling as they glared at me.

“We have a proposition for you,” Chandler started, pushing his empty plate away.

“Well, what is it?”

“You let us cook,” Chandler said, holding up a finger as I was about to protest, “For you. Dinner tonight. If it’s good we win, if it’s burnt and disgusting and the house catches on fire–”

“Then I get to murder you?”

“Then you win,” Donny said, rolling his eyes.

“What do I win?”

“We’ll do whatever you say for a whole month and then on tour.”

“What tour?”

“When we get that platinum chance, duh.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that, “Alright, deal.”

“Hey, you didn’t hear what would happen if we win!” Levon said.

I giggled and stood, shrugging, “It’s not like you will but alright, what would happen if you ‘win’?” I grinned, using air quotes.

“You have to wear dresses for a whole month AND on stage during tour for the whole tour.”

My face flushed, “What?! You know I hate dresses! I never wear dresses!”

“You did on that date with Andy!”

“You know I never wear dresses!” I repeated, hands on my hips.

“Well then, you have nothing to worry about, right?” Seth questioned, looking up at me through his lashes.

At first, I was taken aback that he was actually speaking to me but I just smiled and nodded, “Fine, you guys got yourself a deal.”


“So what’re you cooking for dinner?” I asked curiously after we had finished practice and put away all our equipment and loaded into the Escalade.

“We decided on your favorite dinner,” Donny replied, turning right onto the freeway.

I rose a brow, “Really? All of that?”

“Not like you can eat it all. That’s what we’re here for.”

I giggled, “Of course,” I leaned back in the passenger seat, “So you’re really going to ruin it for me? Damn.”

“Hardy-fucking-har,” Chandler spat sarcastically from the second row, looking up from his iPhone, “You’re a riot.”

“I do what I can,” I replied easily, “Donny, turn left.”

He obeyed and Levin spoke up, “So since you really don’t have any dresses we decided that you could go shopping for them with our credit cards when you lose.”

I laughed, “Me lose? Are you kidding me? I’ll have to jump up and help before five minutes is up.”

Levon smiled, “Who said you’ll be in the house?”

My eyes widened and I looked at them through the rear view mirror, “What? I’m not? Where am I suppose to go?”

“Stacy’s,” they all said in unison, “Andy’ll drop ya off then pick ya up.”

“How did you-?”

“Just got through txting him,” Chandler replied, putting his phone in his pocket, “He said he’ll drive you. Oh, and he wants you to lose.”

I straightened my back, “What? Why?!”

“He wants to see you in dresses,” he laughed, “Seeing as you don’t like them.”

“My boyfriend’s a jerk,” I grumbled as Donny finally parked the car.

“We like him.”

“We like him,” I mimicked in a high-pitched voice, opening my door and sliding out, arms folded after I slammed the door shut and walked into the building, eyes narrowed at nothing.

“Oops,” I heard Donny laugh, “Guess we put Andy in the doghouse, eh?”

I huffed and opened the door, letting the air conditioned breeze blow over me.

Andy said to meet him here and then we’d all enter into the audition stadium and help evaluate.

“Hey, baby,” I heard Andy’s voice call behind me.

I turned around, my eyes still narrowed, and frowned at him.

His face fell into confusion as I brushed past him and hugged Chris instead.

Chris began to laugh, “Whoa, what’d Andy do?”

I ‘hmphed’ and pulled away, walking down the hall with Sandra following, a smile planted on her lips.

Andy turned, confused, to face my bandmates and they all just grinned sheepishly,

“Sorry, man,” Levin chuckled, “Chandler told her about the txts.”

Andy hung his head and sighed, “Aw, shit. Ren! Wait! C’mon!” he yelled after me, taking off in a sprint.

A smile broke out on my face and I grabbed Sandra’s hand and took off in a run, breaking to the right away from Andy.

“You’re a good actress!” Sandra said as we ran down random hallways, going left and right in no real pattern, trying to lose Andy along the way.

“Thanks,” I smiled, pressing myself flat against a wall, forcing Sandra to do the same, “I try.”

She chuckled, “So how long are you gonna give Sixx crap about this?”

“Imma try to milk it as long as I can without getting him pissy,” I grinned. I then put one dark purple, self-manicured finger to my lips, “Now, shhh, he’s gonna catch me!”

Sandra rose a brow and I turned so my back was facing the entrance of the hall, “What?”

Suddenly she smiled wide, “What?” I questioned again.

“He just caught you,” Sandra said.

Before I could think, arms wrapped tightly around my waist and lifted me, making me squeal, “Let go!” I laughed, hitting the arms as they turned me around and started walking back the way we came, “Andy! No!”

He chuckled and shifted me, throwing me over my shoulder before I started hitting his back,

“Set me down! Andy!” I couldn’t stop laughing, “Andy!”

“Yes, baby?”

“Set. Me. Down!” I screeched, laughing afterwards when I spotted Sandra shaking her head and slowly taking out her iPhone.

My eyes widened, “Sandra, don’t you dare!”

“Don’t you dare what?” Andy questioned, turning and causing me to swivel so my butt was now the main point of the photo.

“Oh, picture, cool, hey Ren,” he lifted me and turned me on his shoulder so my face was now next to his, “Get your face in the picture.”

“I hate you,” I grumbled, “I hate both of you.”

“Smile,” Sandra sang giving us an evil grin before pressing the button.

Despite myself I had to smile as she took it and laughed as Andy turned around again and continued his walk back.

“You still mad?”

“How could you want me to lose?” I pouted, “Some boyfriend you are!”

He chuckled nervously, “I’m sorry, baby, but you do never wear dresses–”

“There’s a reason for that!”

“So how can you blame me? You do look good in dresses.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Great. I look great.”

“You look beautiful.”

I sighed heavily and he set me down, hands gripping firmly on my hips, then pulled me to him, my back hitting his chest.

“You still mad?”

“No,” I muttered, “I’m not mad.”

He smiled small, kissing my cheek, “Good.”

“You’re still a jerk.”

“But I’m your jerk.”

I rolled my eyes, “Cheesy son of a bitch.”

He chuckled, his lips still connected to my cheek, “Come on with me to make up.”

I giggled as he trailed his lips down to my neck, nibbling softly,

“Why would you need make-up?”

“ show them.....what our stage make-up looks like,” he replied in between kisses.

“Guys, c’mon, really? Enough public display, please,” Chris gagged making Andy pull back and roll his eyes.

“Shut up, man,” he shook his head, moving to my side, “Let’s go, Amanda will get mad if we’re late again.”

They both nodded and Andy tugged on my waist, leaving me no choice but to follow them,

“I’ll, uh, meet you guys in sound check, alright?” I called back.

Chandler nodded and I turned back, leaning lazily against my boyfriend,

“How much sleep did you get last night?”

I yawned, “Hardly any. After they watched that stupid Taken movie” –I glared at Chris who just grinned– “They made me stay up ‘til, like, two watching other movies so they knew that ‘I was safe’.”

Andy laughed, “Chris is sorry,” he promised, kissing me softly on the lips.

“Still an ass,” I sighed into his lips as we walked through the doorway, “Still, an, ass.”

“My virgin eyes!” someone squealed.

I pushed Andy away from me, blushing scarlett as Andy laughed lightly at my embarrassment,

“Very funny, Amanda,” the lead singer said, turning to his make up artist, smiling.

Chris high-fived the laughing girl who then turned to me, smiling,

“Hey, I’m Amanda Velcruiz, make up artist to these three–“


She grinned, “So I see you met Chris first.”

I laughed, “You can say that. I’m Ren–”

She grabbed my hands suddenly, “The Ren?”

I rose a brow, “The? Why must I have a the in front of my name?”

“Oh, Andy talks about you non-stop, all the time!” she giggled, “I think I practically know you by now.”

I looked over at a red Andy, who was looking off to the side, ruffling his own hair, and smiled, “Oh, really? I feel honored.”

I giggled as his face reddened even more and he dipped his head low,

“Yeah!” she grinned and walked me over to a low, red couch, sitting us down, “You should hear the way he talks about you.”

“Amanda!” Andy groaned, covering his eyes with one hand, “Shut up!”

I giggled and Sandra shook her head, settling herself in her make up chair with Chris on her left.

I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck while his went instantly around my waist, giggling,

“Aw, that’s sweet,” I cooed, “He likes me!”

Amanda giggled, standing up and walking over to Sandra, bending down near the bottom of her chair and digging around inside a large black messenger back, taking out a pack of brushes and a pencil pouch.

I watched curiously as she spread them on the counter and dug back in the bag, taking out a baggie of cosmetic pads and make-up remover.

Andy leaned his head ontop of mine and I smiled, turning in his arms slightly to look at Amanda better.

“She loves to embarrass me,” Andy mumbled into the nape of my neck, kissing it softly.

“I thought it was sweet. You really talk about me?”

“He doesn’t stop!” Chris said, looking at us through the mirror, “Like, at all.”

“Fuck you, man,” Andy muttered, resting his chin atop of my head.

Chris chuckled, “I don’t think Ren would appreciate me stealing her job.”

I flushed crimson and Amanda and Sandra burst our laughing,

“Chris!” Amanda gasped between laughs, “Don’t embarrass the poor girl!”

Andy leaned over and smacked his friend harshly across the back of my head as I buried my burning face in his chest,

“Oh, poor honey,” the make up girl cooed, taking me from Andy and hugging me making me laugh, “Chris shut up!”

Andy sat himself in his make up chair at the end of the row – closest to the door – and looked over at us.

I hugged the girl back, “How old are you?”

“Nineteen, you?”


“Oh, wait, no!” she shouted suddenly, “Andy told me! You’re eighteen, right?”

I chuckled, “Yeah, eighteen.”

She let go of me and clapped her hands together, her red hair swaying back and forth, “Yay! Oh, by the way, I love your hair.”

I twirled a strand of blue hair on my finger and grinned, “Thanks, love your make up.”

She skipped over to the vanity in front of Sandra and smiled, “I do my best.”

“I think you should do my make up,” I said, walking over to Andy and letting him pull me into his lap.

I swear she almost dropped her brushes, “Really?!” she gushed, “Oh, that’d be so awesome!”

I nodded and swished my hips, getting comfortable on Andy’s lap, “Yeah, I need a make-up artist anyway. And the guys keep stealing my stuff then losing it all the time.”

“Could I really?!” she squealed then ran over to her bag, dropping on her knees and digging around her messenger bag, “Here’s my card!” she said, handing me a purple card with tattoo swirls and Ed Hardy looking designs, “My business phone is on there and my e-mail. Call me.”

I nodded, “Yeah, if we get the chance to do tour I’ll call. I need another girl on tour anyway.”

She smiled and nodded, heading back over to her make up and starting on Sandra.

“Well, seems like everyone you meet loves you.”

I giggled as he kissed my earlobe, nibbling as he went down to my sweet spot,

“Really? Now don’t I feel lucky.”

He mumbled something unintelligent and continued with his treatment, causing me to squirm in my “seat”, giggling softly as he smirked into my skin, biting lightly at the base of my neck.

“Stop,” I smiled, “Andy stop!”

He chuckled as I brought my hands up to his chest and pushed, giggling, “Andy, stop! Stop!”

“Don’t feel like it,” he said.

I sighed and closed one eye, giggling uncontrollably as he began to suck and bite and kiss at that one spot.

It was funny how he always knew how to get me all hot and bothered.

“Ah! My virgin eyes again!”

Andy pulled back and I glared at Amanda, both hands covering her eyes and her pencil pouch on the ground.

“Amanda,” I pouted, “You made him stop. That felt good.”

“Doesn’t look good,” she said, pointing to my neck, “He left you a present.”

I hopped off his lap and leaned over the vanity counter, peering closely at my neck.

Sure enough, a hickey had formed just before the base of my neck.

I frowned and poked it gently, wincing, “Ow!” I whimpered, “Damnit, Andy!”

He slid off and, pressing his body up against mine, examined it before reaching up and gently prodding it making me yelp in protest,

“Andy, that hurts!” I cringed, “Damnit!”

“Sorry,” he whispered, kissing the back of my head.

I sighed, gently touching it with my fingertips, “Shit, the guys are gonna kill me once they see this.”

Amanda laughed, holding up a brush, “Maybe, maybe not.”
♠ ♠ ♠
[: mint icecream soothes my souuullll