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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

Crazy Ass Girl

“Thanks for helping me with these guys,” Amanda grinned, “Andy’s eyeliner looks great.”

I nodded, “The least I could do. Thanks for covering this hickey up. I would’ve been a homicide victim.”

She giggled, “Sounds like they’re real protective.”

“You don’t know the half of it.”

She dropped to her knees and began to put away her make-up; Andy had left with his bandmates to see their manager and I had decided to stay here with Amanda.

“You wanna meet them?” I asked as she finally stood up with her messenger bag slung over her left shoulder.

Her eyes lit up, “Seriously?! Ah, man, I love this job!” she laughed.

I shook my head, chuckling, “Yeah, c’mon, I’ll introduce. You look like.....hmm, maybe the twins type of girl. More Levin.”

She blushed and I just grabbed her hand, grinning slyly, “Yeah, definitely Levin’s kinda girl.”

I led her down the hallways and into the auditioning room, not surprised to see them lounging around and eating the free food.

“Hey guys!” I called causing them to turn and look at me, “I want you to meet a new friend of mine.”

Amanda smiled shyly and waved and almost immediately Levin stood up, smiling at her,

“Hey, I’m Levin.” He held out his hand and she giggled and shook it,


I grinned, rolling my eyes and walking over to a low black couch where Seth, Chandler , and Levon were sitting.

“What up?” I asked, plopping down on Levon.

He wrapped an arm around my waist to prevent me from falling and rested his head on mine, sighing, “I’m tired,” he whined.

I smiled, “That’s your fault! Keeping me up all night because you thought I was gonna get kidnapped.”

“Only ‘cause we love you,” he murmured sleepily, eyes closing.

I rolled my eyes, patting the arm hooked around my torso, “I love ya too, doll, but seriously, you need coffee or something.”

“Caffeine,” he muttered, “Kills.....ducks.”

I laughed, “Yes, caffeine kills ducks, Levy, caffeine kills ducks.”

“I don’t wanna die.”

I shook my head, smiling, “You’re not a duck!”

“That’s not what,” he yawned, “Sir Pickle said.”

I stifled my laughter, “Sir Pickle? Him again?”

He nodded and tipped sideways, now laying on the couch, me still sitting up.

Sir Pickle was Levon’s “dream friend” that apparently told him things when he was tired.

Everyone in the house knew that when “Sir Pickle” started talking Levon either needed to go to bed right away or have some sort of caffeine in his system.

“Okay, tell Sir Pickle ‘bye-bye’,” I started, hauling the man into a sitting position, “And let’s get you some coffee or energy drinks. Would you like that?”

“Yes,” he mumbled like a sleep-ridden five year old, “Bye-Bye, Sir Pickle.”

I shook my head once more and stood, “Stay here, okay? Don’t move!”

I quickly ran over to the refreshment table, standing on my tip-toes and searching through it quickly.

“Aha!” I grinned, picking up a twenty-two ounce can of Monster energy drink and a twelve ounce Styrofoam cup.

I then walked over to the coffee dispenser and filled it with the coffee and the hazelnut creamer.

I waltzed back over to Levon, balancing the hot coffee, trying not to spill it and rolling my eyes upon finding Donny and Chandler with the sleepy guy, trying to stifle their laughter.

“What else did Sir Pickle say?” Donaven questioned, voice high-pitched as he tried not to bust a gut.

“He said that.....onions don’t fly without banana boat wings.”

Chandler fell off the couch and Donaven covered his mouth with both hands, his eyes widening.

“Donny, Chandler , stop taking advantage of Levon’s sleep-deprived state,” I said, sighing in exasperation as I handed Levon the coffee,

“Drink, Levy, please.”

He shrugged and brought the coffee to his lips as I sat on Donaven’s lap making him grunt through his laughter,

“It’s just too funny!” Chandler gasped from the floor.

Hells to the yes was he my footrest!

“Drink it all!” I shouted when Levon tried to set it down.

He whimpered and his eyes widened while he put the cup back up to his lips, sipping it slowly, drawing long on it.

“Good boy!” I cooed, stroking his hair and smiling like an idiot, “Whose a good boy?!”

He murmured something and snatched the Monster from me, making me laugh,

“Good, stay here....Donny, Chandler .”

They both looked up, “Just.....don’t hurt Levy. I like him.”

They grinned and I rolled my eyes again, walking back to the refreshment table, glancing at Levin and Amanda from the corner of my eye.

Amanda was leaning against the back wall with Levin beside her, his hand on the wall beside her left shoulder.

She smiled broadly and giggled, her face slowly turning red as she dipped her head low. Levin chuckled and lifted her chin up and said something, causing her to turn even redder.

I shook my head and picked up a strawberry, slowly putting it in my mouth.

“Hmmm,” I heard someone croon from behind me, wrapping arms around my torso, “I’m hungry.”

I turned my head up, the strawberry still in my mouth and Andy bit down on it, ending it on a kiss.

He pulled back, chewing his half of the strawberry with a smile, his lips a little red with juice.

I giggled, chewing my half and reaching up kissing him, slowly licking the juice off.

I pulled back and grinned, wiping his bottom lip with my index finger to get the excess juice off,

“Mmmm,” I giggled, sucking the juice off my finger, “Strawberry.”

He smiled and turned me around, kissing my forehead lightly,

“Hey, where did Amanda go?”

My smile widened and I meekly pointed over to the wall behind me, picking up another strawberry and nibbling on it.

He looked over my head and his eyes widened and slowly, very slowly, a smile spread across his lips,

“Levin and Amanda, eh?” he snickered, “Great, now I can blackmail her.”

I laughed, slapping the hands on my hips, “Stop it! I like Amanda. It’d be great if Levin and her started dating.”

He rolled his eyes and snatched the strawberry from my parted lips, kissed me, then popped the strawberry in his mouth.

I pouted, “Jerk, go make fun of Levon and let me eat.”

He rose a brow and I just grinned, “You’ve never seen him tired as hell have you?”

He shook his head skeptically, “No. should I be afraid?”

“Yes,” I answered automatically, grabbing his large hand and guiding him back to the couch, “Yes, you should.”

“Um, okay?”

I giggled, “Hey! Is Levon awake awake?”

Chandler turned to me and grinned maliciously, shaking his head,

“Nope, Sir Pickle is still there but he should be awake in like, ten minutes. He finished all the drinks.”

“Good, Andy, have fun!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air, letting his drop, before turning around and skipping, literally, back to the refreshment table.

“Crazy ass girl,” I heard Andy laugh behind me as I took another strawberry from the tray and bit down, giggling as I heard Andy suddenly laugh a few minutes later.

“Ren!” I heard Donny call, gasping for breath, “!”

I turned around and my eyes widened before I felt my face begin to turn red.

I reached back and gripped onto the refreshment table as I finally let out my laughs, keeping myself up with the table for support.

“Oh my God!” I howled out, shaking my head back and forth, “Levy!”

Andy pushed Levon back and winced, “Get him off!”


“Levy’s sorry,” I giggled, kissing Andy’s temple as he glared pointedly at Levon who was at the other end of the table, hyper-actively jittering.

‘And I thought he was funny when he was sleepy!’

Andy grumbled something unintelligent – again – and I just laughed,

“Oh, c’mon! it was funny and you know it!”

He sighed and I brought my lips to his, “Ah, c’mon, you can’t blame him for being an idiot.”

“Really, Ren? Really?” he questioned incredulously, as if saying ‘are you stupid?’.

I rolled my eyes, grinning when Andy meshed his lips with mine,

“Oi, no making out,” I laughed, pushing on his chest to create some space between us, “You have people to evaluate.”

“Don’t care,” he murmured.

“Yes you do!” I laughed again, “Now stop it. We can finish later.”

He rolled his eyes with a smile and leaned back, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as Black Veil Brides’ manager brought in the first potential bassist.

The table of judges consisted of BVB and my band, in this order from left to right:

Chandler, Levin, Amanda, Me, Andy, Sandra, Chris, Levon, Donaven, and Seth.

Black Veil Brides was holding auditions for a new guitarist and bassist and the bassists were up first.

There were more than two hundred people here – just for the bass part alone.

This outta be fun, right?

♠ ♠ ♠
here you go people!!