Status: being worked on. Comment, s'il vous plait?

One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

You've Got Talent...Or Not

“My ears are bleeding,” I whispered, “Give me your shirt so I can wrap it around my head!”

“Next!” Black Veil Bride’s manager shouted, “Just get out man!”

Andy sighed, leaning his head on the table in front of him,

“We’re never gonna find the right person,” he groaned out while I rubbed his back reassuringly, “They all suck.”

“Aw, it’s okay,” I cooed, continuing to rub his back in circles, “We’ll find someone, I’m sure we will.”

“It’s taking too long, Ren, we’ve already gone through half and none of them can play well,” he said, sighing as he sat up.

I sighed as well, leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips,

“Here, I’ll do my baby a favor,” I sighed into the kiss, “I’ll go outside to the waiting room and see what I can find in this mass of men.”

He pulled back, eyebrow raised, “Seriously? You’re going to get raped.”

My face fell and I narrowed my eyes into a glare,

“Hardy-fucking-har, Andy,” I hissed, standing up.

He stared up at me, his hand enclosing around my petite wrist, “I’m being serious, Ren.”

I sighed, leaning down and kissing him, “I’ll bring Amanda with me.”

“You’re gonna get my make-up artist raped too?”

“And we’ll be fine!” I laughed, ripping my wrist from his and patting him on the head, “Be back in fifteen, kay?”

He sighed, knowing he couldn’t stop me, and nodded, kissing the side of my mouth, “Fine, but be careful.”

“Always,” I grinned, turning to Amanda, smiling upon finding her and Levin almost kissing.

“Aw, what kind of person would I be to ruin such a moment as this?” I sighed dramatically.

Andy turned his head and grinned, “You’d be Ren.”

“Exactly!” I laughed, “OH MY GOD MY VIRGIN EYES!” I screeched.

Almost immediately Amanda pushed Levin back, blushing beet red, causing Levin to fall off the chair.

I covered my mouth with my hands to prevent from laughing but Chandler sure didn’t.

“Ren!” Levin scolded, sitting up from his position on the ground, “What the hell?!”

“Aw, but revenge is such sweet.....revenge,” I laughed, reaching down and grabbing onto the blushing Amanda’s hand, “But, I’m gonna steal this lovely lady right here because I want to. Let’s go Amanda.”

She stood up, no choice since I was dragging her along to the other side of the table and out the door.

“Wait, Ren, where are you and Amanda going?” Chandler questioned, leaning forward.

I stopped at the door, turning the question over in my mind,

“I’m going out there,” I opened the door slightly and pointed with the hand connected to Amanda’s to the waiting room, “To, uh, find something.”

Chandler and Levin stood up, eyebrows raised, “What?”

I inhaled deeply and then smiled sweetly, “Andy said I could!” I chimed, laughing as Andy’s eyes widened,

“What?! Ren!” he yelled as I rushed out the door, closing it behind me with Amanda right by me, laughing.

“You’re going to get your boyfriend killed one day, I swear,” Amanda laughed as I let go of her hand.

I shrugged, “I know, but he still loves me.....I think.”

Amanda shook her head, sighing a bit, “Yes, he still loves you, now,” she turned, facing the throngs of people before us, all with bass guitars, tuning or practicing, “Why are we out here?”

“Have you not heard the other people trying out?” I questioned, “We’re out here to pick someone who at least looks like they can play well.”

She sighed heavily, hands on her hips, “Alright. Let’s get this over with.”

I silently thanked her as we wove our way through the hoards of men.

“Isn’t there a girl in here?” Amanda groaned as another whistle sounded when we walked pass, “I’m getting tired of men.”

I rolled my eyes, scanning the crowd.

Suddenly my eyes lit up and a smile spread across my lips.

“What about her?” I grinned, pointing to the entrance where a girl just walked in.

She was hot in my opinion – black hair, big brown eyes.

She would definitely fit in with the Black Veil Brides band.

Without waiting for Amanda’s response, I ran over to the girl – the only bass guitarists that was a girl in here.

“Hey!” I called, making her look up in surprise.

“Uh, hey?” she said shyly, smiling a bit at me as Amanda walked up, “Um, what’s up?”

Amanda laughed, “You scared her.”

“Sorry,” I sighed, turning to the girl again, “My name’s Ren and I’m from the band–”

“Tears of Destiny,” she answered, smiling widely now, “Yeah, I love your guys’ rifts.”

I smiled back, “Thanks.”

“Uh, what are you doing here at a Black Veil Brides audition? Are you leaving your band?”

I shook my head, “Haha, no! No! of course not. I’ll tell you why I’m here later but right now I want to take you straight backstage to audition.”

Her eyes widened, “M-Me? Why me? I just got here!”

I grinned and Amanda giggled, “Because I like you.”

She smiled, “You don’t know me.”

“But I do know you’re gonna get this job.”

“How can you be so sure?”

I winked and Amanda’s giggles increased, “Let’s just say I know them personally.”

The woman shrugged, picking up her guitar case,

“Alright. Lead the way.”


“Well?” I pressed as Amanda Purdy, the girl I had brought in, let her notes fade into the background, “Isn’t she good?”

Andy tightened his grip on my shoulders and stared at her, making her shift shyly from one foot to another.

Slowly, a smile began to spread across his face, as well as everyone at that table.

“She’s.....perfect,” Andy admitted, “You got the job!”

Her eyes widened, “R-really? I.....I got the job?!”

Black Veil Bride’s manager stood up, “You got the job!”

She began to jump up and down excitedly, screaming, “I got the job!”

We all began to laugh and I hoped over the table and ran over to her, letting her engulf me in a hug,

“Ren I got the job!” she screamed, jumping up and down with me, “I got the job! This is all thanks to you! Thank you so much! I GOT THE JOB!”

I hugged her back, laughing joyously, “I know! I was there! I know what happened,” I said, grinning as we finally stopped jumping, “I’m really happy for you.”

She sighed happily, “Thank you so much, Ren, you’re amazing!”

“I’ve heard,” I laughed.

Black Veil Brides’ manager walked up to us, shaking his head, “Alright, we’ll call you later, but you definitely have the job.”

She nodded, “Thank you so much, you won’t regret it.”

“’Course not!” I exclaimed, as if offended, “I picked you!”

“Hey I was there too!” Amanda put in, smiling.

The manager rolled his eyes and Amanda Purdy laughed, shaking her head, her hands still in mine from our excited jumping.

“So since you love this girl so much, how about I just give you her phone number so you can call her when we need you?”

Amanda P grinned, “Sure!”

I took out my blackberry tour and handed it to her as she handed me her iPhone, making me curse silently,

“Shit, I can’t work this thing, Chandler!” I whimpered, turning around, “Please?”

He rolled his eyes and stood from the table, ambling over to me and snatching the phone away, quickly typing in my phone number and saving it just as Amanda P gave my phone back to me.

She laughed at me, “You can’t work these?”

I shook my head, shoving my blackberry into my back pocket, “Are you kidding me? I can’t work it to save my life. That’s why I have a blackberry and everyone around me has an iPhone. Fancy son of a bitches.”

“Love you too!” everyone at the table said in unison making me roll my eyes and Amanda P laugh.

Amanda V – the extraordinary make-up artist – stood up and walked over to me, “Hey, I can’t work it either.”

“This is my only true friend!” I cried out dramatically, hugging her, “The rest of you can suck it!”


“Shut up, Chris!” I spat, laughing.

Amanda Purdy giggled as she began to pack up her stuff up,

“We need to hang out sometime,” she said, snapping her guitar case shut, “I want to get to know the girl who gave me the job of a lifetime.”

I beamed, “No problem. Just give me a call and tell me when and where.”

She nodded and hugged Amanda V and I one last time,

“Nice to meet you all,” she then turned to us, “And nice to meet you Ren and Amanda.”

“Nice to meet you too Amanda,” she laughed.

‘They are so gonna get a kick out of that.’

She smiled once more before turning to walk out, suddenly stopping at the door, “You never told me why you were here.”

I blinked rapidly, feeling my face heating up.

“Oh, she’s my girlfriend.”

Amanda grinned wide, and I turned to Andy, blushing but staring at him.

“Aw, what a cute couple,” she laughed, “Bye Ren, Andy Sixx’s girlfriend!”

And with that she left, the door slowly swinging shut.

I sighed in content and turned back to the table of “judges”, smiling knowingly,

“Oh God, she’s gonna brag now,” Donny groaned, laying his head on the table.

“Am not!”

Chandler rose a brow, “Okay, maybe......”

“Thought so.”

“Seriously, though, I totally earn, like, a prize for that. So, you are welcome!” I grinned, hopping over the table into my seat next to Andy, who immediately wrapped an arm around the back of my chair, letting me lean into him.

“Yeah, yeah, but can you do it again?” Chris challenged, “Find us a guitarist?”

I smiled and my band groaned, “Don’t let her go back out there!”

“I was fine! C’mon Amanda.”

“Seriously, we need our make-up artist,” Andy sighed.

I punched him playfully in the shoulder and he smiled, bent forward, kissing me roughly on the lips, “You’ll get your prize later.”

I sighed dreamily, "Yay."
♠ ♠ ♠
it's the other author's fault! that lazy piece of shit! [:

anyway, feedback?