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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

Me and My Bad Luck

“I love that man,” I giggled like a school-girl.

She rolled her eyes, still smiling, “You just love how well he kisses.”

“I love that, too,” I admitted with a shrug as Amanda laughed.

“So, guitarist, guitarist,” I murmured, inspecting the crowd, “We need a guitarist.”

“Him?” Amanda inquired, pointing to a goth looking man near the middle of the room.

I shook my head, eyebrows raised, “Nah, I don’t think so......we need some attitude in this....more than Chris.”

“Excuse me, Miss.”

I turned around, my face merely inches away from a pallid one.

I stared up at green eyes, pierced brow, and black hair. He looked no more than nineteen, maybe twenty.

I rose both eyebrows, “Yes?”

“Well, see–”

I tuned him out after that, glancing around, hoping to find Amanda.

She was no where in sight.

Damn my good luck -_-

“What?” I questioned when he wrapped an arm around my torso, “Huh?”

The guy laughed and shook his head, leaning forward, “You’re adorable.”

“Uh, what are you doing?” I questioned, pulling back, trying to refuse him, “I have a boyfriend.”

“Is he here?”

He was still leaning in, “Um, yeah!” I said like it was obvious, “He’s the one you’re auditioning for! Andy Sixx!”

“I don’t need the gig that bad,” he whispered, his face now centimeters from mine.

I tried to push him back, “That’s nice, however, I love my boyfriend.”

“He won’t have to know.”

“Just let go of me, you prick!” I demanded, pushing on his chest.

Damn, why was everyone stronger than me?! And why won’t anyone listen to me?!

“You heard the lady, man, let her go.”

I looked up, way up, to see a man staring down at the boy holding me with a sort of disdain.

He had longish dyed black hair and multiple tattoos. Not that many piercings

He looked amazing. I liked the sort of nasty-goth look on him.

The boy released me immediately and I glared at him, sticking my tongue out as the man who saved me stepped in front of me protectively,

“Beat it.”

The man stole one last look at me before scampering away.

“Thanks,” I breathed out, “I’m Ren.”

“I know,” he responded, shaking my outstretched hand as he turned to face me, “I’m a big fan of your band.”

I smiled, “Oh gee, thanks. It’s cool to meet a fan.”

He nodded, “But what are you doing at an audition for Black Veil Brides? Are you leaving the band?”

Déjà vu I laughed, “No, but Andy will tell you sooner or later why I’m here. My whole band’s here. C’mon.”

He rose a brow, “What? Just go back? I’m waiting for my name to be called.”

I shrugged, “Well you saved me, which im sure a lot of people at the judge’s table will be thankful for, so I want you to come right up to the front of the line with me.”

He adjusted his guitar case and sighed, “Alright. Lead the way.”

I smiled, “A’ight, follow me, uh....”

“Pan,” he said, “Just Pan.”

I smiled, “Pan. I like it. Let’s go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore here i am not.... uh... something something lazy shit!!! lol i forgot what she said but whatever!!
love ya'll