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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

What the...

I don’t really know why Andy was kissing me but, hey, like hell I was gonna complain about it.

He pulled back, grinning like the world declared him king, and left me breathless,

“Whoa....what was that for?” I questioned, panting, trying to catch my breath making him chuckle.

“He’s perfect,” Andy said, turning to Pan who was now packing up his equipment, “Thanks.”

I smiled, “No problem.”

“Damn, Ren, you can tell talent just by looking at them?” Chris sighed, “Now I owe Sandra fifty bucks!”

I stuck my tongue out, “That’s what you fucking get for doubting me!”

“So did I get the job or....?”

We all turned to Pan who was standing, looking very non-chalant. I couldn’t help but smile at that.

He was awesome.

“You got it,” Black Veil Bride’s manager said, walking up to him, “You got the job!”

“Cool,” he replied, shifting the guitar on his back, “Well, later.”

“Uh, wait!” the manager called, causing Pan to stop and turn on his heel, eyebrow raised, “What?”

“You’re gonna need our number to–”

“I have Ren’s,” Pan said, shrugging, “And I’m guessing she hangs around you guys a lot so I’m gonna leave it at that. Like I said earlier, later.”

“Why do I have to wear a blindfold?” I huffed, stepping forward carefully as Andy led me into my house, his hands on my hips.

“Because, now shhh, stop talking,” Andy said, sliding his hands up to my ribcage as he shut the door behind him with his foot, turning me in the direction of the TV room, past the Living Room, and into the kitchen.

I put my nose up and apprehensively sniffed the air, frowning a bit,

“Okay, nothing is burnt.....”

“See, you can trust them with cooking.”

“They aren’t out of the doghouse yet. And neither are you!”

He stopped me, “Me? What? Why?”

“Because you sided with them. Them! I’m your girlfriend for fuck–”

“Yeah, yeah, we can do that later,” he sighed, pushing me forward again.

I rolled my eyes beneath the black bandana before sighing a bit,

“Okay, can I take the bandana off?”

“Nope,” I heard Donny’s voice say, smiling, “Not yet.”

I sighed heavily, impatiently drumming my fingers on Andy’s hand that gripped tightly at my hips.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me,” I heard Levon scold from beside me, causing me to jump.

“How the fuck did you get there and how the HELL did you know I was rolling my eyes?!” I hissed out, a hand over my heart as Andy took one hand off my hips to high-five the twin.

“I just know you very well.”

I could tell by his voice he was grinning.

“You’re jackasses. All of you,” I said loudly, “Now can I take off the blindfold?”

“Wait,” they all shouted, Andy forcing me forward into a walk.

“Can’t I take it off?!” I shouted impatiently as Andy sat me down at the head of the table.

“No!” they all shouted back, “Andy, could ya help?”

I gripped his hands, “If you even touch a fork, I will stab you,” I growled out, eyes narrowed beneath the cloth.

Andy laughed, placing his hands on my shoulders and kissing my temple, “Right. Sorry.”

“Can I–?”

“NO!” everyone sighed and I pouted, leaning my elbows on the dining room table.

I suddenly heard dishes being set down, utensils being dropped, and glasses being clanked, all the while food filled the air – and it smelled delicious.

I rose both brows.

There was no way they made this, it smelt too good.

Finally, hands gently untied the knot of the bandana at the back of my head, sliding it off and balling it into his fist.

My jaw just about hit the floor.

The table was filled with food, dishes and plates of prawns, steamed vegetables, rice pilaf, little cups of melted butter, seafood gumbo, and salad.

But what really caught my attention was the centerpiece; a large plate of steaming lobsters.

It looked incredible.

“Wow,” I breathed out as they sat down, “You guys really went all out. You weren’t kidding when you said you were gonna cook my favorite meal.”

Chandler nodded, “Yeah.”

I leaned forward, eyebrow raised, my glossy lips turned up into a smirk,

“So, where’d ya order it from?”
♠ ♠ ♠
SEE!! i am not a lazy ass!!! lol
love ya'll