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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

So much for breakfast...

"Ren..... Ren, wake up!" I heard Levon yell.


I rolled my eyes and plopped myself onto the couch nex to Levin, pouting.

"I. Hate. You. All,"I mutter under my breath.

Levin laughed and side - hugged me.

"No, you don't. You oooove us," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes again, "Yeah, whatever. Why did the bs stop?"

"I already said for breakfast," Levon broke in, walking in from the back part of the bus.

For the third time, eye roll.

"Why? Don't we usua cook?"

"No, YOU usually cook," Seth replied. "Plus, we're out of food."

I sighed an stood up,

"Alright, I'll go get dressed then."

"You look fine like that," Chandler commented.

I stopped short an looked down at myself, eye brows raised in disbelief. I was wearing lack shortshorts, our band's symbol on he left leg and a dark blue v-cut tanktop.

"Are you STUPID?" I bit, turing towards my room.

"Actually... No, I'm not Ren." Chandler replied.

"Well I am going to change anyways. Because... well... I want to." I said looking over my shoulder while walking to my room.

They all just looked at me with a weird look. All i did was laugh. Ten minutes later I finally came out of my room.

"Geez! That took forever!" Seth said.

"Yeah, I know." I said with a smile while laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Levin asked.

"Because i'm not done yet. That's why."

All the guys groaned at the same time, and all I did was crack up laughing.

"NowI have to do my hair." I said with a grin on my face.

"Oh my God! Ren! Your hair is fine! Let's go, we're hungry!" Chadler whinned.

"Just for that I'm going to go really slow." I laughed. I turned and started walkin twards the bathroom. Ten minutes later I came out of the bathroom with my hair done the way it always is. Which is just straightened and my bangs swooped off to the left side of my face coverig my eye.

"There are you happy now?! My hair is finished." I said with a playful glare.

"YES!!" The guys yelled.

"Can we... please... go now...?" Chandler and Levin complained.

I laughed, "Yeah, sure, let's go."

We made our way into the busy restraunt, with me on Seth's back.

"How many?" Te waitress at the counter questioned unthusiastically, not looking up from her phone.

I surpressed the urge to smirk, knowing that the minute she looked up, she'd recognize us.

"Six," Levin replied.

She rabbed six menus and looked up, sapping her gum. The linute she looked up her widened.

"You... you guys are-are the band-"

"Tears of Destiny," I finished slowly.

Seth pinched my arm, "Be nice."

I stuck my tongue out as the now ecstactic waitress lead us to our table. As we walked past the teenage filled tabls, everyone began to whisper in excitement... well, sort of whispering. We sat down and thegirl began to gush over them. For the up tenth time, I rolled y eyes.

"God, this waitress is a idiot," I muttered under my breath. "I'll be right back i gotta go to the bathroom." I arose form my seat and started walking to the bathroom. As I was walking by a table a girl said, "Hey! Aren' you the girl from that band called, 'Tears of Destiny'?"

"Yes, yes I am." I replied back with a smile.

"Can I have your autograph?" she asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yea, sure, just give me a piece ofpaper and a pen and I'll give you one."

"Okay! Here!" she sadreaching into her purse.

I sighed the piece of paper with a smile and gave it o her.

"Thank you!" the girl with with a bug grin on her fae.

"Your welcome." I replied back walking away towars the bathroom. After finishing I walked slowly back to my table, taking in my surroundings.

"Ren?" I heard Donaven call out.

I looked up to see a sea of people surrounding the table. As soon as he called my name, the sea of people parted for me. I cautiously walked back to my seat inbetween Levin and Levon, "What's going on?"

"They heard the waitress talking so they came over," explained Levin.

I laughed, "Again? See, this is why I cook."

The all rolled their eyes and I leaned ove and stuck out my tongue. Suddenly a flas went off and we all looked up. Stupid cameras.

"So, I'm guessing you all want autographs or someing?" I questioned with an eye brow raised.

They all smiled and we stood up as cameras and pens and paper came out.

"Autograph or pictures first?" Seth asked

A flash went off near me ad I shook my head and blinked, "I guess it's pictures."

My band mebers laughed and people got in a line. Levin and Levon lifter me onto their shoulders and th person in line stood in front of me, blockingmy legs from view while Chandler and Donaven stood at their side, with Seth sitting down infront of them. Her camera went off as we all posed and smiled. This went on for boout an hour, with each picture different. Finally, aographs were written, which lasted only half an hour, and then individual pics were started.


"So who'da wanna take a picture with? Levon asked as I took a bite out of an orange the waiter gave me.

"Ren," I heard.

I looked up and smiled at the young man.

"Hey, what's your name? i asked as I stood up nd walked over to him.


"Johnny," I repeated as he wrappd an arm around me shoulders, since he was so fucking tall. He chuckled and we faced the camera. The camera wentoff and we smiled. Individual picture went on untilour tour bus driver came in to get us, which was an hou and a have later. Once we entered the safety of our bus we realized something.

"We fogot to eat!!" Chandler groaned.

I burst out into hysterical laughter.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like more will come later on.. but that won't be for a while cuz my dad is making me go to a stupid basetball camp! YUK!!

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