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One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

What?! Man, are you serious?!

'Stupid... stupid alarm clock,' I groaned as I turned on my side and brought me fist down on the menace. It stopped and I sighed happily and buried myself deeper into the covers. About... two minutes later, it's annoying beeping sound started up again. I screamed into the pillow, grabbed onto the digital alarm clock, and threw it against the wall. I smiled to myself and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. I threw the covers bac and walked into the foyer of the bus, falling onto the couch/futon. I suppressed a yawn and sighed, just as my cell phone went off. I inhaled deeply and snatched it off the counter.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Ren?" the voice on the other end said.

"Mark?" I asked siting up straight.

"Yes, how are ya all?"

"Good. Why'da call?"

"To tell you the good news."

I rose an eye brow, even though he couldn’t see, "What good news?"

"I got your band to play a big concert in Las Vegas and Fatality Records will be there. If you guys play well, they agreed to sign you up for a chance at a platinum."

My eyes widened and I almost screamed and dropped the phone.

"Ren? You there?" I heard him ask.


He laughed, "Alright, get Levon and the others on so I can tell them."

I put the phone on the table and opened the door to the guys' bedroom.

"Wake the fuck up! Now! There is a gummy worm stalking me!" I yelled at te top of my lungs.

They all sat up and rubbed their eyes.

"What the hell do you wan, Ren?!"Chandler yelled.

"Get up! Mark is on the phone and he has some good news! Get up!" I yelled back.

They all groaned and sat up fully.

"Ren, just bring the phone here." Levin mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, Fine, just for you" I teased, walking into the giant bedroom they all shared and jumping onto Levin's. He sat up and pried the phone hands, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back into the bed with him.

"Hey Mark," Levin yawned as everyone gathered around us and I turned it on speaker phone.

"Hey, Levin, did Ren tell you guys the good news?"

He rolled his eyes at me making me stick out my tongue,

"No, she just came in and woke us up," he replied, "So, what's the good news?"

"Fatality Records is going to be at this concert on Las Vegas."

"How big?" Levon questioned.


"So, what does this have to do with us?"

"Your band is the main attraction," Mark explained calmly, "And if you guys play well, they agreed to sign you up for a chance at a platinum record."

"What?! Man, are you serious?!" Levin yelled.


"How did you do that?!"

"There was a long process, but I did it. I was surprised myself."

I smiled, "When is the concert?" I asked, leaning over towards the phone.

"November twenty-first," Mark replied.

I cocked my head tot he side, "That's only a month away."

"It's in your home town though," Mark protested, "And all you have to do is pick songa and practice."

I bit my bottom lip, "I don't know..."

"Oh, c'mon, Ren, please?" Donaven begged grabbing onto ne of my arms.

"Yeah, please, Ren!" Levin and Levon pleaded, grabbing onto my arm and leg, "It's a once in a life time deal!"

"Please?" Seth and Chandler broke in jumping me.

I yelped, "Alright! Alright! We can do it!" I laughed, "But get off me first!"

They almost immediately let go of me, except for Levin and Levon of course.

"Alright." Mark spoke up, "You have a week and a half to pick songs and tell me, the rest of the month just practice."

Levon took the phone from me, "Will do."

"I'll see you all back home."

And with that the line went dead.

"Hey, you guys wanna celebrate for being able to get a platinum? Well, that is if we play well enough, at least." I asked.

"Sure...but... Ren, why do you have to be such a pessimist?" Chandler asked.

"Hey, it is not fault, okay! It's just who I am.' I replied with a smile. I turned on the radio, and there was an old song playing called, "Are you gonna be my girl?"

"Oh I like this song!" I said excitedly.

"Okay then lets listen to it." Levin said.

We sang the song and then some more which lasted about an hour.

"Okay guys fun is over, we have to think of some songs that w could do for the concert." I said. "I was thinking about three or four songs. How about you?" I added.

How about four?" Seth suggested.

"Yea, sure lets do that." Levon said.

"Okay so now that we know how many, we just have to think of which ones." I said with a slight smile.

"Hey, Ren, you wanna sing a song?" Levin asked.

"Yea, sure." I replied with uncertainty.

"How about you sing, 'Pressure'?" Levin asked.

"Okay, there's one song we need three more." I said.

"Oh, we should sing a song just for the hell of it during the intermission." Chandler stated.

"But what song?" Donaven asked with his head tilted to the left.

"Oh how about 'Are you gonna be my girl?'?" Levin suggested with a smirk.

"Oh, I agree on that one!" I said with a smile.

Everyone just laughed.

"Lets still do three more songs though." Levon said.

I just nodded. "Oh, we should do, Guys Like you Make us Look Bad', Pray for Plagues', and 'Hey John What's your Name Again?'," I suggested.

"Oh yea those are good ones." Donaven said.

"Yea, I know Imma genius aren't ?" I said with a smile, and in a teasing voice.

"Okay, so now all we have to do is tell Mark and then practice." I said looking at all of the guys.

"Here, gimme your cell phone," Levin said, stretching his hand out towards me.

I dug inside my pockets and slammed it into his palm. He flinched as I stood up.

"So what'cha guys want for lunch?" I called from my room.

"Shut up, Ren, I'm on the phone!" Levin shouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Make me!"

"Hold on, Mark, talk to Levon." I heard Levin say quickly.

My eyes widened and I screamed as Levin ran to my room and jumped me. He pinned me down and began to tickle me,

"Are you gonna be quiet now?"

"Y-yes! Yes!" I cried in between laughs.

He laughed as well, "Are you sure?"

I shook my head, "No! Levon! He won't stop!" I whined.

Levon walked into the room, smiling,

"Alright you two, c'mon, lets not go back to the eighth grade."

Levin stopped and I just lay there limp on my bed breathing heavily.

"I... ha-"

"You looove me." Levin interrupted, bending down and hugging me.

I glared playfully,

"So what did Mark say?" I questioned Levon as I hugged Levin back.

"He said he'd meet us back at the house" he replied walking out.

I jumped onto Levin's back an he piggy backed me out to the foyer of the bus.

"Hopefully, Ren. You now know better to be quite when I am on the phone."Levin said with a smile.

"No I don't. I a still going to talk and be loud when your n the phone." I retorted.

Levin just glared at me. All did was stare back. But then my phone rang andI looked at Kevin then at the phone. He rose an eye brow, and I knew exactly what he meant. I jumped up and bolted for the phone. I reached it first of course

"Oh. Hey it's a text" I said.

"From who?" Levin questioned.


"What id he say?"

"He not to forget to practice the songs we're doing for the concert."

"Oh... okay."

After I finished relying to the test Levin asked,

"What did you say back?"

"I told him thanks for the reminder."


"Hey, guys whata re you talking about?" Seth broke in.

"We were talking about how Mark reminded us to practice our songs for the concert." I replied.

"Oh. He called?"

"Nope. He texted." Levin said with a smile.

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey, where is Donaven, Chandler, and Levon?" I asked.

As soon as I finished the question I heard Chandler yell,

"Hey, guys we're home!"

Yes, I know what you thinking. I do live with them.

"WOO!!" Donaven yelled with a big smile on his face.

I grabbed my guitar and my bags, then left the bus. When i opened the front door to the house, I sighed with a smile.

"Ah.... I am kinda glad to be home." I said.

"Why are you glad to be home?" Levin questioned with an arch eye brow.

"I'm glad to be home because if I make you mad or something I have more room to run away." I said with a big grin on my face.

"Are you saying your scared of me?" He asked with a raised eye brow.

"No. Not at all. The only thing that's scary about you is your face." I said in a teasing voice.

Levin just stood there and stared at me. I turned around to face him and my eyes widened.

"NO! LEVIN!! I WAS JUST KIDDING!!" I yelled as Levin starting running after me. "Ah!!!" I screamed.

"Come here, Ren!!"


I ran into Levin's room and locked the door

"Ren! Open the door!"

"Make me!!"

"Your in my room, so open the door!"


"Ugh! Ren!"

"LEVON!! HELP!! LEVIN WON'T STOP!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Okay you guys. C'mon leys stop fighting." I heard Levon say from the other side of the door.

"Yea, Levin! Stop fighting!"

"Shut up, Ren!" Levin yelled at me.

"Okay, Levin, let Ren out of the room." Levon said.

"Fine..." Levin said with a hint of defeat in his voice.

I finally came out of the room and I stayed as close as possible to Levon because I knew that I couldn't get hurt if I stayed close to him. I went ot my room to unpack, and when I finished I found the guys and I asked,

"You guys wanna practice now?"

"Yea, sure. Lets." Chandler agreed.

So that is exactly what we did for an hour and a half.
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Wuv ya guys!!!