Status: being worked on. Comment, s'il vous plait?

One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?


“Is she gonna be alright?” a frantic voiced reached my ears.

“We don’t know,” another voice, more calm, entered the conversation, “I’m sorry but all you can do is wait.”

“Seth?” I wanted to say, “ Chandler ? Levin? Levon? Donaven?” but my mouth wouldn’t open.

Neither would my eyes. They felt cemented shut.Desperately I tried to move my limbs but it was all to no avail. I was paralyzed.

‘Open, damnit.’ I thought to myself, ‘Talk and let them know you’re okay.’

A door softly slid shut and the room became thick with tension.

“She’s gonna be alright, man,” Chandler ’s demanding and mature voice determined..

I could hear Levin and Levon sigh, “We…we can’t lose her.” Levon muttered, “We can’t.”

“You’re not going to,” Chandler bit back.

Whoa, down boy.

“No one is. She’s going to be alright.”

“Is someone gonna go check on Seth? He’s real upset about this,” I heard Levin say.

My eyes clenched tight and I tried to move.

I ended up thrashing around in the bed like I was having some type of seizure.

The beeping of the monitors beside me suddenly got louder and the boys became even more frantic.

“What’s happened?!” the twins panicked, “Donny get the doctor!”

“Help!” Donaven shouted, “We need help in here!”

The door slid harshly on its metal frame and suddenly people were all over. Reaching and checking the machines trying to figure out what was wrong.

“What’s wrong with her?!” Donaven boldly asked.

“She’s having a seizure.”

“From what?!”

“We don’t know!” he yelled back.

I continued my thrashing but I desperately just wanted to open my eyes and shout, “No! Look! I’m fine! I’m fine, see?!”

“Someone go get Seth!”

My heart jerked at the name and my mouth finally opened. But instead of words coming out, a loud, high-pitched scream replaced them.

My eyes opened and I saw blinding white lights for a fraction of a second before they rolled into the back of my head and I let out another wail.

“Where is Seth?!”

I screamed again.

“Here! He’s here!”

“Sir, you need to step back. Away from her.”


My heart jerked again and I let out another scream. Seth! I wanted to cry.

“What are you doing to her?!”

Suddenly my head was lifted off of the pillow and the upper half of my body was being hugged in a protective manner.

“Ren!” Seth cried frantically, “Please, listen to me. Stop! You have to stop!”

The screaming stopped but my body still trembled.


Tears streamed down my face at the sound of Levin and Levon’s worried voice, “If you can hear us. Please, snap out of it.”

“We’re worried about you,” Donaven put in softly.

They were surrounding my bed.

“We want you back home,” Chandler said.

“Where you belong,” Seth finished, brushing his knuckles softly against my skin.

Body trembling, eyes rolling into the back of my head, tears streaming down my face I began to calm down.

“Shhh,” Seth cooed into my ear, “We’re all here for you, alright?”

“Through everything,” came the twin’s voices, “Like we promised you in highschool.”

“Just, please,” Donaven sighed, “Snap out of it.”

I grew calmer as Seth rocked me back and forth and someone – most likely Chandler (he always was the fatherly-big brother type towards me) – pressed a cool cloth against my face.

“Shhh,” Seth cooed again, “Go to sleep. Shhh.”

My eyelids slowly closed over my rolled back eyes and I began to grow limp in Seth’s arms.

“Is she gonna be alright, doctor?” Seth questioned sharply, none of them ever taking their eyes off of me.

“I think she is now.”


“She should awaken in another hour or so. Give her time to rest,” a young woman’s voice crept into my ear canal.

“And one more thing….can I have your autographs?”

Never ones to be rude to anyone or turn down a fan, they all grumbled their agreements and half-heartedly jotted down their signatures.

“Thank you!” she squealed, walking out and slamming the sliding door shut.

“She’s been in here forever.”

“It’s only been two days,” came Chandler ’s reasonable voice, “It’s alright.”

“I want her home,” Levon sighed, “In her own bed.”

“She needed to be monitored over-night,” Chandler sighed, “It was for her best interest. Besides….we all want her home.”

“Seth, you alright?”

“Yeah,” he answered, “Fine.”

“She’ll be okay….”

“I know, Donny.”

“Then why’re you-?”

“Get off it!”

I groaned suddenly. I always hated whenever anyone of my boys fought. They froze, the air becoming thick.

“D-don’t fight,” I whispered, voice raspy, “I…don’t like it…w-when you guys….f-fight.”

“Ren!” they all shouted, relief and happiness seeping into their words, “You’re alright! Oh thank God you’re alright!”

“Nurse! Nurse, she’s awake!” Chandler yelled out the door before joining in the joyous reunion.

I smiled softly as they all hugged me tightly, Seth getting the privilege of keeping me in his arms as the nurse finally came in with the doctor.

“Ah, so she awakens.”

I smiled sheepishly and nodded.

“That’s goo.” He mumbled, coming up right close and personal and, grabbing a pen light, shinning it directly in my eyes.

I stumbled back a bit, surprised, but then growled and quickly slapped the light out of my face and out of his hand.

“Get that away from me,” I said, my voice still raspy and cracking from a sore throat and disuse, “Are you trying to make me go blind?”

The doctor chuckled good-naturedly as my guys laughed nervously.

“She may have gone through seizures but she’s still a bit-”

“If that-” I interrupted myself with a couch, “-ever slips past your lips you’ll be the one in a three year coma living off life support.”

Levin grinned while his twin brother laughed.

The doctor put the flashlight away, only to come back with a stethoscope.

“This is going to be cold,” he said softly, “But I want you to take deep breaths.”

I quirked a brow but didn’t respond as he gently placed the head of the stethoscope on my chest and put a hand on my back.

“Breathe in,” he instructed, “And breathe out.”

‘Well, thank you Einstein on now teaching me how to breathe,’ I thought bitterly.

No, I wasn’t in the best of moods but hey! I don’t think you would be either.


Dressed in a pair of turquoise skinny jeans, topped with a pink-low cut, v-neck shirt with a black tree branching on one side out to the other and a purple plaid over-shirt, not buttoned up, I sat in a wheel-chair, waiting to be checked out of the hospital by chandler, since he was the oldest, and go home. Seth was behind me, gripping the handles of the chair tightly, while Donaven went to get the car and Levin and Levon were around me, smiling like idiots.

“Ya know in highschool, you NEVER went to the hospital,” Levin started.

“This is so cool!” Levon finished earning a small giggle fit to erupt out of my throat.

“You guys are idiots,” I smiled, giggling, “I wanna go home.”

I glanced up at Seth who was smiling softly at me, “And eat something..”

Seth shrugged, “I’m sure we can find some cereal for you somewhere.”

Levin and Levon laughed as I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted, “Rude people.”

“Alright guys,” chandler interrupted, standing beside me now, “Let’s go.”

“Do I have to stay in this wheel chair?” I groaned as Seth pushed me forward, “I can walk.”

“It’s medical procedure,” chandler sighed, “You can’t walk out of here. But at the entrance you can get up and walk.”

I stayed silent after that, sighing only once.

Just as we were near the entrance, a thought clicked,

“Are there any paparazzi?” I questioned.

They never stopped, “Of course. We already got that taken care of,” Seth’s voice said from behind me.

“Don’t worry, Gummy Bear,” Levin grinned as I scowled at my old nickname the twins had so affectionately given me in highschool, “We got ya covered.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smiled as we finally made it to the entrance. I grabbed Levon’s hand and he lifted me out of the chair. I smiled as the sun hit me and warmed me through.

“When did I get this outfit?” I wondered aloud as we walked, “And this bra? And this thong? I never had these be-” I stopped abruptly and turned to glared at the four boys on either side of me, “You so did not.”

They all burst out laughing and I stopped walking< You guys went through my lingerie drawer?! Again?!” I whined, stomping my foot like a child, “You guys are such pervs!”

They realized I stopped walking and Seth came back for me, gently grabbing hold of my clenched hand and prying it open before slipping his hand in and tugging me along, “C’mon,” he laughed, “We didn’t go through. We had your friend Stacy buy it.”

“No, you didn’t,” I muttered stubbornly, “She would’ve been here if she did. Even if she had work.”

They grinned and shrugged as we finally loaded into the car.

“Where are the paparazzi?” I mumbled as Donaven strapped my seat belt in. I had shotgun while Donaven drove and Levin and Levon had the second row while Seth and Chandler shared the last row. We had a pretty nice Escalade. Black exterior with black leather. Black on black. Beautiful..

“We had Stacy pretend to be a crazed fan and tell them all the wrong hospital,” Donny answered, chuckling, “She’s really good at acting.”

“I know,” I yawned, suppressing a smile..

“Are ya hungry?” Donaven questioned.

I nodded eagerly, “Yes! Oh, and do we have any water in here?”

He nodded and took a hand off the wheel to pluck a water bottle from the driver’s cup-holder and toss it to me.

“Thanks, Donny,” I smiled, leaning over and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

He blushed lightly and nodded making me giggle while I unscrewed the cap and quickly took a swig of it.,

“So where are we going?” I questioned after a few minutes of silence.

“To Ryan Sheckler’s new club,” he replied, sighing, “He, of course, heard what happened and wanted us to come try it out. He said he invited all the bands we play with on tours.”

“Like who?” I yawned.

“Escape the Fate, UnderOath, All Time Low, I think Eyes Set to Kill.”

“What about the Birthday Massacre?”

"They had a concert to do in the U.K. but said they'll call when your here."

“Is this really all for me? It was no big deal."

The air became thick, "Ren...." Donaven whispered, "You had how many seizures while in there? You were really sick. Don't try to play this off."

I sighed and sunk lower into my seat.

"Don't worry about it," Levin suddenly said, unbuckling himself and hopping into the front seat, sitting on me an successfully crushing me with himself, "We forgive you."

"Ack!" I groaned, "Get off! You're so FAT!"

He gasped in mock hurt, "Fat?" he sobbed like a Californian valley girl, "I'm fat?! How rude!" he said, squishing me further.

"Get off!" I laughed.

"No!" he grinned, "I'm too fat to move!"

"Levon!" I whined, "Get him off!"

He laughed, "I'm sorry. He's to fat to move."

"Oh my God, I'm going to die." I growled dramatically, "You're so fat!"

The vehicle erupted in laughter just as we cane to a stop in front of a fancy looking building. The club was BIG, that much was obvious. Music blared out and lights of all colors flashed. It was already around nine.

"Oh!" I smiled as Levin opened and slide off me, holding his hand out for me to take, "I thought I wasn't old enough," I teased Chandler became up behind me Levin.

He grinned, "Enjoy it while you can 'cause you can't come back for another two years."

"And when I do come back I'm going crazy," I threatened, sticking my tongue out.

He rolled his eyes, "We'll see."

Levin helped me down and everyone piled out,

"Yup, he heard you liked Italian food, so he had some ready for you," Levin said gripping my hand tight, "So that's why he invited us."
"That was sweet of him," I said gently as they lead me inside, me still holding onto Levin's hand.

"Hey, man," Levon called as we stood in the foyer, me gazing around in awe, "She really loves it."

I heard an amused chuckle but I couldn't stop staring.

"That so? Good."

"Ren," Levin said, tugging on my hand, "Meet your host."

I turned and put on my best smile as Ryan stepped up, dressed casually in a pair of ripped jeans, Fox shirt, and matching hat.

"Hey, girl," he grinned at me, "You like it?"

I nodded, "I love it," I replied a Levin finally let go of my hand so I could reach out and shake Ryan's outstretched hand, "I love all the lights."

"So they've told me," Ryan said.

I nodded, "Thank you for having me. Us. You really didn't have to."

"No," he said gripping my hand and turning so I was now holding onto it as he lead me through to the very back of the club, where a body guard system was set up, along with a red velvet rope and the sign VIP, "But I wanted to."

"The rest of the people are in here."

"Who are they?"

"Some bands that heard why happened and some other people like Ashton and Channing Tatum."

I rose an eye brow but said nothing, "Any girls?"

He laughed a loud as we passed through the red rope.

"Yes some. But we wanted you to be the special guest of honor."

"Well, then," I signed softly, smiling, "I'm honored."

"Ryan!" I heard max green's voice from escape the fate call, "Where the he'll is the booze?"

I shook my head then rolled my eyes as Craig came up behind Max and threw his arm around his shoulder, "In my stomach."
"That this son of a mother hasn't drank?"

Ryan shook his head and I turned, so back to Ryan's but my hand was still in his. Now I was hidden behind him.

I pouted, as my guys walked in, while they just smiled. I held out my hand, looking intently at Seth.

He rolled his eyes playfully but took it, "Thank you," I mouthed.

"I think you guys are scaring be guest if honor," Ryan laughed as I squeezed his hand.

"Is she here?"

Seth released my hand and Ryan rugged in my other, twirling me out.

"Whoa," I gasped, "Too fast!"

Max grinned and Craig laughed with the others while Ryan let go, chuckling.


"Hey girl," Max said, throwing an arm around my shoulder, "When did you get out?"

"Today. Around twenty minutes ago."

"Ouch," he sucked on air between his teeth, "You okay now right?"

"A course," I replied with a laugh as he lead me to sit between him and Alex from all time low.

Wow lots of leading around today.

"Hey birthday massacre is on the phone!" Ryan shouted over the blaring music.

I squinted my eyes against the lights and held out my hand, only to he home being slapped down on it.

"Ren love!" came Chibi's voice, "Are you alright?"

"Never better!" I laughed, "Just wished you guys were here."

"Well bloody hell of a time for you to get sick! I'm sorry, wish we were there, but we got a concert."

I giggled, "So I've heard."
"And I heard you guys have a concert too! Platinum chance?"

The room went silent, I looked up eyeing Seth, Levin, Levon, Chandler, and Donaven wearily,
"Yup. Big chance."

"When is it?"

"Um, December seventh."

"Oh deary, isn't that-?"

"Chibi!" Rhim, their drummer voice came suddenly in the background, "Say hi to Ren for us!"

She laughed, "They say hi.

"We gotta go now!"

"Oh, alright. Sorry Ren. Gotta go. I'll see you later, maybe come visit your tour, alright?"

"Alright, sweaty, bye."


I flipped the phone shut and looked up at everyone, forcing a small smile.

"Thanks for letting them call."

Ryan nodded, "Hey isn't that concert on your birthday?"

"Oh, well... Yes it is. But it' alright. We're getting a chance to get a platinum record.
So that's amazing."

"Well... Lets dance!" Max said suddenly, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me onto the dance floor.

I laughed aloud and everyone else smiled.

This outta be fun.


The guest of honor I was meant to be and the guest if honor I was. There were enough girls to dance with but I wad the one getting twirled around every time a new song came on or every other song.
I was currently back in max green's arms, grinding. He had one hand on my stomach, the other on my hop with his fingers in by belt loops bringing me closer than I already was. I had one hand reached up on the back of his neck and the other hand on my hip. Real fun.

"You're a pretty good dancer," he breathed out in my ear, a smile forming in his lips.

"Not so bad yourself," I replied.

We stopped when the song came to an end and I laughed as he twirled me around and hugged me, "Thanks for coming to this thing."

"No problem," he shrugged, "You're my favorite on the band."

I rolled my eyes, "That's only because I'm the girl."

He grinned and reached up, playfully punching me in the jaw, "You got it, girl."

I laughed and shook my head as he took my hand and lead me through the crowd.

"Where are we going?"

"I promised another guy would dance with him when I'm done."

I sighed. This is how it's been all night.


"He said he wanted it to be a surprise."

I huffed but said nothing while max gave me a grin, "Baby." he mouthed out.

I gasped, "I am not!"

He laughed, "Sure. Sure."

I narrowed my eyes and jumped on his back, nearly knocking him over,

"Take it back!" I whined.

He laughed again, "No! This is pretty cool."

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my legs around his waist from behind, "Fine. Carry me."

He rolled his eyes and helped support me.
"Are we there yet?"

"We haven't even walked five steps with you on my back."

"Then your really slow horsy."

"Did you just call me 'horsy'?"


He burst out laughing and I grinned, leaning over, "Hey! I can say what I want."

"Right. Right."

I rolled my eyes, "So hurry up."

"Uh, Max?" Max paused at the sound of a deep voice, "Why is there a girl on your back?"

"What can I say?" Green replied, slowly turning around with a grin on his face, "Can't keep the ladies off me."

I snorted, "Yeah that's the reason. the only way they'd be on you is to club you to death with a bat."

"You ruin my fun, Ren. This hurts me."

"Go get some alcohol, it should numb it."

The deep voice chuckled as Max let me slide down. I still couldn't see Mister Deep Voice's face due to lack of light and my lack of height. I mean I was 5'4" people! There's only so much a five foot four inch tall girl can see! This guy was at least 6'0" maybe 6'2". But I did notice two people behin him.

"Hey, I'm Ren."

"I know," the deep voice replied easily, shaking my outstretched hand, "Everyone knows who you are."

"Well, shouldn't I just be flattered?" I questioned sarcastically in a southern bell accent.

Max grinned up at Deep Voice, "Good luck dude. I'm off to get drunk."

"Bye, Max." I mumbled as he patted me on the head and left.

Mister Deep Voice help out his hand and I skeptically took it.

"These are my band-mates. Chris Hollywood and Sandra-"

My eyes widened, "No way!" I squealed, ripping my hand out of Deep Voice's, "You're THE Sandra from Black Veil Brides?!"

She laughed, "Yeah."

"Your an amazing drummer! Seth will be so psyched to see you. Can you come meet him?"

She smiled, "Sure. Why not."

"Thank you!"

I took her by the hand and left, leading her off to see my friend.

Chris and Deep Voice laughed, following behind me, "Looks like she's a fan of the band." Chris said.

"Or just Sandra."

"She's excited, we'll see what happens."

"Seth!" i called out spotting him near the bar with Donaven and Levon, "Seth!"

They turned to me and smiled, "Hey, Ren." Donny smiled, "You having a good time?"

I nodded my head eagerly and smiled big, "Yeah. And guess who I found."

I pulled her up, "Sandra from Black Veil Brides."

Their eyes widened and Seth's mouth hung open in a perfect 'O'.

"Hey," Sandra said, turning to Seth, "I heard your a big fan."

He nodded his head slowly, "Y-Your S-S-Sandra."

I giggled and waltzed over, putting a finger under his chin to close his mouth, "Don't drool, sweaty," I laughed, "That's just weird."

He scolded and looked over to me while Sandra laughed.

"Well. I'm gonna leave you two to gwt acquainted. See ya later."

Without waiting for a response I turnede and walked a few inches only to run into someone's chest.

"Ow," I grumbled, rubbing my head, "Whoever you are You're REALLY hard."

Deep Voice and Chris broke out laughing, "Sorry." he said in between laughs, "Are you alright?"

"Never better. Except, you know who I am-"

"Everyone knows who you are."

Ignoring his interuption, I continued like nothing happened, "But I don't know who you are. I can't even see your face."

He stepped into a stream of white light and smiled down at me,

"I'm Andy Sixx from Black Veil Brides."

A smile slowly broke it's way onto my pink lips. This night just got a WHOLE lot better.
♠ ♠ ♠
well there ya go!!!
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