Status: being worked on. Comment, s'il vous plait?

One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

Oh my gosh! I'm dancing with Andy Sixx!

Andy Sixx. The Andy Sixx was dancing with me.

I may sound like a crazed fan but, believe me, I’m definitely not. I was just nervous as hell. If you’ve seen the man, you’d know why. He was grinding with me also but I have to say he was better than Max at it. Kinda hard to believe with the way he looked, right? Anyway, he currently had both hands on my hips, his fingers twirled into my belt loops. The song was….uh, something. I didn’t care. This was just too much fun! I had both my hands up and on his neck while we grinded to the beat. Slowly, one hand traveled down to my thigh and I brought one hand down to his arm while his other hand rested on my stomach, beginning to rub smooth circles into the skin. I grinned as he ran his hands along my body and straight to my hands, grabbing them and lifting them up to his neck before he resumed to run his hands down back to my waist. This felt good. His hands twirled back into my belt loops again and he pulled me closer to him. His lips were suddenly on my neck and my eyes went wide in disbelief as my head dropped back onto his shoulder.

“Wh-what’re you doing?”

“Shhh,” he murmured, kissing my neck again.

Now this was weird…

“You’re not going to find–” I cut myself off with a gasp and Andy’s lips curled up into a smile.

“Not gonna find it, huh?”

I blushed in response and he chuckled against my skin,

“You’re adorable..”

I could feel the heat crawl up my neck at the compliment. Andy Sixx just complimented me!God, I was turning into a crazed fan.

“Andy,” I muttered, letting go of him by releasing my grip on his neck. However, he kept his grip on me, winding his arms tightly around my waist.


“How, um, old are you exactly?”

He laughed, “Nineteen, you?”


I giggled suddenly and he chuckled, pressing his lips to my neck once more,

“Are you having a good time?”

“Of course,” I replied softly.

“Wanna get something to drink?”

I pursed my lips together and shrugged, “Sure. Why not?”

He grinned and took my hand, leading me over to the bar, “You can’t drink, can you?”

“Unless I want Chandler to kill me, no, I cannot.”

"Chandler?” he questioned, sitting me down on the bar stool next to him.

“He’s one of my band-mates. The other guitarist. He’s the oldest and kinda like my big-brother that takes care of me,” I explained, spinning on the chair top.

He laughed, “I can see why he has to take care of you.”

I stopped spinning and grinned despite myself, raising both brows in curiosity, “Why?”

He took his foot and placed it on the cushion before pushing, causing me to spin around like a top.

I laughed with joy and he just laughed, “That’s why! You’re like a little kid.”

I giggled, coming to a stop before putting on my serious pouty face.

“So? It’s fun!” I stuck out my tongue and he smiled, leaning forward,

“You’re pretty cute.”

I blushed and looked away, secretly smiling to myself at the third compliment from him tonight.

“So what do you want to drink?” he questioned, smiling softly at me as I leaned my elbow on the bar counter and began to twirl my hair around my finger, looking at the menu in thought.

“I don’t care,” I finally decided, “Just no alcohol. Chandler’ll kill me.”

He chuckled and I blanked out as he called the bartender over and ordered. Was this really happening? Was I really flirting and talking with the Andy Sixx from Black Veil Brides?

I scowled to myself, ‘Jesus, I’m becoming a crazed fan-girl! Stop it!’


I blinked, looking up in a daze, “huh?”

“Was that okay?” he chuckled.

“Was what okay?”

He rolled his eyes, “I ordered you a ginger ale.”

“Oh, that’s okay then.”

“With rum.”

“What?!” I squeaked, eyes wide.

He laughed aloud, “Calm down! I was only joking with you.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared playfully at him, jutting my bottom lip out slightly in a pout, “You are so mean.”

He smiled and held out his arms, “I’m sorry. Want a hug?”

I blushed while his smile got wider, “No? No hug? Are you gonna make me sad?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

“Oh, so I’m the mean one?”

“Yes?” I giggled, sliding down the bar stool and walking into him, letting his arms wrap around me in a hug, “There. I’m not mean anymore.”

“What about me?” he questioned as I hugged him back.

“Like I said, thinking about it.”

He scolded but didn’t say anything, keeping his hold on me.

“Here ya go. One scotch on the rocks and one ginger ale.”

I looked up as Andy took one hand off of me and grabbed the drinks.

“Can I sit now?”

“You can try but someone just took your spot.”

I turned back to see a random chick had indeed taken my seat.

“Aw,” I pouted, “Screwy.”

He chuckled and released his grip on me before sliding down and picking me up, setting me in his seat, “There ya go.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, you’re pretty short so I can still see you,” he smiled, “I’m still at least two inches taller with you on this chair.”

I frowned and narrowed my eyes, “Jerk.”

“Drink,” he grinned, taking my glass and placing it on my bottom lip.

I sipped on it, squirming in my seat as his hand fell on my thigh and he took his drink, drawing on it.

“Is that good?” I asked, twirling slightly in my seat and sipping at my drink again.

He nodded, “Yeah, you want a sip?”

I put my drink down on the counter, dripping the glass tightly, eyebrows raised.

“Hmmm, sure. What could it hurt?”

He laughed quietly and put one finger under my chin, pulling it up slightly before placing his glass on my bottom lip.

“Now drink,” he instructed, smiling softly at me.

He tipped the glass and I swallowed slowly, enjoying the flavor as it burned down my throat.

He pulled it back and smiled at my dazed face.


I nodded and took my own drink, lifting it to my lips, “Very.”

“Glad to hear it,” he smiled, his gorgeous blue eyes darting from me to my drink.

I reached out unexpectedly and brushed some hair back from his face, smiling as he looked at me in confusion.

“You have really pretty eyes,” I murmured shyly, looking down, “You shouldn’t hide them with your hair.”

He chuckled as I brushed his hair back again, giggling as his cheeks tinted light pink. I let my hand linger a bit longer than it was suppose to before letting it slide down his face and off his jaw into my lap.

“Thanks,” he breathed out, “You have a really cute smile.”

I blushed and nodded, lifting my drink up, “Th-thanks.”

He chuckled softly and brushed his hair out of his face, “I want a drink.”

“You finished yours already?”

He rolled his eyes and took my hand, lifting my glass to his lips.

I giggled and swatted his hand away, tilting the glass back and letting him drain it.

“Fat ass,” I muttered, looking sadly at my now empty cup.

He laughed and finished off the rest of his drink, “Wanna dance?”

My eyes light up with a certain sparkle and my lips turned up into a gentle smile, “Sure.”


Andy and I turned, me smiling upon seeing my band-mates walking towards me.

“Hey, guys.”

“Can we leave?” Levon pouted, “Please?”

I giggled and hugged the pout man, “Awww, does Levy wanna leave?” I cooed.

He rolled his eyes but hugged me back, resting his chin on top of my head, rocking back and forth from one foot to another, “Yes. Yes Levy does.”

“Alright, we can go. Just gimme a minute to say goodbye to everyone.”

They nodded and I turned back to Andy, taking his hand and heading into the VIP section.

“Hey, Ryan!” I called, still gripping onto Andy’s hand, “Thanks for having us. I had a really good time.”

“You gotta leave?” he questioned.

I nodded and he put an arm around me, “Hey! Ren has to leave.” He yelled.

Everyone turned around to face mad and I smiled shyly and waved, “bye you guys. Thanks for coming.”

“BYE!” Craig and Max shouted, running and hugging me profusely.

“Are you drunk?”

“Oh, you so…fucking think not!” max hollered, whopping afterwards.

I rolled my eyes, slipping out of their grip and waving to everyone else, “Bye you guys.”

They all nodded and waved, smiling, and Ryan eyed me, grinning huge, “You leaving with Andy?”

I rose both brows and turned around, forgetting completely that I was still holding onto his hand.

I dropped it like a hot pan, “Oh, n-no!”

They all began to laugh, “Way to go, Andy!” Max grinned.

I stuck out my tongue, “I’ll see you later?” I asked softly.

Andy smiled, “Yeah. Can I….have your number?” he questioned nervously, running a hand through his jet black hair.

I nodded, “Have a pen?”

“Does anyone have a pen?” Andy shouted.

Max and Craig whooped and Ryan threw a tube of lipstick at him,

“Get lucky!” I heard Alex Gaskarth shout.

I rolled my eyes while Andy blushed scarlet and meekly handed me the lipstick.

I quickly wrote down my phone number across the length of his arm before applying some to my own lips and standing on my tip-toes and gently kissing the side of his mouth, making sure there was going to be a mark of my lips left.

“Don’t let them get to you,” I whispered in his ear, “But you are really cute when you blush.

He grinned when I pulled back and slapped the marking in his hand, kissing his arm where my phone number ended, smiling upon seeing a mark there.

“See ya later, Andy Sixx,” I said, waving slightly before dashing out of the room.

“Oh, there you are,” Seth said, voice hard, “Let’s go.”

I winced a little at his cold voice but nodded, “Here I am. Are you alright, Seth?”

“Fine,” he snapped, grabbing my hand and leading me outside to the car waiting out front.

He opened the passenger side door and I climbed in while Chandler , now in the driver’s seat, strapped me in.

Seth climbed into the second row with Levon and Levin and Donaven sat in the very back.

“Did you have a good time?” Chandler questioned.

I nodded, “Yeah. It was really fun.”

He smiled softly, “Good.” But it suddenly turned into a frown, “But I swear to God if you ever try scotch again–”

I groaned, “How the hell do you know what I’m always doing?”

“I’m a ninja,” he replied, “So don’t try scotch again.”

“It was just a sip,” I shot back, sticking out my tongue, “Don’t worry about it.”

He rolled his eyes but said nothing as we drove on.

“Can we get some music going?” I asked, “All I’ve heard is hip-hop and rap all night and that’s just blah.”

Levon laughed lowly and unbuckled himself, reaching forward and slipping a CD into the designated slot.

“Black Veil Brides gave this to us as a present for you,” Levon said as a beat emerged from the speakers.

“What’s this song called?” I questioned as Andy’s voice sounded.

“Alone at last, we can sit and fight.

And I’ve lost all faith in this blurring light.

But stay right there we can change our plight!

We’re storming through this, despite, what’s, RIGHT!”

“Knives and Pens,” Levon said, grinning, “You like?”

I grinned back, just as wide, “Me love.”