Status: being worked on. Comment, s'il vous plait?

One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?

The Hell If I Know

“With who?” Chandler demanded, arms crossed firmly over his chest.

“Andy Sixx,” I replied in a meek voice.

They all tuned to look at each other, then back to me, then to each other for a few minutes more before they all began to talk at once.

“I don’t know about him!”

“Maybe we should let her go.”

“I refuse to let her go.”

“He shouldn’t be trusted!”

“I don’t want her to go.”

“Guys!” I shouted, “You guys please!”

They all quieted down as I took a deep breath and put my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes slightly,

“Look, I know you guys hate every guy I’ve ever been on a date with – which isn’t much, Levin! Levon!” I growled, holding up a finger to keep them from interrupting me, “But I really like this guy so please could you at least pretend to try to like him? Please? For me? He’s really sweet and you guys liked him yesterday.”

“Before he asked you out,” Levin muttered, turning to the rack of my dresses behind him, which consisted of five dresses, three from my highschool years (that still fit) and two from music videos, “I don’t like him anymore.”

I scoffed and turned back to the mirror, crossing my arms stubbornly over my chest, “This morning you wanted to kiss him.”

They all snorted but began to go through my clothes, deciding what was best for the occasion.

“Where are you two going?” Donaven questioned.

“To that fancy Greek restaurant down on Beverly Hills Avenue ,” I smiled to my reflection in the mirror, suddenly happy beyond my comprehension.

Chandler chuckled as he took out a black party dress with a zebra top and a royal purple cocktail dress, “Greek, eh?”

“Greek,” I giggled.

“So we picked two,” Seth announced between gritted teeth.

I was too happy to notice.

I turned around and my eyes widened slightly at the choices.

One was the slick purple cocktail dress, a criss-crossed, low back number that Chandler would kill me for, yet he was holding it. The other one was a party dress, black at the bottom half with an empire waist and the top was white with three black button running up the chest, box cut in the front and a dipped low box cut in the back, with black halter straps tying it all together.

“Now choose wisely,” Chandler grinned.

I couldn’t help but smile. I knew he was testing me.

“I like this one better,” I said, sticking out my tongue and taking the party dress from Seth, “It’s cute. Thanks you guys.”

“No problem,” Levin shrugged, “Now get out of my boxers.”

I rolled my eyes and walked behind my changing screen, quickly slipping off the boxers and sports bra and trading it for a thong and matching strapless.

I slipped the silk dress over my head and walked out, twirling happily in it, “Well?” I questioned, “How do I look?”

They all smiled, Seth forcing it out, “Good,” Levon replied, “But what are you going to do with your hair?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know,” I admitted, “Can someone pick out shoes?”

Donaven walked over to my shoe wall and grabbed a pair of white ballet flats that strapped up to the middle of my claves and my black, strappy three inch Guess heels.

“I personally like the flats,” Donny shrugged, “Plus you’ll probably be more comfortable.”

I grinned and grabbed the flats, hugging him, “Thank you guys! You’re amazing.”

“We know,” they all replied in unison causing me to raise a brow.

“Alright, creepy,” I whispered under my breath as I sat on the plush bench in front of the mirror and began to lace up my shoes, finishing it off with a bow in the back.

“Down or up?”

“Down,” Seth replied instantly, as if it was a regular, everyday question.

I smiled, “Alright, down then.”

I stood and walked to my closet door, opening it, just as the doorbell rang.

‘Here already?’ I sighed, “Could you guys answer that? Stall him, please? just enough time to do my hair and make up.”

“In other words another three hours,” Levon whispered loudly to his twin.

“Oh shut up and go!” I laughed, running into my bathroom and quickly turning on my blow dryer. My hair was still wet from the shower but good thing my hair was naturally straight.

As soon as my hair was dry and styled I grabbed a white bow, clipping it in my hair before putting in a pair of black and white polka dot button earrings.

I hastily but expertly put on my eyeliner and lipgloss and gave myself a once over, satisfied with what was staring back before quickly grabbing a white trench coat the boys set out on my bed and racing out the door.

“What time are you bringing her back?” Chandler questioned, voice unnervingly calm.

“Around ten thirty, eleven.”

I giggled at the nervousness in Andy’s voice and slowed my descent down the imperial staircase.

“Ren?” Donaven called.

“Right here,” I replied, starling them as I finally made my way down the stairs, stopping at the second to last step.

The guys grinned at me and I smiled back before turning to Andy, flashing him one of my best smiles.

“W-wow,” he breathed out as I descended the last two steps and stood in front of him, “You look.....amazing.”

I giggled, “Thanks,” I looked him up and down, “You clean up nice yourself.”

He blushed lightly and my smile widened. He did look good in his black tuxedo with red finishing.

“Are those for me?” I questioned after a few minutes of comfortable silence, motioning to the red lilies in his hand.

He nodded absently and handed me the bouquet, “Thanks, these are beautiful. Um.....can you hang here for a bit? I’m gonna go put these in a vase then we can leave, alright?”

“Sure,” he replied, smiling small as I turned on my heel and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a vase from under the sink and filling it with water, sniffing the flowers slowly as I went.

“Those are pretty,” I heard Levon and Levin say, leaning over the half wall that backed the sink.

“Thanks. I told you he was sweet,” I said, placing the flowers in the vase and walking to the dining room table and setting it in the middle.

“We’ll see,” Levin grinned, “We still don’t like him,” Levon added on.

“Never asked you to,” I replied, kissing them both on the cheek, “Just to be nice. You all never did like anyone I dated.”

“Of course not,” they shrugged, “It’s our job.”

I rolled my eyes and looped my arms with them, letting them lead me out to a site that would embarrass me forever.

“Oh,” I groaned, “Come on you guys!”

They all turned to me smiling as I rushed over to them, snatching the photo album away,

“You’re such jackasses,” I grumbled, throwing the book randomly behind me and grabbing onto Andy’s hand, “Let’s go.”

He laughed, “Alright. I’ll have her back by eleven at the latest.”

“’Kay,” Chandler sighed, opening the white French front doors, “We’ll be waiting up.”

“Of course,” I replied, leading my date out the front doors, “Bye you guys.”

“Bye Ren!” they called, “Have fun!”


“I’m really sorry about them,” I said as we finally arrived at the restaurant after half an hour of pleasant chatter.

He laughed, obviously remembering the photo album, “Don’t be. They really care for you,” he said, as we got our table and sat, him still smiling over at me, still laughing, “They’re like your big brothers, huh?”

I nodded, “Yeah,” I sighed as we looked over the menu, “I met Levin and Levon in fourth grade and I’ve been with them ever since. Chandler we met in highschool around the middle of freshman year, and Donaven we met in junior year.”

“What about Seth?”

I smiled fondly, “We met him when we were putting together this band. It was after highschool. Well.....really I met him. I was filling out college applications at Starbucks while I was suppose to be looking for a drummer,” I laughed, “And I accidentally spilt my drink all over him. Oh, he was so good-natured about it too it just made me feel worse.”

Andy shook his head, chuckling, “So we started talking and I told him about the band the guys and I were trying to put together and he told me he played drums. I guess it was fate,” I shrugged, handing the waitress our menu and picking up my ginger ale, sipping it, “And here we are three years later. Not as long as some bands to get started but we’re proud of our work.”

“You guys are good,” he replied, suddenly smiling, “And you look very cute in-”

“Shut up!” I hissed, blushing horribly, “Ugh, I’m going to kill those idiots.”

He laughed aloud, “They love you.”

“A huh, they better.”

He laughed again and I smiled, “What about you? Tell me about Black Veil Brides.”

He smiled mischievously, “I’ll tell you another day.”

I pouted, leaning in closer, “No fair.”

“Never said I was.”

I rolled my eyes but the smile was still painted onto my lips, “What about”

He laughed, “That all you got?”

“Hey!” I cried, playfully hitting him on the arm, “Don’t be mean.”

He smirked, leaning forward, “I went to a catholic school when I was younger and I was.......different,” suddenly he frowned, “Different from the other kids. I was ‘emo’. I wore eyeliner – the whole works and because of it the other kids picked on me......badly.”

I could feel my lips turn down into a frown. I knew all too well how rude kids could be just because one was different.

“What happened?” I questioned softly.

“They called me names, they bullied me, they even beat me up so bad one time and stuffed me in a locker. I wasn’t let out until the janitor found me after the school day ended.”

My eyes widened, “Oh.....Andy....I....I’m sorry,” I whispered, reaching over and placing a cool hand on his face, “I know what it’s like, believe me,” I sighed, “It kind of makes me mad that people treat other people like shit then go around saying that they’re nice and that everyone should be treated equal.”

He smiled at me, placing his hand ontop of mine and taking it, kissing the palm, “Don’t worry about it. It’s all in the past now.”

“I know, it made the guys who they are today, but it still makes me mad to know they were treated like that sometimes and I wasn’t even though I hung out with them and dressed and acted like them too. I guess that’s why I’m so protective over them,” I shrugged.

He smiled and put my hand down, intertwining his fingers with mine as the waitress came back with our food.

“Aren’t you....Andy from Black Veil Brides?” she questioned incredulously, eyes wide when Andy turned to thank her.

She was a sixteen year old pretty girl with black and blonde streaked hair and eyeliner. Clearly an emo.

I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Yeah,” he said, “I am.”

“Oh my God, could – could I get your autograph?!” she squealed, holding out her notepad and pen, “Please?”

Andy laughed good-naturedly and I smiled, “Sure.”

He jotted down his signature and smiled up at the girl who nearly burst in excitement, “Thank you so much!”

“Anytime,” he chuckled.

She then turned to me, “Sorry for interrupt – wait, you’re Ren from Tears of Destiny.”

I couldn’t help but laugh aloud, “Yes. Yes I am.”

“Wow, two favorite bands in the same place! Could I have your autograph too?”

“’Course, sweetie,” I replied easily, taking the pen and pad from her hands and putting down my name, “Here ya go.”

“Thank you so much!” she smiled, “I cannot wait to tell my friends I met Ren from Tears of Destiny and Andy from Black Veil Brides!” she laughed, sprinting past two waiters and into the back kitchen.

Andy and I laughed, “I love the younger fans. So devoted,” Andy chuckled as I picked up my fork and began to twirl my alfredo around it.

“They’re fun,” I admitted, “But aren’t you worried she’s gonna spread a rumor that we’re dating?”

He looked up, eye brows raised in innocent confusion, “We aren’t dating?”

I blushed scarlett and laughed nervously, “Oh....we – I mean, uh, I just thought that-”

“Calm down,” Andy grinned, “I was just joking.....sort of.”

I looked up through my lashes and smiled slyly, “Sort of?”

He smiled unembarrassed, “Yeah.....”

“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

His ice blue eyes light up with a sparkle, “Yes,” he replied as my cheeks turned a light pink while he grabbed my hand, “Will you?”

I couldn’t help but giggle, “It’s only the first date, Andy.”

He shrugged, “I’ll keep asking every date we have until you say yes.”

I reached over and gave him a small but sweet kiss on the lips,

“And I’ll keep waiting until you go crazy.”
I stood on the patio in Andy’s arms outside of my band’s house, giggling uncontrollably as Andy relayed a story where Chris had made a fool of himself in front of some groupies.

“Don’t keep embarrassing him like that!” I giggled.

He shrugged, pushing me back a little but close enough where I could still feel his body heat on the chilly night, “Doesn’t matter,” he grinned, “You’re enjoying it.”

I nodded, “Thank you, for such a great night. I had a lot of fun,” I said truthfully, “It was wonderful.”

He smiled softly, “Glad to hear it. So does that mean you’ll go out with me again next week?”

I couldn’t help but smile, “S-Sure,” I replied gently, “Where and when?”

“Thursday at eight thirty, I’ll pick you up,” he said, lowering his lips until they were centimeters from mine.

“Great,” I whispered, “Where are we going?”

He chuckled, “It’s a surprise.” And with that he meshed his lips with mine in a soft, teasing kiss.

So soft in fact it made me want to grab him and make him kiss me like he meant it.

“You’re such a tease,” I breathed out against his lips when we parted, “Kiss me like you mean it.”

I brought him back in and he smiled into it, lowering his hands from my shoulders to my waist as I locked my arms behind his neck and closed my eyes, sighing in bliss as he brought my chin up and deepened the kiss.

“Alright time to come inside now!” Donaven shouted from the doorway causing us to rip apart and for me to jump back, blushing twenty different shades of red.

“T-Thanks for tonight, Andy,” I said softly, reaching up on my tip-toes and kissing him quickly on the cheek, “Bye.”

“Thanks for bringing her home safely,” Chandler said as I slipped in between him and Donny.

Andy nodded respectively, “Sure thing. I’ll, uh, see ya guys later.”

I waved small as he walked down the path to his car, looking back once as Chandler closed the door and leaned against it.

“So, how was your date?” Levin and Levon questioned from the couch, laughing lightly, “Cause afterwards seemed amazing.”

I gasped, “How long were you watching?!”

“That’s not important!” Levin shot back, grinning, “Tell us about your date.”

I smiled, falling back in between the twins, “It was wonderful. I had so much fun.”

“She had much more fun tongue wrestling afterwards,” Donny whispered to Chandler behind us causing me to go red.

“Shut up!” I commanded, “I know who won’t make fun of me and would love to hear about my date,” I huffed, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest, “Seth!”

Their eyes widened and they all bolted up, running to grab onto me, “Ren, wait!”


“You don’t wanna go up there right now.”

I turned, whipping my head around, “What? Why?” I questioned, eyebrows raised.

“Well.....” Levin sighed, sucking in air between his teeth, “He’s....well he’s-”

I rolled my eyes and turned, making my way up the stairs with them following close behind, “Seth! Hello?”

I stopped at his door, across from mine and knocked before slowly opening it, “Seth?”

I swung it open and I swear my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

There, in bed, was Seth, shirtless, straddling a girl who in return only had on her pants, and they were making out passionately.

“Seth?” I choked out.

I don’t know why but this......disgusted me beyond belief.

The two turned to us and the girl went red as she tried to cover herself up while Seth rolled off of her, his face calm.

“Do you mind?” the girl snapped.

I couldn’t believe my ears, “T-Trisha?” I gasped.

He was....making out with Trisha?! She was my enemy for how many years now?

“Oh,” she sneered, “Ren. Hi.”

I turned to Seth, eyes wide, “Trisha?” I asked again.

He shrugged, “How was your date?” he growled out, rolling his eyes afterwards.

I clenched my fist tight, “Fine. Just fine. You can go back to.....your date.”

“Thank you. Close the door,” Trisha spat, turning back to Seth with a smile on her face.

I slammed the door shut fuming. How could he let her talk to me like that? If any girl talked to me like that the guys would have her gone in a heartbeat.

“Ren?” Chandler questioned, “You alright?”

“Fine,” I replied meekly, “Just fine.”

“You wanna tell us about your date now?” Levon chuckled nervously.

I turned to him, forcing a smile to grace my lips.

“No,” I laughed, “It’s alright. I’m tired though so I’m gonna go to bed, alright?”

They all nodded and watched as I walked back to my room, opening my red and black door.

I opened it slightly and paused, “Thanks for not going all big brother mode on Andy you guys,” I said, turning to them, “It meant a lot that you didn’t scare this one away.”

They all grinned, “No problem,” Donaven shrugged, “He seemed to enjoy the photo album.”

I flushed, “You are such idiots!” I yelled, punching him in the shoulder playfully, “That was so embarrassing!”

They chuckled and one by one kissed me on the cheek goodnight,

“Yeah, yeah night.”

“Don’t forget, practice tomorrow after YOU make breakfast.”

I laughed and nodded, entering my room and softly closing the door behind me.

I sighed blissfully, completely forgetting about Seth and Trisha, and concentrating solely on my date. What a wonderful night.
♠ ♠ ♠
....blah [:

it's been like...a long time. sorry we haven't updated BUT we have lives....sooooooo yeah, enjoy?