Status: being worked on. Comment, s'il vous plait?

One Girl, Five Guys... What Could Happen?


It’s been a month since my first date with Andy and I have to tell you the second date – amazing.

He took me to the local park and we just walked and talked then we sat under the stars, eating deli sandwiches and laughing. Then it started to rain so we had to run for cover under one of the big willow trees. It was fun and truly one of the best dates I’ve ever been on.

Now Andy and his band were regulars at my house – as well as Trisha but lets not go into that – and the concert was coming up soon, really soon and I couldn’t be more nervous.

Right now I was tuning my guitar with Levin and Levon in the garage while Donny and Chandler discussed the concert itinerary with Seth and Mark who decided to come check up on us, to see us rehearse as well.

“Hey.” I looked up, crossing my legs at the ankle on my position on the amp, smiling as Andy kissed me softly on the lips, “How’s rehearsal going?”

“Frustrating,” I admitted as I waved at Chris and Sandra.

They waved in return and started up a conversation with Levin and Levon while I turned my attention back to my boyfriend.

Yup that’s right. I finally accepted his proposal, much to his relief, just last week.

“How so?” he questioned as I set my guitar down and took my hair out of it’s ponytail.

“Just, it is. Usually I’m so psyched about a concert but this is our big break, Andy,” I sighed, leaning forward so he could wrap his arms around me, “It’s a platinum record deal. What if I mess up?”

He laughed and pulled back, pressing his lips against my forehead, “That won’t happen. You’re worrying too much.”

I groaned, “No, no, don’t say that.”

He smiled, obviously amused, “What am I suppose to say?”

“Something like, if you do mess up it’ll be alright or – or something like that.”

“Tell you what,” he said, standing up and taking me with him, “You need to de-stress so how about I take you to get some icecream?”

My face lit up like a light bulb and I nodded, jumping up and down making Andy laughing, “Yeah! Let’s go.”

He reached down and kissed me, “I love how childish you are,” he sighed, “It’s cute.”

I blushed and looked down at my feet, switching my weight from one foot to the other, “T-thanks.”

He chuckled and slid his hand into mine, “Anytime,” he replied, kissing my mouth briefly before turning to his and my bandmates.

“Hey, me and Ren are gonna go get some icecream down the block, alright?”

Chandler and Mark looked up and Mark grinned at me as I hide halfway behind Andy, blushing.

“Alright.” Chandler shrugged, looking at me from the corner of his eyes, “But bring her back in half an hour, Mark wants to hear us.”

Andy nodded and waved to them all before turning and tugging me along to his car.

“Where to?” I asked, sinking back into his car seats.

“I saw a family owned icecream shop when we passed by here. Wanna try there?”

I nodded, “Yeah,” I smiled, “Sure.”

The rest of the ride was filled with music and laughs, small talk and comfortable silence.

When we finally got the icecream shop and we were settled in one of the booths, Andy reached over and gripped my hand in his, intertwining his fingers with mine.

“Now tell me what your so worried about, because I know it isn’t the concert. I’m pretty sure you got over it being on your birthday because you told me so last week,” Andy said, squeezing my hand, “So tell me what’s really wrong.”

I sighed and sat back, still holding onto his hand, I began to nervously play with his fingers.

“Ren,” he said sternly, “Tell me.”

“It’s.....Seth,” I finally blurted out, “I don’t know what’s wrong with him but he’s been such a – such a jackass to me lately. I don’t know what I did! I really don’t and he’s so mean to me. And he let’s Trisha treat me like shit too. He doesn’t back me up or anything and in front of the guys he just ignores me unless it’s necessary for us to speak. I don’t know what to do, Andy, it’s so frustrating,” I sighed, resting my elbow on the table and continuing to play with my boyfriend’s fingers, “He’s one of my best friends and he’s treating me like I’m some dog shit that got stuck on his shoe.”

Andy pried his hand from mine and stood, coming over and sitting next to me in the booth before wrapping an arm around my mid-section and bringing me to him, resting his chin atop my head,

“I don’t know what to say about that honestly,” Andy said, “I can’t imagine what his problem might be. Do you want me to talk to him?”

I shook my head, picking up his hand again, “No, it’s alright. I’ll try today. Thank you though.”

“No problem,” he shrugged, smiling lightly, “Anything for my girlfriend.”

I couldn’t help but blush. It was amazing to me how easily those words flowed out of his mouth. Like it was the most natural thing on earth for him to say.

“One raspberry lime sorbet and one cheesecake sundae with nuts,” the waitress piped, setting our orders down in front of us.

Andy smiled and nodded, giving her a twenty dollar tip,

“Keep it all,” he said to the wide-eyed girl.

“Thank you so much, sir!” she squeaked, turning and walking back to the counter.

“Well,” I stated, picking up my spoon and taking a little bit of my sorbet, “That was very generous of you. I’m impressed.”

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, almost like an armrest, “Good, but it was nothing. It looked like she needed a break.”

I laughed lightly and cuddled up next to him, still eating my icecream,

“You’re so sweet,” I said, reaching up and kissing him on the lips, “Mmm,” I licked my lips afterwards, “Cheesecake. That’s good.”

He smiled and kissed me again, icecream on his lips, “Glad you like it.”

I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging him towards me, “I love it, but give some more.”

He grinned and lowered his lips onto mine, moving with me before it became heated.

I dropped my spoon on the table, as did he, and wrapped my free arm around his neck while his arm wound around my waist, bringing me closer, pinning me to him.

I gasped and his lips turned up into a satisfied smirk as his tongue crept in, at first searching through every crevasse in my mouth before starting a tongue war, wrestling for dominance.

Finally, I backed down and let him win, especially when he gently bit my bottom lip, tugging ever so slightly, getting me to groan softly.

“Ew, you two, get a room or something.”

I broke apart from Andy with an aggravated sigh. I’d know that voice anywhere, now wouldn’t I?


I turned my head slightly, not surprised to see my and Andy’s bandmates in the shoppe, Trisha with her arms crossed over her chest and Seth beside her. The rest of the people behind them looked a bit annoyed.

“Well you know, we were perfectly alone right here until YOU came in and interrupted us,” I snapped back, releasing my hold on Andy and turning in his arms.

Levin and Levon slide across the booth from us and the guys brought up a table next to our booth, Seth and Trisha at the farthest end – away from us.

“Wow, you weren’t joking about the tongue wrestling,” Mark whispered to Donny, Chris, and Sandra, who laughed in return.

I flushed and turned my head, trying to hid my blush, “Oh, shut up!” I hissed, swatting playfully at him as Andy just grinned through his chagrin.

“So, uh, not to be rude or anything, but why are you guys here?” Andy questioned, cocking his head to the side as his arm fell to rest on my shoulders again.

Chandler chuckled, “We got bored without Ren yelling or doing something to amuse us,” he replied honestly, shrugging.

I smiled, “Aw, that’s......sweet?” it came out more like a question than anything.

Everyone laughed and I shrugged Andy’s arm off, standing, “Does anyone want icecream?”

Everyone began to talk at once so I just rolled my eyes and grabbed Andy’s hand, “Alright, I know what you want. I’ll get it! I’ll get it.”

I then turned to Seth and Trisha, forcing a pleasant smile to show,

“Did you want anything Trisha?”

She eyed me carefully then turned up her nose, “No, thank you. I don’t want my ass to balloon up like-”

“How about you, Seth?” Andy interrupted, taking my hand in his so I wouldn’t punch the bitch I so desperately wanted to before me.

“Ren knows what I like,” he sighed.

I nodded, “Yeah, let’s go, Andy,” I said through clenched teeth, walking up to the counter.

“ chocolate fudge cone, two strawberry-pistachio sundaes with whip cream, one vanilla-cherry cup, one coffee cone, and one raspberry-lime sundae with whip cream please,” I smiled at the waitress.

She laughed, “A lot of friends?” she questioned as she put the ordered in and I got out my money.

“Yeah,” I sighed, “And they’re so damn picky too.”

She laughed again and rang up the purchase, “That will be twenty-seven twenty-three, please.”

I nodded and was about to hand her my fifty dollar bill but a hand shot out for me, handing her the money, “Keep all the change,” he said, making the waitress smile and nod her head.

“You’re order will be right with you.” And with that she went to the back, most likely filling out our orders.

I turned to Andy, pressing my back against the counter, “You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve paid.”

He shrugged and pressed up against me, placing his hands on either side of me on the counter, trapping me there,

“I wanted to. It’s no big deal. I like spending on you.”

“But it’s not me,” I retaliated, smiling a bit as I placed my hands on his chest, “It’s my friends none-the-more family.”

“Same thing. You love them and you live with them. They might as well be you with the way they seem to know to burst in like that.”

I laughed aloud, “I’m sorry about that. They’re just so protective.”

“It’s alright,” he said, honesty in his voice, “I don’t mind it. I actually think it’s kind of sweet what they do for you.”

I giggled, standing on my tip-toes and kissing him sweetly, “Thanks. Most guys would run. Are you sure Chris and Sandra don’t want anything?”

He turned his head, “Hey, Chris, Sandra, you want anything?”

“Nope!” they replied together making me laugh.

“Nope,” Andy smiled, popping the ‘p’.

I hugged his torso and smiled back, “ they like me, Andy?” I questioned, my voice soft with worry.

He seemed taken aback by the question at first, playing with it in his mind.

“Why wouldn’t they?” he finally asked.

I shrugged, “I don’t know.....I just.....feel like I should get approved by them you know? After all they are your closest friends.”

He chuckled at my insecurity, “You worry too much but it’s adorable. Of course they like you. I see no reason for them not to.”

“If you say so.....” I sighed as he hugged me tightly, kissing me atop the head.

“Do you want me to ask them?” he questioned, amusement in his voice.

I shook my head, “No!” I hissed, “It’s fine. I believe you.”

He lowered his lips onto mine in a kiss, “Good.”

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind us causing us to break apart.

“Here are your orders!” she chirped, laughter in her eyes.

“Have a nice rest of the day.” She grinned, a sly tone underlying her voice.

I couldn’t help but go red.
You know when you get so distracted because of one person that you can’t concentrate on this one thing you really need to and you begin to get frustrated with that one person but it only fuels their amusement and makes them do it even more?

Yeah, that is what was happening right now as I tried to get this chord down with Chandler .

I was sitting on Andy’s lap, trying to play my guitar, while he played with my hair and kissed my head or neck.

It was VERY distracting and everyone else couldn’t be more amused.

Mark and Donny where already by the door, ready to go in when they couldn’t hold in their laughter anymore while Chandler sat in front of me, a huge smile on his face as I messed up again on my cord due to the distraction at hand.

Levin and Levon where over by Seth’s drums with Sandra, skillfully holding in their laughter while Chris sat beside Andy and I, grinning like an idiot.

Seth and Trisha were behind Chandler , doing hell knows what, but definitely ignoring me.

‘Damn Chris for making that stupid bet with Andy,’ I growled in my head as I missed another note when Andy twirled my black and blue hair around his finger and kissed my neck softly.

Chandler let out a laugh as I messed up the whole chord when Andy tugged lightly on my hair.

He tugged again on my hair and I growled, threw the guitar at Chris (which he caught, thankfully), and turned in Andy’s lap.

I then grabbed him by the face and brought him to me, kissing him full on the lips for about a minute or two with no reaction.

Finally I pulled away, a satisfied smirk on my lips when Andy held no reaction to the passionate kiss.

I stood up and took my guitar from a shell-shocked Chris and smiled huge at him, “It’s your fault for making the bet,” I shrugged, strapping my guitar on and beginning to play the chord flawlessly.

Once that was complete I smiled, turned to Chandler and announced “Done!” before brushing past a shocked Mark and Donny and into the house, playing the cord over and over again.

As soon as the door slammed shut everyone burst into laughter,

“You just lost that bet, man!” Chris howled, standing up with a grin, “That was kinda hot.”

I shrugged and went to the fridge, bending over at the waist to look what was to drink after I had set my guitar against the counter.

‘That was fun,’ I thought with a smile, scanning the shelves.

I quickly grabbed a Dr.Pepper and waltzed out to the garage where the guys where still smiling at a dazed Andy.

“Damn, Ren,” Chris grinned, “I think you broke him.”

I laughed, “If I did it’s your fault. You’re the one that said ‘I bet you can’t distract her from practicing her cords’.”

He shrugged helplessly, “What? I thought you had more willpower than that.”

Mark and Donaven burst out laughing and Levin and Levon grinned goofily as Sandra shook her head, smiling.

“Guess not,” Chandler said, shrugging.

I shrugged one shoulder, “Either way. I won. Did I really break him?” I asked worriedly, poking Andy in the temple.

He looked up slowly, licking his lips as I slowly drank my Dr.Pepper, smiling behind the can.

“You’re in trouble,” he said.

My eyes widened and I shoved my drink in Seth’s hand before running out the open garage door, “Get away!” I shrieked as he followed me out and to our green lawn out front.

“Get away!” I shrieked again, laughing as he tackled me onto the grass, rolling so he was ontop, “Get off!” I laughed as he began to tickle me, “Get off!”

“No, I don’t think I will,” Andy smiled, increasing the tickle torture.

Damnit! Why’d I tell him I was super ticklish?

“A-Andy!” I gasped out in between laughs, “Stop! S-S-Stop!”

“First tell me that I’m the awesomest, hottest, most fantastic boyfriend in the world.”

“Awesomest isn’t a word!” I screamed out.

“Ren!” he laughed, never stopping the tickling.

“Fine! Fine!” I turned over, trying to wiggle away from him, “Andy, you’re the awesomest, hottest, most fantastic boyfriend I’ve ever had.”

Yet he didn’t stop, “I-I said it!”

“No, you said you’ve ever had. For all I know you could be talking about some other guy though I doubt he’s the same degree as me, don’t you consent?”

I shook my head, laughing, “Andy!” I pleaded.

“Say it!”

“Say it, Ren!” they all called from the door of the garage, grinning.

“You’re the awesomest, hottest, most fantastic boyfriend in the world!”

He grinned, rolling off to lay beside me as I tried to catch my breath,

“Now see? Was that so hard?”

“A – a little,” I breathed out, “Yeah.”

He rolled his eyes and slowly got to his feet, “Drama queen.”

“Why thank you.”

“Just get up,” Andy laughed, holding out a hand for me to take.

I grinned and clasped my hand with his before pulling, causing him to topple onto me.

“Oooooh,” everyone said from the garage before laughing afterwards as Andy groaned.

“You’re an ass,” Andy huffed, sitting up, his face mere inches from mine.

“Oh, please,” I giggled, rolling my eyes, “You love my ass.”

He opened his mouth, as if to retaliate, but quickly closed it, nodding, “Yeah,” he finally shrugged, resting his forehead on mine, “You’re right.”

I laughed and shoved him lightly, “Pervert!”

“I love you, too,” he said sarcastically, kissing me sweetly afterwards.

I smiled into the kiss, reaching up and tangling my fingers in his hair as I slowly closed my eyes, enjoying it.

This was.....nice. It felt good to know that he was mine, all mine.

His lips moved hungrily against mine and I accepted it eagerly, moaning a bit when his tongue licked my bottom lip, asking for permission.

I hesitantly opened my mouth and his tongue shot in, massaging mine causing me to groan.

“Oh, gross,” I heard Levin say childishly, “Dude, that’s like, my little sister!”

“Shhh!” Sandra scolded.

I giggled a bit and Andy parted from me, smiling before his lips attacked mine again.

I closed my eyes and locked my hands behind his neck while one of his hands rested on my thigh, sending a shockwave of pleasure up and down my spine.

I moaned and his tongue shot in again, continuing our last steamy make-out session.

This went on for like, ten minutes, before Levon groaned, “Oh, gross, I’m gonna go throw up now.”

“I’m right behind you,” Levin said, both of them running outside and near us, diving into the bushes.

Andy broke the kiss and laughed, turning his head to look at the two guys.

“I don’t think throwing up means diving head on into a rose bush,” I laughed out, smiling as Andy stood, helping me up as well.

“Ouch,” they said in unison.

I smiled up at Andy, then to the guys at the garage laughing, before walking over to my twins.

“Ooh, you poor babies,” I cooed, grabbing onto them and pulling them out.

I couldn’t help but laugh as they came out, covered in thorns.

“Shut up,” Levin murmured, wincing as I plucked out a thorn, “This is your fault.”

I bit my lip to keep from smiling, “I’m sorry. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.”

I took both of their hands and led them through the garage and into the house, setting them on the couch,

“Stay. Don’t move, I’m going to go get the first aid kit that I keep in my room,” I sighed, beginning to walk away, “I knew I was going to need it someday.”

“Hey! Ow!” they cried out making me smile.

Such dorks, but hey, I love ‘em.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the wait love you. I would have updated this A LONG time ago but someone distracted me!! *coughs* FAITH! *coughs*
Faith = the other author of this story