A Fishy Proposal

Cameron Longisland and Abigail Fox had always been the perfect couple, however strange their relationship was. The two of them met back in the final year of University (which was pretty strange already, considering that the majority of couples had already bonded in the first or second year), and were often seen in the science labs, toasting their bread with a Bunsen burner, making patterns.

They were always known as the ‘loony pair’, or the ‘goofy pair’, and most of the time, ‘the won’t-make-it-anywhere pair’. Strangely enough, theirs seemed to be one of the rare relationships that survived through Uni.

Of course they did, they were perfect for each other. They had similar personalities, but enough differences to patch up each other’s weak points. Cam was a stand up comedian, the class joker. Abby was the ironic, sarcastic, street-smart optimist.

By the time they hit 23, marriage was definitely lurking around the corner…

A One-shot for MissHappyPants’s Marriage Proposal Contest ~!