‹ Prequel: Hearts Intact

Wrists Intact

And I Want To Be Known For My Hits

“Skylar, Skylar where are you?” My voice trembled as I whispered for my brother. I was in a dark, damp room. I heard movement off to my left and in a second Skylar appeared. We were only seven at the most.

“What is it Izzye?” He asked, reaching for my hand. He was shaking so badly he could barely stand.

“They’re trying to get in.” I whispered. Skylar’s eyes reflected his oddly light green eyes. He squeezed my hand so hard that I flinched.

“But they can’t.” He said, trying his hardest to sound confidant but failing miserably.

“They will.” I whispered. In silence we both glanced up at the tiny window, the only source of light in the dark room. Suddenly a shadow fell over it and both of us jumped backwards, right into a cold wall.

“Shh or else they’ll hear you!” I warned. Skylar nodded and we clung to each other, terrified, hoping that they would leave us alone. Several long minutes passed with us barely daring to breathe until the shadow finally disappeared.

“They’ll be back.” Skylar and I whispered in unison. This wasn’t over yet.


I woke up from the dream in a cold sweat and trembling. What was after Skylar and I? In frustration I threw my pillow at the wall, wishing that I could remember. What if whatever was after us then was still after us? I guess I would have to endure more nightmares to figure out. How lovely.

I glanced over to my note on the bulletin board and was surprised to see more writing on it. Trying to walk as quietly as I could I made my way over to read it. It was in the same coded message that mine was. It was long, and took me a while to figure out but finally I got it. It said, Thanks. They got the venom out?

I then spent the next few minutes writing out my reply, yes, so I’ve been told. I had to use another piece of paper and I hoped that it wasn’t going to look suspicious to anyone.

I sat on my bed for awhile, trying my hardest to remember anything. I don’t think I did because before I knew it, I was sound asleep.


“You sound happy.” I said into the phone. Mel laughed and I could almost see her smiling.

“I have the best news in the world!” She said. I paused, trying to prolong her agony.

“You finally realized that you love me and only me?” I joked. I knew Mel so well that I was absolutely positive that she was rolling her eyes at me right now.

“No way! Dude you’re like my sister! And besides, you and Jimmy are totally going to get married!” She said. I made gagging noises and Mel laughed.

“That’s disgusting Mel! Jimmy and I are just friends, nothing more!” I said. Mel chuckled.

“Whatever you say Izzye but anyways, back to my most amazing news!” She said.

“You’re pregnant?” I asked. There was a pause on the other end as my words sunk in.

“That is so wrong Izzye, I’m fourteen!” Mel said, the disgust showing in her tone. I laughed.

“Fine I give up, what’s your news?” I asked. I could almost see Mel jumping with excitement.

“Roger and I are dating!” She said. The words wiped the smile off my face and my happiness was immediately replaced with dread.

“What?” I asked, unable to even fake being happy. Mel’s tone reflected how upset she was that I didn’t share in her excitement.

“What do you have against him Izzye?” Mel asked softly. How could I explain to her the terror I felt whenever he was around? That I hated the way he looked at both of us as if we were pieces of meat.

“He’s seventeen, that’s a bit old for you.” I said slowly. Mel sighed loudly.
“Is that it? Just our ages?” She asked. I couldn’t lie to my best friend so I didn’t say anything.

“So there is more.” It wasn’t a question and I knew it. I just couldn’t explain to Mel why I thought her and Roger were a bad idea.

“Please Izzye, can’t you just be happy for me? This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” Mel said. Even though she couldn’t see me I forced a smile.

“Okay, I’ll be happy for you, and just for you! Congratulations.” I said even though it felt wrong to say those words.

“Thank you Izzye! Have I ever told you that you’re the best friend ever?” Mel said. I forced myself to sound happy.

“Yeah, once or twice.” I said. Mel laughed.


When Ryan came and found me the next morning I was sitting on my bed, thinking about my second dream. He knocked on the door and when I didn’t answer he came in.

“We were starting to wonder where you were.” He said with what was clearly a forced smiled. I ignored it.

“Who’s Mel?” I asked. The look on Ryan’s face made me think that his heart had stopped beating for a second. Unless, of course, as a vampire, it already wasn’t beating.

“Why?” He asked slowly. After a moment’s hesitation I decided to tell him that I had a dream. Not what my dream was about, just that I’d had one.

“I had a dream.” I said. All of a sudden I felt all warm and like I wanted to tell Ryan absolutely everything. It was hard to fight off that feeling but somehow I managed. Ryan looked frustrated.

“What was it about?” He asked. I fought the urge to glare at him as I answered.

“Mel.” I said slowly. Ryan looked like he was trying not to roll his eyes at me. I can’t say that I blamed him.

“What about her?” He asked. I paused before I replied.

“I don’t know.” I said. This time Ryan really did roll his eyes.

“I don’t know who she is.” He said, staring at my wall. He was clearly lying to me.

“Then how did you know that she was a girl?” I asked. Ryan looked extremely uncomfortable as he turned to look at me.

“You said that she was.” He said quickly. I shook my head, glaring at him.

“No I didn’t.” I said. His eyes didn’t leave my face as he replied.

“I just assumed that she was. Mel is usually a girl’s name.” He said. I could’ve argued against that but I decided that it would just be easier to remain silent.

“You should come eat something.” Ryan said after several long seconds of silence. I shook my head.

“I’m not hungry.” I said, willing my stomach not to growl. Thankfully it obeyed me.

“Well, just come upstairs when you are hungry.” Ryan said with a sigh. Once again I felt that warm feeling wash over me and I felt like telling Ryan absolutely everything.

“I will.” I said slowly, forcing out the words. Ryan looked disappointed as he left my room.