
Meeting Gerard

chapter 3

Helena POV
I sat under the old oak tree and Frank sat beside me grinning. I rolled my eyes and I closed them as I leaned against the tree.
So you doing anything this weekend?’ Frank said
“Not really. Are you?’ I said
“No we should catch up sometime?” he said happily
"i got alot to do" i said lying between my teeth
The school bell rang loudly in my ears and I opened my eyes to se Frank stil glaring at me.
“What?” I said
“Whats wrong?” he said worried
“Theres this new guy Gerard you should go meet him”I said changing the topic
I got up and I brushed the dirt from my legs. Frank followed beside me and I saw Gerard walking towards us.
“Hey Helena how was class?” Gerard said
“Had a free oh this is Frank”I said pointing to Frank
Gerard out stretch his hand and Frank shoke it happily.
“The names Gerard” Gerard said smiling
“So how do you like this school?” Frank said smiling
“Well I’ll leave you to alone then” I said
“Who do you hang out with?” Gerard said looking back at me
“Umm a few people”I said
“Oh okay well I’ll see you later” Gerard said
“Okay bye”I said walking off

Frank’s POV
I watched as Helena left us and Gerard smirked.
“You like her don’t you?” Gerard said nudging me
“Yeah I do”I said grinning
“So where are we hanging out?” he said
“Umm down at the back near the silverseats”I said happily
We walked down the back and we were talking about are lives. I found out that he liked drawing and reading comics. I reached my friends who were all seating on the silverseats. There was Ray, Bob, Bert and Pete. I introduce them to Gerard the newbie and they all shoke hands. We all had a big talk and we all knew about Gerard. Pete well he wasnt fond with Gerard just yet but i knew we would all get along.
The bell for class and i walked to Maths as some of the others had Art or Science. the day ended quiet quick and it was the end of the day finally the weekend. one week till holidays yes. i reached the school gates and i noticed Helena coming my way she looked quite sad as she paced her steps towards me and i wanted to see if she was okay.
"Hey Helena" i shouted as i waved my hands in the air
"Oh hey Frank"she said walking pass me
"You okay?" i said grabbing her hand not to tight
"No that jock Gary put freaking some chemical in my hair in Chemistery" she said angrilly
"You want me to bah him up?'i said lauging
"No thanks i put something in his school bag so he will be quite scared that a dead rat would be in his bag" she giggled
"Nice work" i said grinning
"Well i gotta go" she said waving to me
i waved back and i watched as she ran towards Gerard

to be contiued