‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I sat on mine and Kevin’s bed, legs crossed under me with my hands on my stomach. I smiled as I realised that yes, it was true; I'm pregnant with Kevin’s baby. I’d done a pregnancy test that morning; the small blue line showing me that I’m pregnant had brought a smile to both mine and Kevin’s faces. We’d arranged an appointment to see the doctor and agreed to keep the pregnancy secret, even from our friends and family, until we were certain that everything was fine with the baby seeing as the stress I had put on me last time had cause a miscarriage. An hour after doing the pregnancy test, we knew for definite I was pregnant and that our child was doing just fine.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts instantly, lying down, I moved my hands from my stomach before telling the person the other side of the door to come in. Kevin’s head popped around the door moments later, the smile hadn’t left his face from this morning yet.

“I just wanted to check and make sure your ok.” He smiled, coming into the room and sitting down on the bed next to me.

I sat up and moved closer to him, leaning on him ever so slightly.

“I’m fine, the smell just got to me from dinner. The others don’t expect anything do they?” I asked, the fear washing over me at the thought of them knowing. I didn’t want anyone to go through what we had already.

“No I don’t think so.” Kevin soothed, running one of his hands along my back, stopping at me tattoo, while the other rested on my stomach.

“Good.” I said, kissing his cheek gently.

He turned to me and smiled gently before pressing his lips to mine.

A scream then replaced the calm, quietness of the house. I sat up bolt right before jumping up and running down the stairs to see Jordan sat on the floor with Nick leaning over him, Joe with his phone placed firmly to his ear.

“What’s happened?” I asked worried, thoughts running through my mind and worrying me.

“Jordan’s gone into labour.” Claire said, standing next to me and clinging to my arm.

“The paramedics will be here soon.” Joe said, wrapping his arms around Claire while we all looked on in shock.

“I can’t just stand here; get some things sorted, blankets and a pillow.” I said, shouting orders out.

Kevin took the hint and ran up the stairs, coming down minutes later with a blanket and a pillow for Jordan. I took the items from him and knelt down next to Jordan on the floor, putting a blanket around her and a pillow beneath her head. Thunder sounded, followed by lightning moments later.

The next thing I knew, an ambulance was parked up outside of the house and Jordan was being taken out of the house in a wheelchair by two paramedics, Nick holding her hand as they left. As I began to follow, the paramedics turned to us.

“You can’t come I’m sorry, the weathers too bad for you to risk coming to the hospital in your own cars and there isn’t room in the ambulance, we’ll be sure to ring you with any news.” He said before closing the door behind him.

“We need to go; we have to be there in case anything goes wrong.” I said to Kevin.

He could obviously see the worry in my eyes because he moved to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his forehead against mine, he kissed my nose.

“We’ll go to the hospital then.” He smiled.

“Lauren, don’t you dare go! What if something happens to you?” Claire said the panic could be heard in her voice.

“It will be fine Claire, nothing will happen, I promise.” I said, hugging both her and Joe before yanking on my coat and following Kevin out to his car.

Turning back to the house, I waved at Claire and Joe before telling them to stay where they were, just to be safe. I climbed into the car before Kevin sped off in the direction of the hospital.

As we made our way to the hospital, Kevin kept hold of my hand in his; rubbing soothing circles as he did so. We didn’t speak, keeping our eyes focused on the road in front of us, being extra careful because of the weather.

A loud bang sounded, moments later, I saw a tree crashing down, falling faster and faster. I screamed as Kevin slammed onto the breaks, the car skidded to the side before everything went dark.

I woke up moments later, looking to the side; I saw Kevin sat there, blood running down his face, his eyes closed tight.

“Kevin Jonas, wake up now!” I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

“Please Kevin; don’t leave me now, you promised that you’ll stay with me.” I said, trying to move.

As I moved, a sharp pain came to my stomach, I screamed again as the hand that wasn’t holding Kevin flew to my stomach.

Kevin’s eyes opened slightly, the pain radiated from his expression. He smiled slightly before opening his eyes fully and speaking to me.

“I’m sorry Lauren, I love you.” He whispered before his eyes closed once more.

“Please Kevin, you can’t leave me, it hurts Kevin.” I said a mere whisper as the pain got worse in my stomach. Everything went dark again.

The next time I woke up, Kevin seemed to have stopped breathing, the sound of sirens came from the distance. I moved slightly, shaking Kevin again and again.

“Fuck Kevin, don’t do this to me.” I yelled in anger, trying to break free from the seat belt holding me in place.

“KEVIN!” I screamed, trying to bring him back to me as tears poured down my face. He couldn’t leave me, not now, not when I needed him, not when his little niece or nephew was about to be born.

The sound of the sirens got closer; I could see the flashing lights now. Hearing the ambulance slow down, I closed my eyes, they were hear, and I could go to sleep.

My eyes closed for mere seconds before I came round again to see someone leaning over Kevin, checking for a pulse. Looking up, I saw a woman, not much older than me, leaning over, shining a light into my eyes.

“Hello sweetie, can you tell me your name?” She asked, looking at her partner with relief in her eyes.

“Lauren Jonas, that’s Kevin, my husband. Please save him.” I said before screaming in pain again.

“Ok Lauren, we’re going to get you out of here ok?”

“Don’t worry about me, just look after Kevin and my baby.” I said, tears pouring from my eyes.

“Where’s your baby Lauren?” She asked gently.

“I’m pregnant.” I screamed before blacking out once again.

I came to, just as I heard the paramedic pronounce Kevin dead on the scene of the accident. I let out a cry of pain as I was lifted from the car.

“Kevin, no, he can’t be dead. Please Kevin, wake up.” I said, tears flowing freely again.

“Lauren, please stay calm, there’s a chance that your baby may still be alive, we need you to stay calm though.” The paramedic tried to sooth.

I didn’t care though, I knew I’d lost my baby as well as my husband, I don’t know how, I just knew. I stopped screaming, the realisation washing over me. That’s when I remembered my promise to Claire, making even more tears pour from my eyes. I chocked out two words before blacking out again, ‘sorry Claire’.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't believe it, this is my last EVER chapter of WESOL to post :'(
There's 2 or 3 more chapters left now.
I hope you've liked reading WESOL and Black Keys. Thank you for reading and commenting, it actually made my day reading some of the comments written.
Its so sad :( I can't believe its finished now :(
Thank you again, Lauren x