‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Jordan's POV

“Argg, Nick. I need to see my baby! When are they going to bring him back? Why they taking so long? Stupid doctors!” I shouted at him, still tired after 4 hours of labour. It wasn’t the labour that was bad, it was the midwife constantly in my ear, “push” and “breathe”, seriously how stupid do they think I am. I wouldn’t forget to breathe!

“Calm down, babe. They’re just doing tests and they’ll bring him right back. Like the woman was telling you.”

“What the same woman that couldn’t keep her eyes of you!? It wouldn’t surprise me if she kid-napped him and tells everyone that she has your child.”

“Jordan, let’s not go overboard. She’s a professional and she knows what she’s doing.” He laughed at my remark. I think he’s used to my over-reacting now because he just laughs it off. “Besides, they could tell by his beautiful eyes, who is mother is.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Did you see the smile? He smiled, Nick. And he’s only just been born. You can tell he’s a Jonas.” I beamed remembering the look on his little face.

“I know! Our little boy is going to get a rep for breaking hearts.” Nick joked.

“Our little boy,” I repeated. “It sounds unreal someone saying it aloud, doesn’t it?”

“It does, indeed.” He beamed.

Something about the look on Nicks face, made everything so much more amazing than they were. He seemed so excited. I think he’s always wanted a boy, even though for the past few months he’d said how he wouldn’t mind having a girl. I could tell; the way he acted, the permanent smile on his face, the way he said ‘our little boy.’ I think it made it that the more special for him.

“Nick?” I questioned.


“Everything’s going to change now isn’t it?” I asked.

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s just, I’ve been thinking.”

“You thinking is never good, my love.”

“Not funny, Nick. Seriously, I mean it. What is life going to be like now? None of us has done this before, so how do we know that us looking after him is going to be right? I’ve got the band, and you’ve got yours? How are we going to look after him as well?”

“Jordan, you know how I know it’s going to work it?”


“Because, this is us we’re talking about. Don’t you remember when we first met, all them years ago? We knew it was going to be hard then, but we never let anything get the way of what we wanted and now look at us; married with a baby.” He paused for a second. Getting up and sitting on the bed with me.

“Sure, we’ve both got our careers as well. But at the end of the day, my family come first. That’s how it’s always been; first with my family and now with you and the baby, my new family.”
“I know you’re right bu-”

“There aren’t any ‘buts’, I promise you, it’ll work out” Nick said, kissing my forehead as he done so.

We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. It wasn’t the silence where we had something to say, it was comfortable silence, like we were both cherishing the last minutes of our life that’s quiet.

“You know what; there have been a lot of changes over the years, hasn’t there?” Nick asked, breaking the silence.

“What do you mean?” I said, looking up at him.

“Remember when we spoke about kids before, you said you didn’t want one now you’re going mad because they’re taking too long.” He simply said.

“Well, I’m allowed to change my mind aren’t I?”

“Yes. I’m glad you did.” He said, kissing my forehead yet again.

“I know another change!” I practically shouted.

“What’s that?” Nick asked, laughing at the sudden burst of energy.

“Well... I thought I’d marry your brother when I first met you guys.” I smirked at him.

“Oh, well that changes everything. I want a divorce! You can’t use me to get to him know more!” He joked along with me.

“Fine, you’re nothing compared to Frankie anyway!” I laughed.

“I don’t think Lauren’s sister would be happy with that. Last time I saw her she told me about how her and Cher are already planning the wedding. You, English girls know exactly what you want don’t you.”

“We do indeed.” I smiled. “I suppose I’ll let Chloe have Frankie then. If you love someone let them go, right?”

“Right, can you settle for me for now?” He asked, looking me in the eyes.

“I suppose I can stick with second best, I think I’ve fallen in love with you now anyway.” I smiled, as I leaned in to kiss him, still keeping eye contact.

Just then the nurse walked in, with our baby in her arms.

“Would you like to see your son now?”

“Yes, of course!” We both exclaimed, diving off of the hospital bed we’d be sat on.

“He looks just like his mother, but with his father’s smile”

“Ohh, you’d notice his smile wouldn’t you.” I mumbled under my breath, so only me and Nick could hear, causing him to laugh a little.

For the next two hours, Nick, Myself and our baby sat in the hospital room that we were given, talking about which of us he looked like most and cooing over the little boy that I was holding between the both of us.

“He’s so small!” I noted, “I think I’m going to lose him!”

“No you won’t, that’s why I’m about. And, if I’m not around then I’m sure Claire or Lauren would love to get involved with helping out. Or even babysit for a while!”

“True. As soon as I told them I was having a baby that was it they said they’ll look after it.” I said, just as Nick’s phone started ringing.

“Hey, Claire, you okay? Why does it sound like your crying?” As soon as he said this my head shot right up. “Claire, why are you crying? Is that Joe crying in the background? What’s happened? Calm down, I can’t heard what you’re saying. Kevin and Lauren where in a crash?! WHAT!” I put the baby in the cot next to me that the nurse wheeled in after she brought the baby in.

“Claire, where are they. What? Kevin’s WHAT! No, he can’t be. I spoke to him as soon as Jordan went into labour, I rang him. He can’t be dead! Claire don’t you dare lie to me! He’s my brother.”

Next thing I knew, I heard Claire shout Joe’s name on the other end of the phone and then he come onto the phone to Nick.

“Are you sure it’s not a lie or a rumour? You know what those sites are like! Please Joe, Tell me it’s a lie! He can’t be dead.” The tears where now freely falling from both off our eyes. “How’s Lauren? Is she okay? Please, please don’t tell me she’s died to! This is supposed to be the best day of my life I can’t have my brother and my sister-in-law, heck my sister both die today! Okay, well let me know.”

With that he hung up and walked out leaving me and the baby left in the room behind him.

“Nick, are you okay baby?” I questioned as he walked back into the room. It’d been two hours since he walked out but I figured that he had to clear his head. Knowing him as long as I have, and knowing so much about him, I knew he wouldn’t do anything stupid.

“I’m better then I was. I’m sorry for walking out; I just had to clear my head.”

“It’s okay,” I smiled. “He kept me company anyway” I said, tilting my head over the cot he was in. “If it helps, I know for a fact, Kevin wouldn’t want this to affect your life in anyway. In fact, I’m sure he’s up in heaven, smiling down on all of us right now.”

“You’re right. It’s just, I know he wouldn’t want me to cry, but he’s my big brother. When we were younger he was my protector, he’d always been there. He’d always saw the best of everything; every situation and everyone. Even these past few years, he’d given me so much advice.” He paused for a second, and then continued. “But, I’d never given anything back. Never. And now he’s gone.”

“He’s not gone, Nick. He’s still in this room. He’s in your heart, and mine. Whenever you think you’re alone, you won’t be. He’s everywhere. As long as you remember him, he’s going to always be there with you.”

“You are amazing, my love. Do you know that? I love you so much.”

“I love you too, but let’s not get all mushy in front of Bradley Kevin Jonas. He might get offended that we’re leaving out of this love fest.”

He walked over to Bradley and lifted him out of the cot gently. “Bradley Kevin, that name is perfect.” He simply said, smiling at the baby in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's nearly the end now, I can't actually believe it. I tell Claire and Lauren everytime I see that, that I hate that they aren't doing another story because they are seriously amazing authors, don't you agree? comment on how good they're guys! ;)

This is probably the saddest thing ever I've had to write and I think I done okay. Personal opinion. If you don't think I've done it any justice then comment and let me know okay :)

Hope you enjoyed it, and also the LAST CHAPTER that's next!! :O
- Jordan <3