‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I woke up in the morning, my arms draped over the side of my bed while my feet stuck out at the other end. I still had the clothes from last night on. Sitting up, my hand flew to my forehead instantly and I groaned in pain. I could vaguely remember Claire telling me to go to bed the night before because I was drunk and I would have a hangover but I obviously hadn’t listened, because here I was with possibly the worst hangover of my life.

As I cursed under my breath, I heard some people moving around outside of my room. Slowly, I climbed from underneath the covers and peeped out of the door, Claire was leaning against the door frame of her room talking to Jonathan.

I went back in quickly and changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and a baggy t-shirt I had stolen from my brother when we were back in England. As I shuffled back out of my room, Claire smiled at me while Jonathan turned around to face me.

“I told you not to drink much and then stop drinking.” Claire laughed.

“Oh shush, it was my birthday, im allowed to get off my face. Anyway, don’t you have a hangover?” I asked rubbing my forehead.

“A slight headache but ill be fine.” Claire laughed.

I stuck my fingers up at her before shuffling down stairs to see my brother crashed out on one sofa while Alex was asleep on the chair. Smiling, I remember the most important part of last night, Alex and I had gotten together.

I moved into the kitchen to get some tablets and some water to see Jordan sitting on a stool while Nick grabbed a bottle of water and some tablets for her.

“Morning.” I groaned as I grabbed another bottle of water from the fridge.

“Don’t speak so loud.” Jordan whined as she took two tablets.

“Im not. Ill take it we’ve got the worst hangovers then? Claire’s upstairs all happy go lucky talking to lover boy.” I said, sitting down next to Jordan.

“You two were the worst out of everybody last night.” Nick smirked as he sat down next to Jordan.

“Don’t remind me. I can only remember certain parts, like getting in, Kieran getting here, him nearly killing Kevin,” I stopped to laugh at that part, “Singing with Claire on the table and then me and Alex.” I said smiling.

“Are together.” Nick smirked.

“Yes we are.” I smiled.

“I can remember Kevin looking really annoyed when Alex kissed you.” Jordan laughed.

“Never mind.” I said, pulling myself off of the stool.

“Where are you going?” Nick quizzed.

“To watch the Disney Channel.” I laughed.

“Lauren, you are 21 years old and you’re going to watch the Disney Channel.” Nick laughed.

“Your point?”

“I haven’t got one, that’s the point.”

“Good.” I said as I shuffled into the living room and put on the TV.

Flicking to the Disney Channel, I smirked as Kieran woke up.

“Morning.” He said.

“Whoa, speak a little quieter. Some people had about a million too drinks too much last night.” I smiled as I sat on the sofa next to him.

“All I can say to that is get gutted. You still haven’t opened your presents. I have like 4 in my suitcase.” Kieran smiled.

“I shall open them now then.” I smiled back.

“Alright, ill go get them a minute.” Kieran said before running upstairs to my room where his suitcase was.

As I sat watching an old episode of the Suit Life of Zack and Cody, Alex stirred and woke up slightly. I smiled at him before going back to the TV, too interested in watching it to talk.

After a few minutes, Kieran came back down holding my presents with Claire and Jonathan following. I opened the presents quickly, revealing a bracelet from my parents, a book from my grandparents, a photo frame filled with pictures from my sisters and a jumper from Kieran.

“Thank you Kieran.” I smiled as I gave him a quick hug.

“That’s ok. Now ive gotta get ready to go.”

“It sucks that you could only come out for the night.”

“Yeah I know but I have to go to work and everything.” Kieran said before reluctantly going to the bathroom to get ready to go.

“Morning.” Alex said, sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Morning.” I smiled, leaning my head against his shoulder.

“Last night was fun.” He smirked.

“Last night was fun with way to much alcohol involved.” I grumbled as I rubbed my forehead again, the tablets still not having kicked in.

“You were actually probably the drunkest in the house.” Alex laughed.

“Don’t remind me.” I mumbled.

“Lauren! You need to get ready to take Kieran to the airport with us and then leave for the dinner with the Jonas’.” Claire shouted.

“Not so loud.” I whispered back as I pulled myself up.

I kissed Alex’s forehead before running upstairs and into my en suit bathroom to shower and change. Once I had showered I pulled on a blue summer dress and white pumps before drying my hair and wearing it in a ponytail to save me from straightening it. Putting on a bit of mascara, I left my room and went back downstairs to see Jonathan, Alex and Kieran watching something on TV. Kieran’s suitcase by the door.

“Ill take it you approve this time round then.” I laughed as I came back from the kitchen after getting a drink, my headache now bearable.

“Yes I do.” Kieran said before turning back to the TV.

Nick walked downstairs next wearing a new outfit from the night before because he always seemed to have clothes around here.

“Are the girls still getting ready?” I quizzed.


“How are they not ready yet? I went up after them.” I said.

“We’re talking about Jordan who kept stalling getting in the shower so she could talk to me and then Claire who takes forever to do her hair here.” Nick reminded me.

“I guess so.”

“You’re more alive now.” Nick commented as he sat on the arm of the chair I was sat in.

“I am, that shower actually made me feel better.” I laughed as Jordan walked down the stairs wearing a dress a lot like mine just in yellow.

“We match.” Jordan laughed as she perched on Nick’s lap.

“Now all we need is Claire to come down matching too.” I laughed.

Just as I spoke, Claire walked down the stairs wearing a dress very similar to mine and Jordan’s but in green.

“We all match.” Jordan laughed.

“That’s because we’re cool.” I smiled.

“Right, we have to leave to take Kieran to the airport now.” Claire said, checking the time on her phone.

“Ok.” I said reluctantly getting up and grabbing my phone from the side.

Alex walked over to me, taking my hand in his as we walked out of the apartment with Kieran.

“You have to come back over soon Kieran.” I said.

“Yeah and you’ll have to come home soon too. Hopefully before you go on tour.” Kieran smiled.

“I will try my best.” I said.


Kieran went on over to the car with Nick and Jordan while Claire and I said goodbye to Alex and Jonathan. Claire and Jonathan were stood a little bit away from Alex and me.

“Ill ring you later on ok?” Alex said, holding my hands.

“Alright. I may be ringing you and telling you to come and get me anyway.” I laughed.

“If you ring me ill come and get you straight away.” Alex smiled.

“Thanks. Ill talk to you later.” I said quickly.

“Aright.” Alex said before kissing me softly and leaving, followed by Jonathan.

I yelled one last goodbye to them both before climbing into the car with the others. We got into the car and dropped Kieran off at the airport quickly, once he was in the airport, we drove off to the Jonas household.

We reached the house pretty quickly and were soon sat around in the living room. Claire and I sat pretty uncomfortably while everyone else seemed at home.

“Denise, do you want any help?” I asked as she walked into the living room.

“Oh no im fine dear.” She smiled before going again.

“Claire, I wanna go.” I whispered.

“You can’t.” Claire whispered back.

“Meany.” I said, poking my tongue out at her.

“Suck it up.” Claire warned.

“Claire! Lauren!” Frankie yelled running into the living room and giving us hugs.

“Hey, long time no see Franks.” I smiled while Claire hugged him.

“That’s because you went to England and left me here.” Frankie pouted.

“Sorry, we just needed a break. But think about it, we’re back now.” Claire grinned.

“I know, you have to play on the wii with me now because they won’t.” Frankie said, pointing a thumb towards Camilla and Danielle.

“That’s because grown ups don’t play on the wii Frankie.” Camilla said giving Claire and I dirty looks.

“Joe and Kevin do.” Frankie replied as he dragged us to the other side of the room where he put on the wii.

Frankie put the wii on and put wii sports on. Giving Claire and I both a remote, we began playing tennis against each other while Frankie watched amused.

“Frankie’s turn.” Claire yelled as she passed him the control to play against me.

“No fair, Frankie kicks my butt on this all the time.” I moaned.

“Never mind.” Claire smirked taking her seat next to Jordan again.

As I played tennis against Frankie, loosing terribly, I could vaguely here Camilla and Danielle throwing snide comments that Claire threw back. Before long, I had given up and Kevin was playing on the wii with Frankie while I sat next to Claire giving Camilla and Danielle dirty looks as they threw snide comments at us again and again.
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I enrolled at college this morning so that's my excuse for only just posting this now. Sorry.
I think we could probably get a few more comment tbh, we've got a few regular commenters who I wanna thank, it inspires me to write more, but I wanna urge the people who dont comment to do so. Being a silent reader isnt good if you want to get your view across.
Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting.
Lauren x