‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV.

I felt slightly nervous when we arrived at the Jonas’ house, I hadn’t been there since Joe and I had broken up. We were greeted by Mrs. Jonas at the door then led through to the living room where everyone was sat.

We sat there in silence when a much taller Frankie walked in. His face lit up when he saw us. We then played on the Wii with him. Danielle and Camilla were making snide comments every now and again about our aim or about how stupid we looked. I made comments about how I liked to get involved with everything as of not to seem rude.
Frankie beat Lauren at Mario carts three times before we were all called to the table. Mrs. and Mr. Jonas sat on each end leaving seats along the sides of the table for all of us. Danielle and Camilla ended up being opposite Lauren and I.

“So, girls I hear you are touring with Honor Society soon are you excited?” Mr. Jonas asked with a smile on his face.

“You knew all along and you didn’t tell us, I thought we were friends Paul?” Jordan joked.

“Well, I thought it would be a nice surprise. So are you all ready to go away on tour again?” He asked.

“Yes, we can’t wait to get back on the road. Last time was so much fun, and this time we are with the best boy band in the world.” I smiled.

“We had words about this Claire; remember they are the second best boy band.” Nick said.
Mrs. Jonas rolled her eyes at Nick, before looking towards Lauren. “Happy birthday for yesterday by the way dear, did you have a good night?”

“Thank you, yes I did thanks to my friends.” She smiled.

“Oh, you mean the party Camilla and I weren’t invited to.” Danielle piped up.

“Well I only invited Lauren’s friends, sorry but I don’t think you fit into that category do you?” I snapped back.

The tension on the table was intense. After we all had finished eating Frankie excused himself while Mrs. Jonas started collecting the plates.

“Would you like any help with that Mrs. Jonas?” I asked sweetly.

“No, I’ve got it you are the guests. I’ve told you before to call me Denise.” She smiled and I walked out in the garden where the others where.

Lauren’s phone beeped and her cheeks turned pink. Jordan must have noticed as well because she giggled before saying, “Alex just texted Lauren.”

“You can’t say much, you blush when Nick texts you.” I smirked.

“So, you and Alex are seeing each other now then?” Danielle asked.

“Yeah as of last night actually.” Lauren beamed.

“Well at least one of you aren’t a boyfriend stealing bitch.” Camilla muttered. I lost it I had spent the past two hours brushing off all her insults.

“Camilla, look I admit it I have a problem with you but why would I need to steal your boyfriend your just using him anyway.” I smirked.

“If anyone here is a boyfriend stealer it’s Danielle.” Lauren snapped.

I saw Camilla pounce on me, her hands finding my hair. After that I couldn’t be blamed for my actions, there was scratching, pulling of hair, slapping a proper bitch fight. We both fell to the floor. Then I felt someone pull me off her.

“Let go of me Nick, I have been waiting for this day since forever.” Jordan moaned as Nick dragged her inside the house.

I looked behind me to see Joe still holding me back. Lauren’s hair was ruffled and she had a scratch on her face, Kevin was helping Camilla up off the floor.

“Get off me, we wouldn’t want your girlfriend to get jealous now would we?” I said pulled from Joe’s grip. I heard Lauren shouting at Kevin, I just ran past everyone who was watching and up to the bathroom. I knew I should have ran out but I couldn’t risk being seen by the paparazzi.

I started washing my face, as Joe walked in closing the door.

“Real mature Claire.” Joe commented.

“If you have come to lecture me and tell you how much you hate me save it, I’m going now anyway thank your parents for inviting us.” I said walking out of the bathroom past Joe.

“Camilla isn’t like that, she isn’t using me.” He muttered.

“Who are you trying to persuade Joe, me or yourself?” I said before walking into Nick’s room where Nick, Jordan and Lauren were.

“I think we should go.” I said looking towards Lauren and Jordan.

Lauren nodded whilst Jordan shook her head. “No, they deserved it. All day they were making snide comments wanting you to react if it was me I would have punched them sooner than what you lot did.”

“I think it would be easier if we just left.” I said.

We walked down the stairs, to see Camilla holding an ice pack to her face. I was going to go home and do the same before my face swelled up. We thanked Mrs. Jonas and apologized for our behavior before going home.

During the car ride back, I had to fight back tears. They weren’t tears of pain or hurt they were tears of regret. I had the chance to be in Joe’s life, even if it was just as a friend and I had blown it. Lauren was still angry her knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel.

When Lauren pulled up I instantly got out running into the apartment, grabbing a ice pack and locking myself in my room. I had realized something I may not be over Joe yet, but I was ready to move on. I took down every picture that reminded me of him, I cleared out his things he had forgotten to collect, like a few of hi t-shirts and his John Mayer cd.

“Claire, are you okay?” I heard Lauren ask she was standing by the door.

“Yeah, I’m just having a clear out. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m just a little sore. I give Danielle props she punches quite hard.” Lauren said rubbing her cheek.

“Lauren, remember when we were in school and we had just got our results. Did you ever think we would be here now?” I asked looking at the picture of Lauren and I sixteen years of age beaming after passing our exams.

“No, I thought I would be working in a nursery five days a week while trying to pay the rent on a flat. But I wouldn’t change any of this for the world sure we have had our set backs but they have just made us stronger.” Lauren said sitting next to me wrapping her arm around me.

“I think I’m just missing the simple life, life without the Jonas boys.” I said rested my head on her shoulder.

“See I told you Alex, they don’t pretend to be best friends they actually are real life BFF’s.” I heard Jonathan’s voice.

“I didn’t say they weren’t mate.” Alex said putting his hands up in defense.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Lauren said dragging Alex out of the room.

“So, I heard about the fight. I have one thing to say how could you do that without me being there, You knew how much I wanted to see a fight between you two.” Jonathan pouted.

“I didn’t plan on having a fight, she just wound me up. Now I’ve ruined my newly restarted friendship with Joe.” I said wiping tears away.

Jonathan sighed before pulling me into his chest. “You know, someone can only hurt you for so long before you finally realize he isn’t worth your tears.”

“That’s why I’ve got rid of everything, pictures, letters, presents everything I’m going to start a fresh as of right now.” I said smiling slightly.

“You won’t mind if I do this then.” Jonathan said before kissing me softly.

It only lasted five seconds but I knew this was what I needed to help me move on. “I don’t mind at all.” I said before kissing him again this time with more passion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay in updates, we are running out of chapters to post.
I start college tommorow meaning i won't have much time to write updates and Lauren starts on Monday. But we will try and write as many chapters as we can this weekend.
Anyway there was a lot of fighting in this. what did you think?