‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I got off of the plane at Bristol Airport. Grabbing my luggage I went to where I had told Kieran I would meet him. Sure enough, he stood there smiling like a lunatic. Although it had only been a few weeks since I had seen him and before I moved out of LA I would have said I wouldn’t miss him, I had missed him way too much.

I ran over to him, giving him a hug quickly. We went out to his car and he drove me back to my childhood home. After spending a few hours with my family, I ran next door to see Claire’s parents. I hugged them all and greeted them the same way I had my family because they were like my adopted parents and sister. After spending a while with Claire’s family, I went back into my childhood home to eat with my parents and siblings.

After eating, I went on my sister’s laptop because I couldn’t be bothered to get mine out. Logging onto my personal twitter, I smiled as I saw Claire had left me a message telling me how much she missed me. I replied with ‘I miss you more so there. Just think, ill be back to annoy you in a few days.’ After replying, I posted that im in England with my family for a few days and then turned off my sister’s laptop and got ready for bed. The next few days would be really busy for me, going to see different family members and consoling Claire through text each day, maybe more than once.

After putting on my pyjamas, I text Claire telling her I missed her and would text her again tomorrow and goodnight. I knew she wouldn’t reply because she might be out or with Jonathan so I climbed into bed and fell to sleep almost instantly.

Waking up in the morning, I smiled as my sister climbed into the bed next to me and hugged me. Her teddy, fat cat, who she had, had for years placed at the end of my bed.

“Chloe, I can’t believe you still have Fat Cat.” I smiled.

“Your point?” She smirked.

“You are getting too cheeky for my liking. My point is you’ve had him for about 10 years, I mean you’re 13 years old.” I laughed.

“Never mind.” She smiled before hoping out of the bed, grabbing her teddy and leaving.

I smiled before following her downstairs. I spent the day with my family at my grandparent’s house. The whole family was round, my aunties, uncles, cousins, great auntie and uncle and even second and third cousins. The house was crowded but it was worth it seeming as it was the first time I had spent proper time with them all for ages.

The next day, Friday, was spent at home, helping my mum cook roast dinner and helping her pack her suitcase for the weekend visit, starting on Saturday and ending on Monday. I packed up my things after eating my dinner and helping my mum wash up afterwards.

As we sat around in the living room after my sisters had gone to bed and my brother had gone back to his flat, I text Claire telling her I would see her tomorrow morning with both of our mums. I got an excited reply from Claire telling me she couldn’t wait and she missed me. Smiling, I put my phone down before going next door to make sure, Chris, Claire’s mum, was ready for the day ahead. Of course she was ready.

When I went back in, I crawled into my old bed and soon fell asleep. In just 4 short hours I would have to be up again for Claire’s dad to drop us all to the airport while my dad looked after my sisters.

Waking up in the morning, I switched off the alarm and got ready for the day ahead. In an hours time I would be leaving for the airport with mine and Claire’s mums, Jordan’s mum would be flying out later on that day.

“Morning.” I grinned at mine and Claire’s mum who were sat in the living room of my childhood home.

“Good morning Lauren. You ready for today?” Christine smiled.

“Yup, im always ready for flying. How about you two?”

“We’re ready.” My mum smiled.

“Good, im gunna grab some water and a breakfast bar and then we can leave.” I smiled before going into the kitchen.

I grabbed some water and a breakfast bar from the cupboard before skipping back into the living room. I had my flight clothes on, a pair of jogging bottoms, my ugg boots, a baggy t-shirt and an old hoodie with my name on the back. Hugging my pillow close as I grabbed it from the stairs, I went back into the living room.

“How long until we leave.” I said, slumping down onto the sofa.

“Half an hour.” My mum said quietly.

“I think we should go say goodbye to the girls then and ring Kieran.” I said, jumping up.

“Ok.” My mum said, getting up from her seat.

“Ill and make sure your suitcases are in the car.” Christine smiled, leaving the house.

We were soon leaving to the airport. Claire’s mum and dad were sat in front while me and my mum were in the back. Listening to music, I text Claire, letting her know we were on our way to the airport and I would see her, along with Alex, Jordan, Jonathan and Nick in a few hours time.

I fell asleep in the car on the drive to the airport. Waking up to my mum shaking me as we pulled up to the curb in front of Bristol Airport. Sliding on my sunglasses and pulling my hood up, I slid out of the car to numerous flashes of cameras, the paparazzi had been tipped off to my arrival at the airport. Mumbling to myself, I grabbed my suitcase, hugged Claire’s dad and went into the airport to get onto the private plane that had been arranged for me by Simon.

“Hi, welcome to Hollywood Records private jet. Im Lucy and im going to be making sure this flight is your best yet.” The fake blonde smiled.

“Thanks. Lauren, Cher, Christine.” I said, pointing to each of us as I sat down.

Not long after strapping in, we were taking off. I fell to sleep pretty quickly while mine and Claire’s mums talk adamantly about making sure we were all eating properly and making sure Jonathan and Alex were treating Claire and I properly.

As we landed, I woke up, the planes sudden change in movement jerking me slightly. I smiled over at our mum’s before looking out of the window just in time to see the airport come into view. A small squeal escaped my lips as I realised, somewhere in the airport, Claire was waiting. I had missed her so much. The 3 days I had been away had been the longest I had been away from her since we were little.

As soon as the doors to the plane were opened, I grabbed my bag and ran off of the plane, ignoring the looks and flashes of cameras. Mine and Claire’s mum’s following behind me, but walking instead of running like me.

“Lauren! Over here! How come you’re running?” A man shouted.

“Ive missed Claire!” I responded making everyone laugh as I ran into the waiting area.

Spotting Claire, I stepped up my pace and ran straight to her, ignoring the looks from passers by and the calls from my mum.

“CLAIRE!” I yelled just as I reached her.

“LAUREN!” Claire mimicked as I started jumping around.

“I missed you Claire.” I said hugging her tightly as our mums walked over to us.

“We got your suitcase seeming as you left it Lauren.” my mum laughed, pointing to the trolley with 3 suitcases on.

“Thanks. Sorry, I was too excited to see Claire.” I laughed just as Alex walked into view.

“Hey.” I grinned as he walked over to hug me.


“This is my mum, Cher and Claire’s mum Christine.” I said, pointing to our mums.

“Hi, its nice to meet you. Im Alex.” He said, shaking their hands.

“Suck up.” I said around a cough, making Alex tickle my side.

“Where’s Jonathan.” I said, winking at Claire.

“He’s gone to get some Red Bull; he’ll be back in a minute.” Alex smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

“We get to meet Jonathan now as well then.” My mum smirked.

“Shut up Cher.” Claire blushed as Jonathan walked over.

“Mum, Christine, this is Jonathan. Claire’s new bo.” I laughed, using my sister’s word for boyfriend.

After all of the introductions had been made, we went out to the car where we all climbed in. Jonathan had brought his car because it had 7 seats in, making it so everyone fitted in. laughing; I made Alex sit in the back on his own.

When we got to the apartment, I jumped out, jumping over my mum, and ran to the door, leaving the others still in the car. I ran to the door, banging on it as hard as I could until Nick opened the door.

“Nicholas.” I screeched as he covered his ears.

“Lauren.” he smirked, moving out of the way so I could run in to see Jordan coming downstairs.

“Jordan.” I screeched again.

“Lauren.” Jordan yelled as we hugged quickly.

“Next time I go to England you and Claire are coming too.” I smiled as I walked outside just as Alex carried my suitcase up in one hand, my mum’s in the other while Jonathan carried Christine’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
First day at college today :| Really tiring :(
Updates are going to be later than normal now because of college.
What do you think?
Lauren . x