‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Jordan's POV

When we left Lauren at the airport, Me and Claire went to the recording studios to see the boys. I loved being at the studio with the boys and being a part of Forever True means that I can go to the studio more. They were recording a Friends for Change song with Selena, Demi and Miley. So the fact that Demi and Selena would be there to made me more excited because I’d be with two more of my best friends. But having Miley there also somehow didn’t sound as fun.

After they finished we went to Planet Hollywood to hang out for a bit. Claire obviously didn’t want to come because of the awkwardness between her, Joe and probably Kevin but I dragged her along anyway because I wanted one of my best friends there.

“Wow, you lot sound amazing together, especially you and Kevin.” I smiled as I hugged Selena.

“He was really nervous about singing, but once he got started he loved it.” Selena laughed.

“It’s only Jordan coming right? So I can invite Da-“Kevin walked round the corner and looked straight at Claire. “On second thoughts she is probably busy.” He said putting his back in his pocket.

“Kevin I did tell you Claire was coming, you haven’t got a problem with that have you?” Nick said.

“No.” Kevin mumbled.

“Right well let’s get going then.” Joe said awkwardly.

The ride there I spent most of my time telling Nick and Joe that having Miley there was probably going to make my bad side come out, they just laughed and said my bad side was more hilarious then my normal side. When we arrived there were a few paparazzi waiting outside.

“Where’s Lauren?” One of them inquired.

“She has gone to visit family in the UK, she will be back in a few days.” Claire smiled back before we walked into a restaurant.

Once we were seated, somehow Joe had been seated next to Claire by me which made Demi wriggle her eyebrows at Claire, which was a funny sight to take in. Claire just shook her head at her knowing to well that she thought something was going on between the pair even though they were both happy in the current relationship they were both in.

Demi poked her tongue out at him and looked at the menu. Me, Demi and Kevin were talking about the shoes that Kevin had to wear for the shoes he had to wear for the filming of the ‘Send It On’ music video. Kevin wanted to wear his boots but he just had to wear normal dress shoes. He kept repeating the words but ‘I like boots’ all the way through the conversation which had me and Demi in tears from laughing to much. Selena and Claire were having a conversation that Miley was trying to join in but the just kept looking at her which made her feel awkward which again, made me laugh. Joe and Nick were talking about their parent’s anniversary.

“So, how are you and Jonathan?” Selena asked Claire.

“We are doing alright thanks, we are taking things slow.” She smiled back in response.

“Does he mind you going on tour? I mean distance ruins relationships sometimes.” Demi asked looking at Joe.

“He doesn’t have a choice does he really we are touring weather he likes it or not. But I believe if your relationship is strong enough nothing will be able to break it.” Claire said, which made Selena and I ‘awww’.

“We all have little quotes we believe in, mine is your first love will always be your true love.” Miley smiled at right at Nick, obviously trying to make it clear to me that they belong together.

“I’ll show her ‘first love will always be your true love’” I said quiet enough so that only Nick and Kevin could hear me. I tried to get up so I could show them what I meant but Nick just wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t move.

“Mine’s, wherever you are it’s your friends that make your world.” Selena smiled, Demi hugged her.

“I think as long as you smile and stay positive your dreams will come true.” Demi said. “What’s yours Kev?”

“Always listen to the lyrics to a song, the music is important but the lyrics are always a message to someone.” Kevin said his eyes staring into space.

“Well mine is better than all of yours, We were all put on this earth for a pacific reason and mine was to party.” I laughed, knowing nobody would get it.

“How does that work out?” Nick asked.

“Well think about it, I met all of my best friends and you by partying. I met you at a concert, I met Lauren and Claire on tour which to be honest was like a huge party. I met everyone around this table because of a party or a celebration of some sort.” I beamed.

“Well mine is, you know when you have found true love when you can be the other side of the world and still know what she is thinking.” Nick grinned at Joe.

“I believe whatever is meant to be, will happen eventually.” Joe mumbled, looking down at his food.

After we all ate and talked a little more we started getting ready to leave. Once we got in the car I realized I left my jacket around the boys house the day before so after we dropped of Selena, Demi, Miley and also dropping Claire of at home, I went to their house to pick up the jacket.

When I got back home I started tiding up downstairs and then I went to sleep. I guessed Claire was doing the same because after all in less than ten days time we won’t have time to sleep for more than four hours every night. Which I’m not really a fan of normally cause I love sleeping but tour was going to be amazing.
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So this one isn't as long as my last one and I don't think it's very good either so I'm sorry about that guys. Also I'm sorry about not posting this yesterday I kind of had a busy day with college and everything. So next time, if they want me to post again, I promise that it will be longer and better.

If your lucky you may get two updates because Lauren may post hers today aswell, I don't know. Anyway, comment guys, I know Claire and Lauren would love it. Leave them a 'good luck' aswell because while I'm at home in bed they have college today lol.

So good luck to them, I love you.
- Jordan <3