‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

“I’m here with the wonderful Forever True after this track, this is Miley Cyrus with Party In The USA.” The presenter said before playing the song.

I heard Jordan make a noise of annoyance has Miley’s voice filled millions of radios around America. Once the song had finished the presenter introduced us again before the interview began.

“So, since making your comeback earlier this year you have been busy. You have re-released your album and planned this headlining tour that kick starts today. What’s it like to be back in the music business after two years of being away?”

“It’s been great being back, we have been busy organizing this tour but we also made time to hang out with all our old friends.” Lauren smiled.

“You have been spotted out with a lot of Disney stars including the Jonas Brothers. Claire does that mean alls fair in love and war? Are you and Joe friends?” I glared at Lauren before answering.

“You know when we came back to LA we didn’t want to dwell in the past.” I said not answering the question with a straight forward answer.

“Speaking of the past, do you think it’s too much too soon? What with touring and the release of your album? By the way Jordan happy birthday how old are you now is marriage on the cards soon?”

“Thank you I am nineteen No not at all. Nick and I don’t talk about marriage we take it one day at a time. This is defiantly not too much too soon. I think this is a brilliant opportunity to prove to the world that Forever True is back and ten times stronger.” Jordan answered.

“We hear you are touring with Honor Society, what are they really like?”

“They are great guys; they all have different personalities which makes touring fun. This tour is going to be awesome.” Lauren said.

“So there weren’t any fights over bunks or anything? Do you all secretly hate each other like you and the Jobro’s did on your last tour?”

“We didn’t hate each other; we just had a few disagreements to begin with. The boys of Honor Society have their own bus; our tour bus is boy free.” I replied.

After asking a few more questions about the tour we wrapped the interview up. When we got back to the parking lot the buses were parked in we went straight onto Honor Society’s bus.

“Are we interrupting something?” Jordan asked walking onto the bus.
“No girls you can come join us, I was just having a talk with the boys.” Mr. Jonas smiled. We came and sat on the couch, I was surprised to see Mel sat next to Alexander.

“So, one member of the team will come and check up on you at least once a fortnight so if you have any worries, requests or complaints tell them while they are here.” Mr. Jonas continued.

“Who are the members again?” Andrew said looking slightly embarrassed that he had forgotten.

“Myself, my wife, Paul Kevin, Joseph and Nicholas.” He replied.

“Great!” Jordan squealed, Lauren and I were thinking the same thing but we were very sarcastic people.

Mr. Jonas soon left, making sure he reminded us we had to start getting ready for sound check in a few hours time. During our free time Lauren, Jordan and I made a video blog to let our fans know what was going on. Mel was aimlessly flirting with Alexander which I found amusing seeing as they were into each other.

We were in our dressing room getting ready for the show whilst Honor Society was performing, the crowd loved them. By the looks of it so did Mel, we hadn’t seen her since we left the boys bus to make the video blog.

Jordan was freaking out on the phone to Nick. “What if I forget what keys to play, what if I forget to sing?” I walked past her knowing the only person that could calm her down would be Nick.

“Are you going to phone Alex before you go on stage?” I asked Lauren while she was doing her make up; we still refused people to do it for us. I was sat on the dressing table.

“I’m not sure; would that make me to clingy?” Lauren asked looking up at me.

“If you want to ring him, ring him I’m sure he is dying to call you but fears you need your space as well.” I shrugged not really an expert on relationships.

“Well, are you going to call Jonathan?” Lauren said straightening up putting the make up away.

“I told him to ring me if he’s not busy but if he is I’ll ring him in the morning.” I said hiding the fact that I have checked my phone sixty times already to see if he had called.

“Okay well I’m going to step outside, we have bad signal in here.” Lauren acted like she didn’t know I was itching to call Jonathan. “You coming?” She gave me a little smile.

“No wonder why my phone hasn’t rung if there is bad signal I best go stand outside.” I said rather fast walking out the door.
We past Mel on the way, no one was buying merchandise they were all in the stadium listening to Honor Society rocking out on stage.

“Hey guys!” Mel shouted when she saw us.

“Hey Mel! Have you been watching Honor Society?” I pointed to the TV, on the wall where the boys were currently singing “Two Rebels” one of my favorite songs.

“Oh you know only a little bit, I’ve been busy serving people.” Mel’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink.

“So Alexander seems nice.” Lauren smirked.

“They are all nice; Alex is amazing on the drums isn’t he!” Mel said staring at the screen.

“I think someone is falling in love.” I sang.

“Hey, save your voice for the stage. You do know you have like fifteen minutes until Showtime?” Lauren and I looked at each other and ran out the building, security guards behind us.

I dialed Jonathan’s number quickly hearing the dial tone. “Hey superstar.” Jonathan’s voice rang through my ears.

“Hey, I wanted to call you before I went on stage.” I said out of breath.

“Don’t stand too close to the edge of the stage baby; I don’t want you falling into the crowd and getting hurt.” Jonathan lectured.

“The security guards will catch me don’t worry. So how’s things back there?” I asked looking at Lauren who was laughing into her phone.

“Well, Forever The Sickest Kids are in the recording studio next week to record a new album! We are meeting Taylor Swift soon, to talk about an collaboration and of course Selena is in the recording studio recording her album. Demi is filming “Sonny With A Chance.” Alex is moping around everywhere moaning he has nothing to do with Lauren gone.” Jonathan knew to tell me all the gossip.

“So everyone’s busy then.” I laughed.

“How are the Honor Boys? Anything like the Jonas Brothers?” He asked.

“No not at all in fact Mel our merch girl has a crush on Alexander already! Babe I’ve got to go Jordan is making weird faces at me through the window.” I sighed, laughing slightly.

“Okay, have fun. I love you.” He sang.

“I love you too.”

I smacked the window where Jordan’s face was causing her to jump back glaring at me. Lauren linked arms with me and we made our way back into the venue. We were all told to stand in this lift and wait for it to start moving.

Lauren clutched her microphone in her hand ready to start singing. Jordan was playing with her white top, Nick had told her it might give her the same luck it gave him every night on stage. The lift started moving and the crowd started screaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have writters block on this at the moment,
and i have to do alot of research for college, so updates may be coming a little slower
sorry guys x