‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

Lauren had been acting weird for a few days now, one minute she was perfectly fine the next she was in a mood that could last several hours. I had never seen her like this, even when we were going through puberty she didn’t have mood swings. Kevin being around wasn’t helping.

We had been touring for a little over a week and I had gotten used to walking about whilst the bus was moving. I was walking into the bathroom when I heard hush voices, my curiosity got the best of me and I walked towards the slightly ajar door.

“Don’t play dumb Laur, I saw it.” I heard Kevin’s voice.

“Alright, you saw it. Why do you care?” Lauren’s voice was breaking as if she was about to break down in tears.

“I’m not a complete ass. Kevin’s voice softened.

“You could have fooled me.” Lauren muttered.

“What you going to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I can’t get rid of it I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. But it’s going to ruin the tour.”

“You have to tell the others, does he know?” Kevin’s voice now turning sour.

“Yes Alex knows, he just doesn’t like it.” Lauren sniffled.

I had heard enough, I backed away from the door slightly hurt. Lauren was pregnant and she didn’t tell me. Worst still Alex wasn’t going to stand by her. I walked out into the sitting area where Mel and Alexander were play fighting over the remote. Jordan was scribbling away on her notepad.

“What you writing?” I went and sat next to her.

“Oh it’s really nothing, it’s actually really bad I just needed to get my feelings down on paper.” Jordan mumbled covering the paper.

“Let me see.” I asked peering over her shoulder.

“No, it’s not finished yet.” Jordan laughed lightly standing up and moving back into her bunk.

Just then Kevin appeared from the practice room, I narrowed my eyes at him. He had spent most the time on our bus and now I knew why. Lauren had trusted him with her secret, the secret she was keeping from Jordan and me.

When the practice door opened and a smiling Lauren appeared I couldn’t help but look away. Her acting skills were good, but not good enough I could see the glimmer of fright in her eyes. I decided to have a sleep before the show, curling up in my bunk I drift off to sleep.

“Claire, come on it’s time to go get ready for sound check.” Jordan shook me awake.

“Are we at the venue already?” I asked looking at the clock; I must have been asleep for hours.

“Yeah, we have just pulled up here’s your bag.”

Whilst at sound check we did an answer and question session with our fans. Many of the questions were either about our dating status’ or our personal lives. Lauren and I weren’t allowed to be in a relationship it would help promote the album more or something like that. We were used to dodging questions about our relationships.

“Why was Kevin Jonas seen around today? Are you and he dating again Lauren?” One confident fan asked.

“No, we are not dating again. Honor Society the band we are touring with are signed to their label so you will see a few Jonas faces if you look close enough.” Lauren laughed slightly.

We got assorted off the stage by security guards who led us to the dressing rooms. Once inside, I decided enough was enough I had to ask her about it. Before I could she disappeared saying she wanted to watch Honor Society play.

“What’s wrong with you two, you have barley spoke all day?” Jordan asked whilst reading over her notepad.

“Nothing at least I don’t think.” I replied before going off to find Kevin.

I found him wondering the halls on his phone; I had to wait for him to finish his call. “Claire, what can I do for you?” Kevin said smirking a little.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you; you enjoy being the one we have to go to if we need help with anything. Well you know what she should have come to me not you! We have been best friends for years, and she goes and tells you of all people in case she forgot you did break her heart two years ago!” I raised my voice.

“I don’t know what your on about Claire.” Kevin said eyeing the staff that was walking by.

“You do! Lauren is pregnant and she told you before she told me. She hasn’t even told me yet!” Kevin pulled me into a room.

“Don’t go shouting that out, you don’t want it to be in the papers do you?” He sighed.
“Look, she didn’t want to tell me but I found the test in the bathroom and Jordan gave me a mouthful when I asked her about it. I knew you wouldn’t tell me anyway so I asked Lauren and I guess she was scared.”

“It still doesn’t explain why she didn’t tell me.” I said.

“Well, she told Alex and he basically turned his back on her saying they were to young and their careers came first. She was afraid you and Jordan would do the same I guess.”
“She knows we wouldn’t do that!” I said a voice on Kevin’s walkie talkie cut me off.

“No sign of Claire, if you see her tell her to come get ready ASAP.”

“You got to go get ready, they are looking for you.” Kevin said.

When I got back to the dressing room the girls were both ready. Jordan was on the phone to Nick, talking about Kevin.

“Girls Nick said is Kevin being an ass to you, because if he is Nick will come and replace him.” Jordan eyes almost looked like she was pleading with us.

“Why don’t you ask Lauren, I’m sure she will tell you how helpful and understanding Kevin is being?” I shot her a look before going into the hair room.

When I came back out, Lauren was discussing something with Jordan. “Can we cut out Revenge Is Sweeter tonight, I just don’t feel right singing it.” Lauren asked.

“What other song could we sing though?” Jordan asked.

“We could sing Thinking of you by Katy Perry like we did on the awards show.” Lauren suggested.

“It’s fine by me.” Jordan shrugged, Lauren turned round to look at me.

“Whatever. Maybe we should replace it with Secret from our old album. After all there are many secrets floating around lately.” I snapped suddenly regretting it after.

“Come on girls, in your positions.” A man came and showed us to our spots.

The show was awkward, but I was still angry at Lauren. The crowd didn’t seem to notice though, which is surprising seeing as the whole time Lauren stayed routed to the spot and I kept my distance from her.

When we exited the stage Lauren pulled us round the corner. “Right it’s obvious you know Claire, so why don’t you tell Jordan.”

“It’s my secret to tell, but in future make sure the door is closed when you want to tell a secret. The practice room door wasn’t shut properly when you were spilling your secret to Kevin. I mean Kevin of all people really Laur?” I started shouting.

“I don’t understand what’s going on here, can someone tell me.” Jordan was looking deeply confused.

“Tell her Lauren, I thin she has a right to know. I thought I had a right to know.” I said before turning round and walking away.

I walked round the corner to see Kevin staring at the scene that had just unfolded.

“You’ve made a big mistake Claire, She needs you, and you can’t just walk away from her.”

“No Kevin, You see I’m not the one that made the mistake you did. Tell me what are you still doing here, you were supposed to be gone by this morning. Won’t Danielle be missing you?” I smirked knowing that I had hit a nerve.
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Do you think Claire was harsh or she acted the normal way any friend would have?
I'm going to see if this works. Lauren will update this when we get four comments. So the quicker we get four comments from four differant people Lauren will update again.