‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

Being on tour, made all the days merge together sometimes I forgot what day it was. But I couldn’t forget today, I had it written on my hands in my diary and I even set a reminder on my phone. It was the day of Lauren’s first scan, July the first. We have been on the road for almost three weeks.

We were currently crossing the boarder over to Canada, that’s where Lauren’s doctors’ appointment was. I hated to admit it but Kevin was being very helpful, he had promised not to tell anyone until Lauren was ready. He even arranged this appointment for her to see a doctor, low key of course we wouldn’t want the press finding out.

“Lauren, you ready?” I asked a pale Lauren.

“Yeah.” She mumbled.
“Where are you guys going?” Mel asked, her and Alexander were finally an item.

“We have an interview.” Jordan lied.

“Okay have fun.” Mel called as we left the bus.

We all slipped our glasses on over our eyes, hopping into the SUV that was going to take us to the doctors’ surgery.

“Laur, if the doctor said he could give you the abortion pill today would you take it?” I asked.

“I don’t think I could do that to a baby, I mean I’m not ready for a child but I would never kill my child.” Lauren sat playing with her hair.

“Okay, Jordan and I will be there for you no matter what you chose to do won’t we Jordan?”

“Yes of course we will right after we get out of prison for killing Alex.” Jordan said clearly joking but I wouldn’t hold it against her if she did kill him.

We walked into the surgery, it had white walls and white floors, the doctors were wearing white even the light’s where white. We went straight to the receptionist telling her Lauren’s name.

“Oh right, well follow me this way Ms Friend. Could I possibly have a autograph once you’ve finished. My daughter is a big fan.” The lady gushed. I smiled at her and Jordan nodded, Lauren just looked blank. We followed her into a small room where it had two chairs a bed and a screen.

“I’ll go get Dr. Gavin please take a seat.”

Within minutes a young looking doctor came into the room and close the door he introduced himself to all three of us before instructing Lauren to lay on the bed.

“How far gone do you think you are?” He asked while squeezing this gel onto Lauren’s still flat stomach.

“About three weeks.” Lauren mumbled wincing at the coldness of the gel.

“Have you had any pain or bleeding recently?” He asked whilst pressing what looked like a computer mouse onto Lauren’s belly.

“No, nothing like that.” Lauren said looking up at the screen.

“Right, you are defiantly pregnant, can you see there’s your baby.” The doctor said pointing out a little squiggle on the screen. I squeezed Lauren’s hand, I was trying to stop myself from crying.

“You are roughly 28 days pregnant, were you thinking of having a termination?”

“N-no, I’m keeping it.” Lauren stuttered nervously.
“Okay, well if you wouldn’t mind coming into my office, I’ll tell you the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy. “

Lauren quickly signed a piece of paper handing it to me. “Go sign the autographs for that lady, I shouldn’t be to long.”

Lauren came out quarter of an hour later with a list of things she could and couldn’t do, eat and drink. I checked my phone when we were back in the car, I had two missed calls. One from Jonathan and one from Kevin.

“Being pregnant sucks.” Lauren moaned.

Tour went on as normal after that, well as normal as it could be with a pregnant lady on the bus. Lauren’s parents took the news rather well, Simon not so well.

“What do you mean you’re pregnant.” Lauren had put him on loud speaker.

“You know, I’ve got a baby growing inside of me.” Lauren replied sarcastically.

“Who’s baby is it? Alex’s I presume. What does he say about this, has he told his manager?”

“Uh- actually he.” Lauren started.

“wants you to call him.” I said reading my text message from Jonathan.

Alex and Lauren hadn’t spoken since the day she told him about the baby. Jonathan had just texted me saying Alex wants to talk to Lauren. Lauren ended the call with Simon and dialed Alex’s number before walking into the practice room.

“So, how’s that song coming along?” I asked Jordan. She had been working on a song for three weeks now. We were all dying to hear it.

“It’s coming along, maybe you will be able to hear it in a few weeks.” Jordan said slowly.

“Few weeks! Why’s it taking you so long?” I nudged her playfully.

“I keep re-writing parts, but I promise you and Lauren will be the first people to hear it.” Her phone started ringing a smile instantly on her face.

I decided to call Jonathan seeing as we hadn’t spoke in a week, we had both been busy what with me touring and him in the recording studio.


“Hello stranger, how’s things going?” He asked.

“It’s okay, Lauren had her first scan today. It was such a great experience going with her I was almost crying.”

“Babe don’t go getting any ideas.”

“Oh god no, one baby is enough I think. Anyway when are you coming to see me?”

“Next month, I can’t wait I miss you so much.” His words sounded scripted, but I shook it off.

“I miss you too.” Lie I was actually not missing him as much as I thought I would. My thoughts aren’t filled with him all the time like they were when Joe was away.

Our call got cut short when Lauren came back into the room looking happy. “I’ve got to go babe. I’ll call you soon.” I said smiling at Lauren.

“Okay see you soon.” With that the line went dead, I sighed I didn’t have the time to worry about my feelings at the moment.

“So, have you to made up. I hope he apologized and you made him beg for you to take him back.” I said sternly.

“He did apologize, and yes I did make him suffer a little while.” Lauren blushed slightly.

“Oh, before I forget I think you should ring Kevin and thank him for sorting out the appointment.” I said.

“I will later.” Lauren said raiding the cupboards.

Alexander popped his head out from Mel’s bunk. “We were wondering, if you wanted to do a duet with us like for the rest of tour. If we rehearse it we could be able to sing it at tomorrow’s show.”

“Oh, hi Alex I never knew you were here. You practically live on this bus now don’t you? Yeah that’s a great idea we will talk about it when we get to the venue.” I smiled.

“Yeah, I’ve kind of been kidnapped by this beautiful girl.” Alex said kissing Mel’s forehead.

I decided to browse all the gossip websites for news on us, luckily there wasn’t anything about us on them but I did come across one headline that made me stop and read the article. Joe Jonas and Camilla Belle over?.
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So we have big plans for this again, but it's going to be harder to write as many chapters now that we have stuff to do for college but we will try :)

A big thanks to all the commenters we love you! <3