‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

“Jordan! Lauren! Come here!” Claire yelled.

I looked up from the book I was reading and sighed. Placing the book mark back in it, I put the book down on the bed and jumped out of my bunk before going through to the living area where Claire was.

“What?” I asked, sitting next to her as Jordan as on the other side.

“Read this.” Claire pointed to the article on her screen.

I read the article. Joe and Camilla were supposedly breaking up.

“What?” Jordan asked confused.

“Looks like Camilla’s a bit more of a bitch than we thought.” I giggled.

“Yeah. I guess I was right.” Claire sighed.

“That’s because you can read minds.” I smiled, giving her a quick side hug before going back to my bunk.

Once I got into my bunk, I led down and smiled at the small scan taped to the top of my bunk, before grabbing my book and reading it again. Ten minutes later, Claire came in and pulled herself into the bunk next to me.

“Hey.” I smiled, shutting the book and sitting up.

“Hey. What do you think on this whole Joe and Camilla thing? Publicity stunt, made up or its actually happened?”

“I hope it’s actually happened. It would serve him right for treating you the way he did.” I sighed, resting my head on Claire’s shoulder.

“Yeah I guess so. I did tell him that she was using him.” Claire sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting up.

“It’s just me and Jonathan.”

“What’s happened?”

“Nothing I don’t think. Its just I don’t feel the same way anymore. We really were better off together as friends. I mean, it’s nothing like when I was with Joe. I don’t miss him constantly; he’s not always on my mind. Nothing.”

“Sounds like someone got too caught up in the moment.”

“I guess I did.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have no idea at the moment. I might just see what happens.”

“Ok. That sounds like a good idea to me.” I sighed.

After that, Claire went back into the living area and I had a shower and then got into my bunk and fell to sleep, feeling comforted that Alex and I were back to normal.

Clutching the small fuzzy picture in my hands, I could vaguely make out my little baby. I’d been in bed for nearly an hour now, ignoring the vibrating of my phone as I smiled to myself. Claire, Jordan and Mel had gone out for the day while I decided to stay inside because I didn’t feel too good, the morning sickness kicking in.

“Lauren, are you awake?” Claire called through the bus as they came back on to the bus.

“Yeah, in my bunk.” I yelled back, pulling back the curtain.

“Hey. How was your day?” She asked, pulling herself into the bunk next to me.

“It was ok I guess. I mainly slept.” I snickered, sitting up, the scan still in my hand.

“Fair enough. You’ve had that on you since you’ve got it.” Claire smiled.

“I know. I can’t get over the fact that ive got this little thing growing inside of me.”

“I can’t believe it either. Im glad Alex has seen sense though.”

“So am I. I don’t think I could do it without you lot around me.”

“You could. We’re going to be here no matter what though.” Claire smiled, “Thanks. Now, come on, we’ve got McDonalds.” Claire laughed.

“Honor boys are here then?”

“You got it.” She smiled as we climbed out of my bunk and walked through to the living area as I secured the scan in my pocket.

I sat down, cross legged on the floor while the others lounged around the sofas together. Grabbing my burger and chips, I turned my attention to the conversation Michael, Andrew and Jordan were having.

“Lauren! Why didn’t you come today? We missed you.” Andrew complained.

“Andrew! Im sorry, I didn’t feel too brilliant this morning. I missed you guys too though.”

“Oh that’s ok. As long as you feel better now. Im glad you missed us.” Michael snickered while I rolled my eyes and started eating.

After about an hour, we went into the practice room of our bus and started practicing the chosen song for our duet. Because we didn’t have a show, having the night off gave us chance to work on the duet more than we would have been able to normally.

Mel watched as we sang and played our instruments as long as we could before I finally needed a break, the whole pregnancy things, like cravings and constantly needing a wee, kicking in already at only 4 weeks in.

“Claire.” I whined as I sat down while she forced me to drink water to keep me healthy.

“Lauren.” Claire mimicked.

“I don’t want water. Grab me a can of Dr Pepper.”

“No. Remember what you were told.” She scolded.

“Fine.” I sighed, getting up and going into the kitchen to get some fruit.

“You’re the most difficult person in the world.” Claire laughed.

“Oh shush.” I smiled as we went back into the practice room.

“Who’s gotta shush?” Alexander quizzed as he wrapped his arms around Mel.

“Claire has.” I giggled before wriggling my eyebrows at Mel.

“Ok then.”

“Alexander. We love you but you aren’t allowed to stay late tonight.”


“Because it’s called a girly night and unless you have something to tell us, you aren’t a girl.” I smiled sweetly.

“He’s not a girl right?” Claire asked Andrew as she sat down next to him.

“No, at least we think he’s not a girl.” Andrew smirked.

“That’s good then.” Claire smiled as she sat down on the floor.

I sat next to her, grabbing my guitar from the floor where id left it and began strumming it gently as we all spoke about how the song would work out on stage.

“So its going to be Jordan in the middle because that’s where the keyboard is on stage, then if Alexander and Andrew go either side of her and then Michael next to Lauren on one side of the stage and Jason and I on the other, we could move around and mix it up a bit during the song, but to start off, that’s how we could stand.” Claire suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” Michael smiled.

“Only because you love me though.” I giggled.

“You got it.” He smirked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Michael, stop hitting on a taken girl.” Jacob laughed.

“Says the one.” Andrew smirked, pointing out how close Jacob was to Claire.

After that we just kind of laughed and lounged around for a while before the boys went back over to their bus as all the buses pulled over to a stop. Mel and Andrew shared a quick kiss before he followed the others over to their bus. While the others decided on a film, I changed into my pyjamas again and then collapsed onto the sofa between Claire and Jordan while Mel sat next to Jordan.

Before long, I fell to sleep. Claire woke me up and sent me to my bunk before turning the DVD off and following me out. By 11 o’clock we had all gone to bed to get some much needed sleep before tomorrow’s shows and interviews.
♠ ♠ ♠
College is really tiring at the moment :| So thats my lame excuse for only just updating this when I got in about 40 minutes ago. Sorry
Lauren xo