‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV.

“That was even better than last night’s show.” I said walking off stage.

We had just finished our last concert in Canada next stop was Denmark. Lauren instantly ran off in the direction of the toilets, I don’t know why it’s called morning sickness she has been throwing up for the past couple of days.

“I know, the crowd was awesome tonight.” Jordan said before giving me a hug.

“Where are you going?” I asked her has she walked away.

“Tour bus; meet me in the practice room once you’ve changed. I’ve got something to show you.” She smiled before skipping off.

Once I had showered and dried my hair throwing it up in a messy bun Lauren doing the same we made our way to the bus.

“I can’t wait to see Alex, he is getting really excited about the baby. It’s weird to think by the time he see’s me I will be two months pregnant.” Lauren said as we walked onto the bus.

“Yeah, well I wish I was that excited to see Jonathan.” I sighed. I had been avoiding his calls for the past week. The truth was I love him as a best friend not a lover.

We walked onto the bus, to see Joe sat in front of a blank TV. His eyes were glistening with tears, his forehead filled of wrinkles. He honestly did look like a broken man, I guess the rumors were true.

He looked up and gave a small wave when he heard us come onto the bus. I gave a little wave back, before Lauren broke me from my thoughts.

“Didn’t you say Jordan wanted to see us in the practice room?” She nudged me.

“Oh uh, yeah.” I said letting Lauren drag into the room.

“Don’t you think about it Claire.” Lauren’s tone was stern.

“Think about what?” I said innocently.

“You know what, the rumors might still be rumors. You never know, plus you go out with Jonathan remember?”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything Laur, now come on hopefully Jordan as finished that song.” I said walking into the practice room where Mel and Jordan was sat talking.

Jordan smiled at us before walking behind the keyboard. “So, I know you lot have been waiting a few weeks to hear the song I wrote but I need help finding the beat.” Jordan shrugged.

“Sing it, I’m sure we can come up with a beat. I’ll play the keyboard for this song you can sing front vocals.” I beamed happy that Jordan had finally finished it.

“Are you sure I mean my voice isn’t brilliant.” Jordan suddenly turned embarrassed.

“Shut up, Your voice is amazing otherwise we wouldn’t have asked you to join us would we.” Lauren said picking up her guitar.

You make me breakfast in bed
When I'm mixed up in my head
You wake me with a kiss
I could get used to this
Jordan sang.

Lauren was plugging her guitar in while Mel was making beats on the chair with her hands. I started trying to get a tune with the song.

Jordan continued to sing.We had the beat going, it was pretty hard to keep it going though.

“It’s okay I mean the lyrics are great but the beat doesn’t go with the song. Could i?” We all looked up to see Joe standing in the doorway.

Jordan nodded and he walked over to the empty chair and started making a beat that went with the song. I quickly swapped keys on the keyboard and started matching Joe’s beat. Lauren then changed cord on her guitar and we had the perfect tune.

When Jordan finished the song we all clapped. “Wow, Jordan I wonder who the songs about?” Mel said joking around we all knew it was about Nick.

“Yeah I wonder, does it have something to do with a certain Jonas?” I smiled.

“Oh Jordan you shouldn’t have! What are we going to tell Nick. I mean he will be a bit jealous you wrote a song for me.” Joe joked.

We all started laughing at that. A wave of relief washed over me, I was worried it would awkward between Joe and I but it looked like we were still on talking terms.

Lauren’s phone began to ring, she walked outside to take it. Mel followed her saying she was spending the night on Honor Society’s bus and she’d better get a move on before the driver started driving. Leaving Jordan, Joe and I in the room. Jordan collected all her stuff.

“I’m uh- going to call Nick then I’m going to bed see you two in the morning.” Jordan said before smiling at me, earning her a glare from me and a small “night” from Joe.

Then there was just two, I thought to myself as the room fell silent. I started playing with my hair; I do it if I’m nervous or bored a trait I got from my mother.

“Want to watch a film? That is if you aren’t going to bed?” Joe asked he sounded as fragile as he looked.

“Sure okay, let me just go get changed and I’ll join you.” I nodded walking out of the room.

I walked into the bunk area to find Jordan was now on the phone with Nick and Lauren was now laying on her bed holding the baby scan in her hands.

“We are watching a film do you two want to join us?” I asked while getting changed.

Jordan shook her head before closing her curtain. “Oh I forgot you’re on the phone with Nicky, goodnight Nick!” I raised my voice for him to hear.

I turned to Lauren. “Please come watch a film, I mean I don’t want to be alone with him.” I pleaded.

“Nope, any way it’s probably best if I don’t join you I mean I will probably have to get up every ten minutes to pee. Stupid pregnancy.” Lauren pouted.

“Fine, but don’t forget when you want a favor from me you two can both stick it up your-“

“Just go already!” Lauren laughed.

I took my Forever True hoodie from my bed before walking out. Joe was already sat on the couch with the remote in his hands. I turned the light off before sitting in the chair next to the couch. Joe must have pressed the play button because next thing I knew the movie was playing. To my surprise Joe chose “A Walk To Remember” instead of his usual Juno.

Half an hour into the film, I heard Joe sniffle behind me. It hadn’t even gotten to the part where Jamie tells Landen she is sick. I looked behind me and I could have sworn that my heart sank a little.


“Yeah.” Joe sniffled.

“Are you crying?” I asked before mentally hitting myself.

“No, I’ve got a cold.” He lied.

I sighed before getting up from my place on the floor and sitting by him. “Really Joe, in the middle of July?” I said my voice portraying my worry.

“It’s a sad film.” Joe shrugged.

“It wasn’t even near the sad part yet, try again.” I said nudging him playfully.
“What do you want me to say, you were right all along?” He laughed bitterly.

“No, Look Joe I really am sorry it didn’t work out with you and Camilla want to talk about it?” I asked.

He took in a breath of air before shrugging slightly. I walked into the kitchen and made us both a cup of coffee and a hot chocolate for me. When I came back out Joe had switched the film off and had turned the light on.

“You’re phone was ringing.” He said taking the cup from me.

“It’s alright I’ll call them back tomorrow.” I shrugged deleting the miss call.

“It was Jonathan, you sure you don’t want to give him a call back. I mean it’s getting late I’m just going to go to sleep now.” Joe said.

“No you’re not, we are going to talk.” I said sitting next to him.

It was silent for a while before Joe spoke. “This wasn’t the first time, I should have known she never ended it with him but I was to scared to lose her.”

“Wait, what she has cheated on you before?” I cut in. Joe sighed.

“I first caught them last year, Camilla was becoming distant and she would always have to rush off. So one day when she left in a rush I followed her and she went straight to his house.” Joe explained.

“What did you do?” I asked moving a little closer to him.

“I waited in my car until she came out, it took her four hours to finally come out of the house. Then I confronted her, she said it was work related but she and I both knew that wasn’t true. But I still took her back, silly me thinking once she had been caught she wouldn’t carry it on.” His voice was breaking a little.

“It seemed like things had gone back to the way they were when we first met, but then just after you arrived back it started again.” Joe continued to explain the situation.

By four o’clock in the morning Joe was in tears again, I didn’t know what to do. So I put my arms around his shaking shoulders and rested my head in the crock of his neck. It seemed to calm him down a little.

“Joe, I know we aren’t exactly friends but I am only a phone call away if you need anyone to talk to.” I said.

“Claire, you have been more than a friend to me than my own friends. Even my brothers resented me for taking her back after the first time. Thank you.” He laced our fingers together.

Just then my phone started ringing causing Joe to unlace our hands. I smiled apologetically at him before running out of the room to answer my phone. Damn you Jonathan.
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The song is by The veronica's-I could get used to this.
So- i really wanna know what you thought about this. Did you think Claire should have been a little bit harser?