‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

After meeting Alex, we all walked over to the venue with the exception of Claire and Jonathan who had gone for a walk to talk. Hopefully she would be ok when she came back; I couldn’t stand seeing Claire upset. It’s worse now that im pregnant.

We sat down in the dressing room together; Alex pulled me onto his lap, his hand placed firmly on my now even larger bump.

“Your baby’s going to be fat.” I laughed.

“What?” Alex looked at me strange.

“Its only about 12 weeks and im already huge. Hence your baby is going to be fat.”

“The baby's not just mine remember.”

“Yeah, but you got me pregnant so therefore, im calling it yours.” I laughed before getting up.

“Where are you off too?”

“Bathroom. You should seriously try being pregnant for a day.” I smiled before walking away.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I made my way back to the dressing room to see Claire and Jonathan walking in. I smiled at Claire before running over and giving her a hug.

“Claire, come with me dear. Lauren needs to tell you about being pregnant.” I smiled, making up excuses.

We walked away together and sat on the stage, our legs swinging over the edge.

“How did it go?”

“I couldn’t do it.” Claire sighed.

“That’s not good.”

“I know.”

“You need to do it though Claire. You aren’t happy like this and it kills me to see you upset. And plus, ive got all these extra hormones going on and it makes it worse.” I pouted.

“Im sorry Lauren. Im going to do it tomorrow.”

“Are you ok?”

“I guess.” Claire sighed.

“Come on. The others will think we’ve ran away to get ice cream.” I laughed standing up.

“Why ice cream?”

“Cos I was moaning about how I needed ice cream before.” I laughed as we walked back to the dressing room.

Once we were inside the dressing room, I was hauled back onto Alex’s lap so he could keep his hand on my bump. Much to my annoyance. The rest of the day was spent talking, Jonathan giving Joe dirty looks across the room and then finally performing in the evening. I stole one of Alex’s tops for the show because it was a lot baggier on me than my own tops that I had brought in bigger sizes.

Before Honor Society’s set finished and we went on stage to perform with them, Jordan ran off to get a drink and get her wires sorted while Claire and I cornered Nick in the dressing room.

“Details. Now!” Claire demanded while I laughed.

“I don’t know what you’re on about.” Nick said, looking away.

“Oh shush, we know you’re going to propose. Now tell us how you’re going to do it.” I demanded.

“Fine. Im going to get the ring from back home. Im thinking about doing at the last show. But not on stage. Maybe just after.” Nick sighed.

“Aw, aren’t you sweet.” Claire gushed.

“Why are you being mean to my boyfriend?” Jordan laughed as she walked in.

“We were just finding out if we could practice our make up on him.” I said quick thinking has never been my thing.

“Ok then.” Jordan said before dragging us out for the performance.

After our set finished, we ran out to backstage just as Joe was getting ready to leave. Jordan performed her song to Nick on stage. Looking over at him, I could see the grin on his face.

“Joe’s leaving now girls.” Nick announced.

“Never.” I replied sarcastically before running over to Joe.

“Lauren.” Joe said sincerely, nodding his head.

“Oh shut up. I may not be completely happy with you but you can’t leave without a hug.” I laughed, giving him a hug quickly.

The others all said their goodbyes, Jonathan completely ignoring Joe altogether. Once he left, I grabbed my things and started to make my way out of the venue when Alex caught up with me.

“Nu huh.” He said, taking my bags.

“What are you doing?”

“You aren’t allowed to carry heavy stuff.”

“Oh shut up. Give it back.” I said, trying to get the bags off of him.

“Not a chance.” Alex said, kissing my cheek and grabbing my hand.

“Cute.” Claire giggled as she walked past with Jonathan.

I smiled at her before moving closer to Alex, resting my head on his arm slightly as we walked.

“I can’t believe that songs for me.” Nick said as he and Jordan walked past us.

“Its not. It’s for me.” I giggled, earning Nick to poke his tongue out at me.

Once we got onto the bus, Alex put my things in my bunk before coming back out into the living area with the rest of us. He sat on the floor in front of my, his head resting on my knees that were crossed. His hand instantly went to my stomach as he started to sing I Will by Jimmy Wayne, one of my favourite songs.

“Aww.” Claire gushed once he’d finished.

I smiled down at Alex before making my excuses and going to bed. Alex came out not long after and climbed into the bunk with me, his hand resting on my stomach again. We fell to sleep like that.

The next morning, I woke up to find Alex already gone, Claire and Jonathan gone and Nick and Jordan fast asleep. I smiled before having to run to the bathroom to be sick. Morning sickness is a pain in my butt.

Once id been sick, I brushed my teeth and went into the living area. The bus had stopped obviously because Claire and Jonathan weren’t here again. Shaking my head, I sat down next to Alex as he watched morning cartoons.

“You are going to be so good with the baby.” I laughed.

“Why’s that?” Alex asked after kissing me good morning.

“Because you’re a big child yourself.” I snickered.

“That hurt.”

“Never mind.” I smiled as Claire and Jonathan walked onto the bus. Both of their faces portrayed what I knew was going to happen.

“Come on.” I said, grabbing Claire’s hand and dragging her into the practice room.

“I done it.” Claire sighed, sitting down.

“I know.” I said, rubbing her back supportively.

“We’re going to be friends again. Im happy we are but it’s so hard.”

“I bet it is. I mean, it was hard to even look at Kevin.”

“I know. At least we can be friends though I guess.” Claire sighed getting up.

“Yeah.” I said, following her out before giving her a hug.

The rest of the day was spent as a girl’s day while Jonathan and Alex went out shopping and Nick spent the day with Honor Society. Mel, Jordan, Claire and I spent the day messing around on the tour bus before going over for sound check and then spending time in the dressing room while Mel sorted out the merchandise stall.

After performing, we went back to the bus and changed into our pyjamas straight away before sitting down in the living area. Alexander had come to our bus for the night to stay with Mel with us before they went back to the Honor Society tour bus for the night.

Claire and Jonathan sat next to each other but it seemed a little tense between them. Before they were pretty much best friends and I thought I might loose Claire as a best friend but now I could tell that, that wouldn’t happen. They were back to being just friends.

The next day was the boys last day with us before they all went back to LA again. We spent the day together but Alex kept stealing me away so we could spend some time together, just us and our bump. The whole time we were together, Alex kept him arms around my waist and his hands on the bump that would, in just a few months time, be our baby boy or girl.

When the time came, after the show, for the boys to leave, we said our goodbyes.

“Bye baby.” Alex said, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Bye.” I said, kissing his cheek.

“Be careful ok. I don’t want you or the baby to get hurt.” Alex warned.

“Ok. Ill be careful if you be good.” I smirked.

“What do you mean? Be good, im always good.”

“I mean, don’t tell anyone about the baby and don’t drink.” I smiled.

“Ok, ill be good.” Alex smiled before kissing me again.

“Bye Nicholas, bye Jonathan.” I smiled, using their full names.

“Bye Lauren.” Nick smirked.

“Doesn’t work with me really does it?” I laughed, giving him a quick hug.

“Not really.” He laughed.

“Bye Laur.” Jonathan smiled weakly, giving me a hug.

“Make sure he doesn’t get up to any trouble ok.”

“I will. Make sure Claire doesn’t get up to any trouble.”

“Hey, I heard that.” Claire whined, before hugging Alex.

“I will don’t worry. Bye.” I said, pulling away.

We waved them off after they had all climbed into the car that was taking them to the airport. After they were gone, we went back to the bus and collapsed onto the sofas to watch TV before going to bed.