‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Jordan's POV

She walks away
Colours fade to gray
every precious moment's now a waste

Smiling, I picked up my phone. I always let it play a couple of bars of the song just so I could listen to my ringtone. I flipped it over so I could see the screen; the caller i.d had come up as Simon. “Hello?”

“Jordan, is that you?”

“No, it’s some stranger picking up the phone. Of course it is. Why?”

“How would you fancy being part of this amazing band? They are just coming back after two years off and they are in need of a third member. They’re called Forever True.”

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed excitedly down the phone. Hearing my scream, Nick ran into the room. “Yes, yes! Are we really making a come-back? I mean I knew we would but I never thought it would be so soon. Where are Claire and Lauren? Are they with you? I miss them.”

“Yes. Of course I mean it. No, they’re not with me right now. In a couple of months time, the TCA’s need presenters and I thought what better way to start a comeback but to have you girls give out an award” He informed me while I was trying to keep myself from having another my little outburst. The rest of the phone call was all about Simon informing me where to meet the girls at the awards. After putting the phone down, I went and sat down next to Nick and told him all about the phone call, well the stuff he never already heard me shout.

“So, I guess you’re not just going to be my plus one this year then.” He smiled down at me as I was snuggling into his chest.

“Nope, this year we are going to show you up. Forever True can so beat the Jonas Brothers at presenting” I laughed.

“Always the competitive, Jordan” He beamed down at me and kissed my forehead.

That was two months ago

“Bye Lauren, yeah i’ll see you in an hour okay? Love you both too.” With that we both hung up.

“Joe! If you don’t hurry up with your hair then we’re just leaving you here and then you’d have to hitch a ride to pick up Camilla. I don’t think she’d like to go to the Teen Choice Awards on the back of a pickup truck, do you?” I shouted up the stairs. We were supposed to leave and pickup Camilla and Danielle ten minutes ago but no; Mr I-have-to-have-my-hair-perfect was taking ages.

“Yeah, like the fans would let us ride in a pickup truck. Anyway I’m coming now.” Joe said running down the stairs that I was stood at the end of.

“It’s about time.” Nick said, causing us all to laugh. “Come on then you two. Kevin’s already in the car and started it up. We have to leave now or we’ll be late. Can you imagine what the fans would be like if we’re late and what Lauren and Claire would be like if you’re late?”

“Nick, I would normally answer your question but I do think we have to go now” I laughed grabbing his hand and leading him to Kevin and Joe in the car, Joe leaving just before us.

“Claire! Lauren!” I shouted and ran over to them, hoping I never disturbed the presenter that was on stage.

“Jordan!” They both said in unison and dragged me into a hug.

“I missed you both.” I smiled, causing them to grin at me.

“We missed you too.” Lauren replied.

I looked at Lauren as a man walked over to me and wired me up so that I could go on stage. Lauren noticed how that we all matching colours. Claire was wearing a beautiful black dress with white shoes, Lauren had a silver dress that seriously looked amazing on her with black shoes to give the look some edge and I was wearing a white summer dress with silver shoes that made me look even taller than I already was.

Before we had the chance to properly catch up the presenter announced that we would be presenting the Choice Music Album Group award. Lauren, who stood in-between me and Claire linked arms with us. As we walked out onto the stage, the crowd were seriously breath-taking, better than I remembered. So encouraging and by the looks of it glad that we were back.

“Hi everybody” I said into the microphone as Lauren placed the award down on the podium that stood in centre stage.

“Thanks for having us here tonight.” Lauren smiled.

“It’s great to be back to be honest.” Claire said the grin still on her face.

“So, tonight we’re here to present the award for Choice Music Album Group.” I said, also smiling.

“The nominees are All Time Low, the new girl band KSM, Forever the Sickest Kids and the Jonas Brothers.” Lauren said, I noticed that she tried to keep the smile on her face as she said the Jonas Brothers, something I expected

“The winner is... I would ask for a drum roll but neither of the girls are good at that.” Claire laughed.

“Oi, I’m good at drumming.” Lauren protested with a pout on her face while I just stood there and laughed. Still the same old childish Claire and Lauren, I thought to myself smiling.

“Sure you are.” Claire laughed. “Anyway, the winners of the Choice Music Album Group are.” Claire paused while ripping open the envelope. She read it quickly before yelling into the microphone; “The Jonas Brothers with their album, ‘Lines, Vines and Trying Times’.”

The boys stood up, Kevin hugging Danielle while Joe hugged Camilla. Both girls were sitting next to their boyfriends. They walked up together, all smiling. As they reached the stage, I raced over to Nick and hugged him instantly. Noticing Claire and Lauren were still stood in the same place, I realised it was a bit awkward.

“Wow.” Kevin said sounding breathless.

“Well I guess we need to thank the amazing girls of Forever True for presenting us with this award this evening.” Nick said making us all smile.

“We also need to thank our amazing fans, girlfriends and parents. Not forgetting Frankie, Of course.” Joe gushed making me turn my head to see Claire and Lauren cringe. As much as I knew there was bad air between them I thought after the break it’d be different. Obviously not.

They all said their “thank you” and then when Joe picked up the award, the boys made their way over to where we were stood. Claire and Lauren hugged the boys, which I was honestly quite surprised at but noticed the feeling between them, then led the way off stage; I walked with Nick, Claire and Lauren together and at the back Joe and Kevin walking, looking at the award.

“Congratulations.” Lauren said, talking mainly to Nick.

“Thanks.” Joe replied before Nick could.

“That’s ok. The album’s great and is worth an award.” Claire mumbled, looking down at her feet. Again I was surprised at the way they could be nice.

“Lauren, Claire, Jordan, you girls need to come and get changed.” A lady said, walking over to us.

“Ok, we’re coming now.” Lauren smiled and ran towards her.

“Why do you need to change?” Nick quizzed.

“You’ll see.” I smiled before kissing Nick and leading the way back to the dressing room we had been assigned. This is the bit of the plan I never let Nick or any of the boys in to. Trust me, it was hard to keep this a secret.

We picked up our outfits and hid behind the curtains that had been put up to give us privacy to change. Each of us was wearing skinny jeans and a plain top, Lauren’s being purple, Claire’s teal and Mine yellow. We all wore flats, the same colour as our tops.

“Ready for this?” I smiled.

“As ill ever be.” Lauren replied as Claire nodded her head in agreement.

We walked out together and over to the side of the stage where once again we were all attached to the wires and were given microphones. Before long, we were, once again, being welcomed to the stage.

“Forever True.” The person shouted before walking off and leaving us to make our entrance on the stage.

Clutching our microphones, we walked out together, smiling. Claire began her verse of ‘Thinking of You’ by Katy Perry.

“...Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...
We sang together before taking a bow, thanking the crowd and running off stage. It was good to back we thought.

When we got back to our dressing room, I told my two best friends everything that they’d missed; I skipped the bits about Joe and Kevin. “Girls, all the awards have been handed out. Would you all like to leave together?” One of the technicians backstage walked in the room and asked, interrupting our conversation.

“Well, we are all going to the after party right?” Lauren asked looking at me.

“Yeah, I’ll tell Nick I’ll meet him there.” I smiled and ran out the room to find him.

When we were all ready to leave, we got into a black car and were driven to the party. We were one of the first groups there so we choose a table near the front of the room and sat down. Lauren was telling me about our new apartment. I had moved all my stuff into it a few days after they arrived in LA.

“I can’t say the same for you, have you shrank?” I heard after mine and Lauren’s conversation.

“I’ve been back what two minutes and you are already making short jokes no fair, Nick.” Claire pouted. Nick must of arrived when me and Lauren where in deep conversation. I’m no good at multi-tasking so I must have missed him coming in while talking. I stood up and went over to him as he was sat by Claire on the other side of the table. When we finished talking I went to sit back by Lauren.

By now the table was full, Kevin was sat next to Jordan Danielle on his right, Camilla was sat next to Danielle then Joe was in the middle of Nick and Camilla. I noticed Claire was staring at Joe and then a couple of seconds later, he smiled a little at her. I released he must just noticed her staring. She then glanced over at Camilla, so I carried on the conversation with Danielle and Kevin.

“Claire, I think we best go say hello to Jonathan and Alex before they come over and murder us.” Lauren said. Nodding, Claire got up and excused themselves from the table. I smiled a little at the two then carried on speaking to Danielle, leaving the others to a conversation of their own.

When the conversations finished I noticed ‘S.O.S’ had come on and Kevin got up and started doing his “S.O.S dance” which made us all cheer, but then Danielle got up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Then Nick and Joe were doing their flips, Nick landed right in front of me and dragged me into the middle of the floor just as “See You In The Dark” came on. We started “Honor Rolling” which we was then joined on the floor by Kevin, Joe, Lauren and Claire. Danielle stormed off, while Joe tryied to teach Camilla the moves.

It was late when we finally got off the dance floor; I had insisted the girls came home with us. I half-expected them to argue they had their own ride but they just climbed in.

We first stopped at Camilla’s apartment; I told the girls that she wanted Joe to move in with her but the whole Jonas family objected to it. Joe got out the car with her and walked her to her door.

“I bet I know what he is saying to her.” Claire muttered.

“Claire, be nice.” Nick warned, causing me and Lauren to laugh a little. Joe got back in the car and we started heading to our next destination, our apartment. “So, what do you girls plan on doing now?” Nick asked, trying to kill the silence.

“We are releasing the album again and we have a meeting about a tour soon.” Lauren said, while sending Danielle daggers.

“What, you’re taking Jordan away from me!” Nick said, sounding a bit hurt which made me hug him.

“You can come be our merchandise guy.” Claire joked. Danielle scoffed at that.

“Have you got something to say?” Lauren snapped at her.

“Yes I do actually; I mean only losers sale merchandise. Nick is way too famous to be seen within miles of one of your concerts.” Danielle’s said. Which hurt me a bit.

“Dani, you may want to rephrase that.” Kevin said in her ear, giving Jordan an apologetic look.

“Oh, I’m sorry Jord. I didn’t mean you.” She said as the car pulled up.

“I know, but can you just stop your snide comments! Lauren and Claire are my best friends. I won’t stand around and watch people bad mouth them.” And with that I opened the car door and got out, Nick followed.

Lauren and Claire got out after me, I noticed from where me and Nick sat on the doorstep that they muttered something getting out the car.
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So this is my first update for this story and tbh i'm quite proud of it haha. I've never right something this long in my life, not even my coursework was. I'm not going to be updatin all the time 'cause my written would kill this story, and trust me the girls have great plans. I'll just be updating when needed.

Comment and subscribe, will make us happy :)

- Jordan <3