‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

“Yeah, the scan is actually so much clearer. Next time we see you I promise to show you.” I smiled; talking to Kevin was a lot easier now.

“I look forward to it. Do you need me to sort the next scan out for you?”

“Im not sure at the moment. Ill ring you closer to a date. Thanks for the offer though Kevin. Its great being able to count on you again.”

“Its great being able to let you count on me again.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“So, how’s things at home. Is Frankie ok? I miss the kid.”

“Things are ok I guess. Frankie’s excellent. I know he misses you too.”

“What’s going on at home?” I demanded, knowing the Kevin was lying.


“Cut the crap and spill the beans.” I said, sitting straight.

“Look, ive got to go. I promise to spill the beans another day.”

“Ok. As long as you don’t forget.”

“I won’t forget.”

“Good. Bye Kev.”

“Bye Laur.” And with that, Kevin hung up.

I climbed out of my bunk and skipped into the living area to see Claire sat at the table, her laptop in front of her and her phone pressed firmly to her ear. I smiled at her before grabbing a bottle of water and skipping into the living area.

“Yuck, get a bedroom.” I heaved as I caught site of Mel and Alexander sucking face again.

“Oh shush, just because Alex isn’t here anymore.”

“No, it’s because ive not long ate and I might just be sick in a minute.” I said, turning around and going back to sit with Claire.

As I sat down, I turned Claire’s laptop to face me so I could check on a few things while she was on the phone. As I quickly skimmed the article, I knew who Claire was on the phone to.

“Let me speak a minute.” I said.

“Sure. Nick, Lauren’s going to talk to you a minute.” Claire said before handing me her phone.

“Soo? What’s it like?” I sang.

Nick went on to tell me about the ring. He said it was simple, elegant and something Jordan would defiantly love. I trusted his instincts. After about 5 minutes, I handed the phone back to Claire and went into the practice room to see Jordan playing the piano in there.

“Hey buddy.” I smiled, sitting down on the stool and picking up my beloved guitar.

“Hey.” Jordan grinned.

“Wanna jam?” I asked around a laugh.

“Sure. What do you wanna play?”

“Twinkle, twinkle little star.” I grinned.

“Ok then. For the baby.” Jordan laughed as she began playing.

I strummed along using my guitar before we both went into singing the song. When we finished, Claire walked in, clapping and laughing. After talking for a little while I went to bed to catch some much needed sleep.

The next day was spent getting some larger clothes again and then spending the evening watching films because we had a free night.

When I woke up the next morning, I screeched in agony. My hand moving straight to my stomach.

“Claire! Jordan!” I screamed, panting to settle the pain a little.

Claire came into the bunk area first, her facial expressions portraying her worry.

“Something’s wrong.” I cried.

“Jordan! Ring for an ambulance now!” Claire yelled as she helped me out of my bunk.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later. I was carried out of the bus on a stretcher. Paparazzi were all around the bus. Claire and Jordan stayed at my sides, each holding one of my hands and I cried out in pain and worry. I knew something was wrong with the baby there and then.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I was rushed in and straight into a room. Claire and Jordan were made to wait outside as the doctor examined me while I cried. It wasn’t cries because of the physical pain anymore, it was cries of pain because I knew id lost my little baby.

After having a scan, Claire and Jordan were let into the room with me while the doctor consulted another doctor. I knew what I was going to be told though.

“Ive lost my baby.” I cried as Claire hugged me and Jordan fought back her tears, Claire’s tear pouring over my back.

“You don’t know that yet.” Jordan scolded. Even though we’ve got a 2 years age gap, right now, I needed her to be my rock because Claire was in no state to be it.

“I do though Jordan. I can feel it.” I said my hand resting on my stomach after Claire pulled away.

“Don’t talk like that until you know for sure.” Claire said, looking me in the eyes.

The doctors came in not long after. As they stood at the end of my bed, Claire and Jordan clutching either one of my hands, I could feel my heart break. Alex wasn’t here to hear the news so Claire took on the horrid task of ringing him and telling him the awful news as I cried myself to sleep.

This is what the doctors told me.
“We’re sorry to tell you this Miss Friend. It’s hard for us, especially seeming as you’re at such a young age.” The first doctor said as tears formed in her eyes.

“Miss Friend. You’ve had a miscarriage. We’re so sorry.” The second doctor said regretfully.

“No!” I screamed as I doubled over, my hand clutching at my stomach desperately.

“Lauren, im so sorry.” Claire said, trying to desperately comfort me as Jordan was told any needed information about what was going to happen.

The first doctor came over to me as I sobbed, Claire sitting in the chair next to the bed, crying silent tears.

“Miss Friend, it’s very normal for someone of your age to have a miscarriage, especially around the 12 weeks mark. Nothing could have prevented this happening. We’re so sorry for your lose.” She consoled, squeezing my hand gently before leaving the room.

Before the second doctor left I was given some medication to make me sleep, but it wouldn’t work for an hour and it didn’t stop the nightmare and tears spilling as I slept. In the hour before I finally drifted off to sleep, Claire, Jordan and I cried together as they held my hand and tried to comfort me, telling me it had nothing to do with anything that id done.

I woke up the next morning to see Alex sat in the room with me, Claire and Jordan no longer there. I looked over at him to see a tear stained face, his hands clutching desperately onto a small white teddy bear.

“I brought it for our baby.” Alex informed me.

“Im sorry Alex. Im so sorry.” I said as I began to cry again.

“I can’t do this anymore Lauren. I can’t look at you and think about what we had. Every time I look at you I think of our poor baby that didn’t even make it into the world.” Alex sobbed gently.

“Please Alex. Don’t, just don’t.” I said, trying to move out of the bed.

Alex stood and pushed me back down onto the bed softly before pressing the small teddy into my hands. He kissed my forehead gently.

“Im sorry Lauren. I love you but I can’t. Goodbye.” Alex said before kissing my forehead once more and leaving.

I clutched the bear desperately trying to rewind the past few days. Id lost my baby and the person I was beginning to love and it was my entire fault.

Claire came back into the room not long after Alex left and pulled me into a hug before we both cried together. Jordan didn’t come back into the room that day. Claire told me she couldn’t bear to see us crying and that if she came back in, she would loose it herself. She also told me that she’d informed my mum and she was flying out to see me that day.

Before I was discharged from the hospital, the female doctor from the night before came into the room and gave Claire some medicines to give me each night for 3 days to make me sleep. She then gave me a small smile, a quick hug and left as tears formed in her eyes again.

We left the hospital 37 hours after arriving there. I was now a broken person and Claire and Jordan could tell.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cried while I wrote this. Honestly. It was the most horrible thing ever.
How about you guys cry too?
What do you think?
Did it make anyone else cry or is it just me being sentimental?
Laurenn xo