‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

It had been four days since Lauren lost the baby, we were in a Turkish hotel. We had to cancel a weeks worth of shows because none of us were up to facing people. Simon had called and said the media were going wild with the news.

After hearing the news, Alex got on the next plane to Turkey. He left a few hours after Lauren woke up. I wanted to know what had went on but Lauren wouldn’t talk to anyone not even her mother who flew out a few days ago.

“Any improvement?” I asked Jordan who had just came out of Lauren’s hotel room.

“Nope, she still just sits there and stares into space or cry’s. It’s heart breaking, Cher is begging her to talk but she wouldn’t mutter a word.” Jordan said wiping her eyes.

“I’m going to kill Alex, I thought he would have been more of a man and stuck by her but obviously he only thinks about himself.” I ranted.

“Claire, calm down this is already splashed around every news stand around the world we don’t want another headline about us being convicted for murder.” Jordan sighed.

“Hey, how is she?” I heard a familiar voice.

It was none other than Kevin Jonas. Along with his brothers. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his eyes were bloodshot. Jordan who had managed to hold it together and be the strong one broke down as soon as she was in Nick’s arms. Nick gave me a small smile and led Jordan into our room next door to Lauren’s.

“She- uh she won’t talk to anyone not even her mum.” I sighed fighting back tears.

“Do you think I could go in and see her?” Kevin asked.

I knocked on the door before opening it, to see Lauren sat up in bed Cher sat beside her holding her hands. When Lauren noticed Kevin she started crying again. I walked in with Kevin and Joe behind me.

“Laur, please say something even if it’s to tell me to go away.” I begged. She just stared back at me.

“I’m just going to call Steve, see how the girls are. Will you be alright here for a while?” Cher asked, I nodded.

“Lauren, I know you’re hurt but it wasn’t your fault no one blames you. Please just talk to us.” I said tears rolling down my face. This made Lauren cry harder.

“Come on Claire let’s go get a drink.” Joe wrapped his arm around my waist leading me out of the room. If I wasn’t so distraught about the situation I would be blushing.

As soon as we closed the door I started sobbing uncontrollably. Joe didn’t hesitate he wrapped me into a hug while I cried.

“Thank you.” I whispered once my tears subsided.

“Don’t worry about Lauren, Kevin’s with her now. Let’s go get you a drink and then you are going to eat something and sleep. I bet you haven’t slept in days.” Joe said. It was true if I wasn’t in with Lauren I was either crying or in a world of my own.

Once I had drank my drink I was feeling a little better. We returned to the hotel room Jordan and I were sharing to find Jordan asleep and Nick playing with her hair. “Are you okay Claire?” He asked.

I just nodded before walking into the bathroom and showering quickly changing into a pair of sweat pants and a top I found at the bottom of my suitcase.

“I bet the media are enjoying this.” I sighed looking at a paper for the first time in a four days.

“You should see how many we are here for you Lauren sites are active. It’s been a trendy topic on twitter for days now. Your fans are standing by you.” Nick explained.

“”I wish Alex would have stood by her.” I muttered seeing a picture of Alex leaving LAX airport a few days ago.

It had been two hours since Kevin had walked into the room. Joe and I were sat outside the door, it was silent.

“You know Danielle gave him a choice. It was either her or coming here to see Lauren.” Joe said breaking the silence.

“He’s here, does that mean him and Danielle are officially over?” I asked shocked.

“I guess so.” I heard Kevin’s voice then.

Pick up all your tears
Throw em in your backseat
Leave without a second glance
Somehow I'm to blame
For this never-ending racetrack you call life
He was singing her the song he wrote for her over two years ago.

Then I almost cried in relief when I heard Lauren’s voice.
Turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You won't be alone
You might
Fall off this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line
I looked at Joe before getting up and running into the room to see Kevin holding a crying Lauren in his arms.

I was so happy I went over to Kevin and kiss his cheek. “You Kevin Jonas are a saint.” I then left them alone again. I was so excited I kissed Joe, who smiled back. Walking out of the room with a smile on my face I saw Cher walking towards us.

“She sang!” I said as I ran and jumped on Cher who beamed.

“Claire, Lauren wants to talk to you.” Kevin said coming out of the room.

“Kevin, I can’t thank you enough. I mean you gave up literally every thing to help Lauren.” I said hugged him before walking into the room.

“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing Lauren said.

“There is nothing to be sorry for, I’m just glad you are talking again.” I smiled hugging her.

“How many shows did you cancel?” Lauren asked, it was typical Lauren always worried about the fans.

“Only a weeks worth we can cancel more if you want.” I smiled.
“Nope uncancel tomorrow night’s show, Im ready to face everyone.” The tone of her voice made me not question her.

“If Kevin and Joe are here, Nick’s here right?” She said excitedly.

“Yeah, he’s next door.” I said.

Lauren jumped up from the bed running out of the room and into next door. “Nick!” I heard her yell.

“Let’s see it then.” With that I went in to see the ring that was going to be on Jordan’s finger in a few months time.

Jordan woke up a few minutes after Nick had put the ring away causing us all to sigh. She was shocked to see Lauren up and talking, but she soon recovered and bombarded Lauren with questions like “Do you want a drink?”

We returned to the tour bus the following day, the boys had returned home. Kevin had made me promise not to tell Lauren about him and Danielle, much to my displeasure. Lauren released a statement explaining how she was pregnant and she miscarried at 12 weeks.

On our first show in a week, Lauren announced to the audience that Kevin Jonas was one of her best friends, which made the crowd “Aww.” She then went on to say you never know who the special people in your life are until you go through something live changing. It may surprise you who your true friends are and who are just there for the sake of it. I guess that was aimed at Alex.

Tour has it’s highs and lows but the show must go on.
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Hellloo, i feel like i don't leave nice authors notes, it's all just blah comment blah right?
Well... Thank you to whoever spends time reading this. When Lauren and I first started writing this we would have never thought we would have 22 suscribes. We were also not going to a sequel for Black Keys but because of all our lovely readers we decided we would.

-A huge thanks to all the people who take the time to comment this story, even the critizim is good because it shows us that you do read it and we want to make it enjoyable for you to read so if you have any tips for us don't be afraid to tell us.

-This story would be nothing without Lauren, yeah this is a joint effort but honestly Lauren's chapters are amazing. She always makes time to write, even when she is loaded with work from college. If it wasn't for her my chapters would be just a few lines, she helps me out ALOT. Thank you Lauren i love you <3

-Oh and we have had some nice feedback about Jordan's pov's. You all seem to love them, and yet again this story would be nothing without Jordan either. Trust me when we ask her to write a chapter she spends ages on writing it, to get it just perfect. <3 I think you should all thank Jordan because even though atm she is going through a hard time she as still stuck to her word and is writing a chapter. I love you Jordan (: x

Sorry about the long note, but hey i had alot of people to thank. Oh and in true "Claire" style this won't be updated until we get three comments.