‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Laurens POV

Denise came into the dressing room not long before we were due to go on to make sure we didn’t need anything. The girls didn’t but I wanted to talk to her.

“Actually I was wondering if I could talk to you.” I asked before following her out of the dressing room.

We stood just down the hall from the dressing room where no one else was and hardly anyone went so that we could talk in private.

“What do you want to talk about dear?” Denise asked me as she took a seat.

I sat on the floor in front of her, my legs crossed underneath me.

“Did Kevin make the right choice in coming to Turkey?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“He told me earlier that she finished with him because of it. Is he ok?”

“Dear, he’s so happy right now. He and Danielle were good together, I give them that, but he wanted to be your friend and she didn’t want him to be. So after the miscarriage, he told her he was going to Turkey to see you and she didn’t like it. Because of that they broke up but he didn’t mind because you’re best friends again.” She smiled, squeezing my arm gently.

“Thanks Denise.”

“That’s ok dear. Remember, im here for you when ever you need me to be.”

“I will thanks again.”

“That’s ok. Now you go on in and get ready for the show.” she smiled before leaving me.

After a few minutes, I got up off of the floor and went into the dressing room to get ready for the show.

After the show
After doing 3 encores, I was too hyped up to sleep, just like the others, so instead of going to bed, we stayed up and watched TV for ages. After a while, I decided I should go to bed and try to get some sleep because I hadn’t really been sleeping lately.

I changed into a pair of baggy pyjamas, ones I brought while I was pregnant, and crawled into my bunk, closing the curtain behind me. as I led there, the noise in the living area quietened but didn’t fully and I knew Claire would be asleep so I grabbed the small scan I still kept under my pillow and hugged the small white bear into my chest. Tears slowly began to fill my eyes so I blinked them back, before sniffing and curling into a tight ball before slowly drifting off to sleep.

The next few shows went a lot similar to the first show I began performing like myself again. We moved around the stage a lot, making sure the crowd were constantly entertained, as we sang. I put my whole heart into the songs as I smiled and stayed happy for the audiences.

After each show, I stayed up with Claire and Jordan for a bit before going to bed, too tired to stay away for any longer. I didn’t cry as much now, a few silent tears before I drifted off to sleep, that’s it.

I woke up the next morning, my head hurting slightly, I ignored the pain though. We had only today and tomorrow left of tour and I was determined to give the best shows id given so far this tour. Tomorrow Nick would be arriving secretly for his little surprise for Jordan.

I swung my legs out of my bunk and jumped out, grabbing my hoodie as I went. As I walked into the kitchen area, pulling my Forever True hoodie over my head, I grabbed an apple from the side and a bottle of water from the fridge before going through to the living area to find Mrs Jonas reading the paper.

“Morning.” I smiled as I slumped down onto the sofa.

“Good morning dear. Sleep well?”

“Yes thanks. You?”

“Yes thanks dear.”

“Good. Anything good in there this morning?”

“Just something about the boys.” She smiled over the top before going back to reading.

“Ok cool. Ive gotta go get Claire and Jordan up because they won’t get up today other wise. They didn’t go to bed until late last night.” I smiled.


I went into the bunk area and shook Jordan and Claire awake before jumping into the shower and getting ready for the day ahead. Even though we didn’t need to be over to the venue until 1 for sound check, I wanted to be up and ready for the day.

I pulled on my baggy combat ¾ lengths and a baggy Honor Society band t-shirt before slipping on my ugg boot slippers and skipping out into the living area to see Claire and Jordan watching cartoons while eating breakfast with blurry, sleepy eyes. I giggled at them before taking a seat on the floor with the beanbag and picking up a book.

“What have we got to do today?” Claire asked once she was awake.

“A show and sound check. Oh and im going to update my MySpace.”

“Is that it?”


“We can go back to bed then.” Jordan said triumphly, getting up and going back to her bunk.

“No you can’t because Denise goes home today. Remember.”

“Oh yeah. I guess ill stay up then.”

“Good choice.” I laughed before Denise walked in.

“Can I get you girls anything else?”

“No thanks.” I smiled before getting up and grabbing my laptop.

“No, we’re good thanks Denise.” Jordan smiled before flipping mindlessly though the channels.

After a couple of hours, we wandered over to the venue while Denise packed her things ready for after the show. as we wandered around the venue, making sure we knew where everything was for a change, paparazzi waited outside, eager to catch a picture of us doing something we shouldn’t because since we came back, the only big things they’ve had to report on our mine and Alex’s relationship, Claire’s and Jonathans and the most recent, my miscarriage and break-up with Alex.

While I was on my laptop this morning, I saw an article about Alex. Apparently he’s just started seeing some new, upcoming model. The article said she must be oblivious to the fact that he finished with me right after the lose of our baby.

Show time
We were lifted onto the stage, microphones in hand, the bright lights blinding me slightly as I looked out onto the enormous crowd who had turned up to see the show this evening.

“So guys, we’d like to thank you all for coming out first.” I smiled.

“It means a lot to us.” Jordan added.

“And it shows you care.” Claire added with a grin before the music started and we sang our duet with Honor Society.

Once we’d finished the song, the Honor boys left the stage and we went into our set with a bang. We performed our best so far, moving around the stage properly and making sure that, not even once, the crowd stopped moving to the music.

After we finished, we ran back stage and changed. After changing, we grabbed our things and went back over to the bus to see Mel just walking on with a box in her hands. Denise was holding the door for her.

“Sup.” I smiled, adrenaline still pumping through my veins.

“Hey.” Mel smiled, putting the box down.

“What’s that?” Claire asked.

“Some guy came over and gave it to me while you were performing, said it was for you all.”

“Oh right.” Jordan said before ripping the box open.

She pulled out a note and 3 bears with Forever True written on. I read the note.

“It’s from Simon. He said its part of the new merchandise and he wanted us to have the first ones.” I smiled, putting the letter down.

“That was nice.” Claire smiled.

“Right girls, its time for me to get going.” Denise said, dragging her suitcase.

“Ok, bye Denise. Thanks for looking after us.” Claire grinned.

“And thanks for talking with me when ive needed it.”

“That’s ok girls.” She smiled before hugging us all.

“Bye Denise.” Jordan hugged her again before she left the bus and walked out to a large black car that was taking her to the airport and then home again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this may not be amazing and there might be some spelling mistakes but you have to give me credit because my computer broke the other day and had to be fixed so Claire, being the amazing person she is, re-sent me all of my updates. Thank god she kept them.
What do you think?
I think you should all guess one thing thats going to happen in the story. We wont tell you if your right though, it makes it more fun for us :D
Laurenn xo