‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

Walking off the bus, I could help but pinch myself. We were playing our last show tonight, at none other than the Stable Centre, I have always dreamed about playing here and now finally my dreams have came true.

“Claire, I’m going to miss you.” Mel was already getting tearful.

“Mel, please don’t cry you will set me off and I don’t want to cry before the show.” I begged.

“Come on babe, let’s go get you some tissue then we can go have a look round the arena.” Alex smiled at her, taking her hand.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket quickly reading the text, I knew the plan would work. Jordan couldn’t know that Nick was only meters away from her otherwise it would spoil the surprise.

We were taken on a tour of the huge arena, I could see us getting lost in it. There were so many corridors, so many doors. Walking down one corridor I saw a flash of curly hair, I looked at Jordan who was squinting in the direction of it.

“Jordan I forgot to tell you, I painted my nails a different color do you like them?” Lauren distracted her.

“You haven’t got any on Lauren, are you sure you’re okay?” Jordan said looking at Lauren like she was mad causing me to laugh a little.

After the tour we were shown to our dressing room, it was twice the size as any dressing room we had ever gotten before. We were still fiddling with all the switches, when Mel wandered in.

“So, how does it feel to be playing in THE staple centre?” Mel asked sitting next to Jordan on the couch.

“Speechless.” Lauren smiled before looking at me and laughing. Once the laughter had died down, we sat reminiscing on tour memories.

“Remember the first night on the tour bus, we watched that film and surprised Jordan with her birthday cake.” Mel said.

“Yeah I do, it was so difficult getting it on the bus without Jordan knowing.” Lauren laughed.

“Oh and not to forget our first interview when they played Miley Cyrus, I could feel the hatred flowing through Jordan’s veins. I think even the presenter noticed it.” Lauren laughed.

“You would have thought with time the hatred would lesson, but let me tell you time makes it stronger. Very stronger.” Jordan said through grit teeth causing us all to laugh again.

“I can’t believe it’s been five months since we saw any of them last.” We heard Demi’s voice outside the door.

“I know, I’ve missed Lauren’s worried phone calls when Jordan was running a bit late.” Selena’s voice came through the door.

“Yep, and Jordan’s hyper mood swings.” Demi agreed.

“Oh, I’ve missed being able to tease Claire and Joe.” Demi laughed.

“You do know these doors aren’t sound proof. You best get in here now!” Jordan called.

“Oh hey Girls.” The door flew open to reveal Selena and Demi, behind them was Miley.

Jordan ran and hugged Selena and Demi before purposely missing Miley.

“I didn’t know you were coming to see us.” Lauren smiled.

“Well we thought we’d come and see our competition.” Demi joked.

“Oh and don’t forget the after party.” Selena beamed.

Miley who had been standing by the doorway mumbled something I couldn’t hear, I could tell Jordan was trying her best not to start a argument.

Before long it was time for sound check, because some fans come and watch our sound check’s Demi, Selena and Miley had to stay in our dressing room and watch from the tv until we introduced them.
“Who invited her?” Jordan had started her rant as soon as she had closed the door.

“See no one did, so why the hell is she here?” Jordan said after a moment of silence from Lauren and I.

“I have no idea Jord, but try not to let her whined you up to much. This is our night to shine, not your night to punch Miley’s lights out.” Lauren joked.

“One of these days girls, one of these days.” Jordan muttered before walking onto the stage.

“I can’t believe this is our final show, this tour has been amazing I don’t want it to end.” Jordan smiled into the microphone as the fans cheered.

“But sadly it as to like all good things do. But we do have a surprise for you. Why don’t you tell them Lauren?” I said.

“Tonight, because it’s the last show. We have special visitors. Welcome out onto the stage our friends. Demi Lovato.”

“And Selena Gomez.” Jordan finished. Lauren gave her a little flick in the arm.

“And Miley Cyrus.” Jordan mumbled into the microphone.

The crowd cheered, and out came the three girls. After each one of them had hugged us, Jordan quickly leaning over Miley and pulling away, we started taking song requests we could all sing. After much thought we decided to do a cover of I’ve Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas.

Selena and Demi’s voice sounded great together we knew that because of their duet “One and the same.” From their movie Princess Protection Programme. Lauren and I used to be a duet act so it made sense we sang together leaving Jordan and Miley, much to Jordan’s annoyance.

Every time it was Jordan and Miley’s turn, Miley would always try and sing a little louder than Jordan and she started prancing around the stage. By the end of the song it had turned into a dance battle or rather stage tricks battle. Luckily for Jordan she spent hours watching Nick and Joe perfecting their flips so she asked me to help her, which I did. Needless to say Jordan won.

After sound check Lauren went to distract Jordan whilst I tried finding Nick in this huge venue. On my way out of the dressing room I saw Kevin heading towards me.

“Happy Birthday Kevin, how old are you now fifty.” I joked.

“Ha- ha, Jordan doesn’t suspect anything does she?” Kevin asked.

“Not a thing, she is annoyed with Miley though. It’s going to be hard preventing her from killing Miley tonight.” I laughed a little.

“I’m sure she will forget all about Miley once tonight’s over. Is Lauren busy?” Kevin asked I couldn’t help but notice his cheeks turn a little red.
“Nope, go ahead. I’m just going to find Nick.” I said before walking in the direction Kevin had came from.

I turned the corner and saw Joe and Nick talking, I hid from view. “What if she laughs in my face.” Nick said.

“You don’t honestly believe she would do that do you? That girl loves you, a little birdie told me she has been waiting for you to propose for months.” Joe sang slightly.

“Would little birdie happen to be the short, black haired girl you have been singing to sleep every night for the past few weeks?” Nick said I could feel my cheeks burn up.

“Shut up, this isn’t about me, this is about you!” I could tell Joe was either embarrassed or annoyed.

“Okay, okay tonight’s the night that effects my whole life.” Nick said his voice showing his nerves but also his excitement.
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Lauren, and i haven't wrote a chapter for this in ages. so updates will be less frequent until the weekend when we can catch up again.
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