‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I passed the drinks around the table, leaving Miley’s on the tray in the middle so that she could get it herself. Id heard what she’d said so I defiantly wasn’t going to be putting on the nice act anymore.

“So Jordan, my friend, we’ve kept that secret for a long time and its hard knowing things like that.” I laughed.

“How long did you know?”

“A long time.” Claire laughed, dragging out the long.

“Hello there girls. Im coming to steal my fiancé.” Nick smiled, wrapping his arms around Jordan.

“Hey Nick. That’s fine, I was just about to drag Claire to do some kick ass dance moves once ive bribed the DJ to put a song on.” I laughed.

“You were?” Claire asked me.

“I was. Mel, Alex’s is behind you.” I laughed, knowing he’d wanted to surprise her.

“Thanks Lauren.”

“Any time Alex.” I laughed before dragging Claire to dance.

We danced around to loads of different songs, one of them being See You in The Dark, which of course got everyone onto the dance floor to do the Honor Roll. After 20 minutes, Revenge is Sweeter was played. I cringed, even though id now had quite a few drinks, I was sober enough to get the song changed.

After the DJ had changed the song, Kevin walked over to me and grabbed my hand. Dragging me over to a table, we sat down to talk. I looked over at Claire before we started talking to see her swaying slightly from the drink while Selena and Demi took her drink from her. I giggled slightly.

“So much for not drinking.” Kevin laughed, flicking a piece of paper from the table.

“Shh, don’t tell anyone.” I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Ok I won’t.”

“Thank you.” I smiled up at him.

“Im glad your back to being one of my best friends.”

“Im glad that im back to being one of your best friends.” I smiled around a yawn.


“Pshh, im a rock star, I mean, I kick butt on guitar so yeah, I don’t get tired.”

“Ok Lauren.”

“Im talking all honesty.” I smiled, poking him in the chest.

“Alright Lauren.” Kevin smirked, poking me back.

“Im so not your friend now Jonas.” I said, trying not to smile.

“You are because im gunna give you a big kiss and cuddle.”

“Im so not.” I laughed as Kevin planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.


“Ok, I can’t say no to that.” I laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Claire and Jason dancing, both holding bottles in their hands.

“Claire’s gunna have a hangover tomorrow.” I laughed.

“Whys that?”

“Because we haven’t drunk for so long. Im almost sober now. See.” I said, standing up and walking in a line.

“Lauren, that doesn’t prove anything, you can barely walk in a straight line when you’re sober, let alone drunk.”

“Pshh, the mighty Lauren doesn’t get drunk.”

“Alright.” Kevin laughed as he pushed me back down onto the chair.

We just sat talking for a while before Claire stumbled over and sat on my lap. I laughed before pushing her off and onto the floor. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes before standing up and sitting opposite me on a chair of her own.

“What’s happening when you girls get home then?” Kevin quizzed us.

“Sleeping. Eating. Washing clothes. And then im not really sure. I know ive got to go and see my family to prove that im getting through it, but im really not sure. Lots of wedding arrangements with Jordan and then probably lots of press as well. Claire, do you know if we’re doing anything?”

“I don’t even know what im doing tonight let alone next week.” Claire slurred.

I laughed at her before moving my chair nearer hers so I could poke her awake. She moved away from me before falling about laughing.

“She’s had vodka and red bull.” I stated before Joe came over.

“Come on Claire, lets get some food in you.” He said, helping her up.

“Thank you Joe.”

“That’s ok. I know what she’s like when she’s been drinking.” Joe laughed.

“So do I.” I sighed, knowing Claire would not be happy tomorrow if she had a hangover.

I moved my chair back over to where Kevin was sat then, resting my head on his shoulder, I sighed. Tomorrow we would be back home in our apartment properly, Jordan would still be buzzing from her new engagement, Simon would be ringing constantly telling us about meetings and interviews, Claire would most likely have a hangover and id be stressing because of course, im expected to go home now to show to my family that I was no longer mute and that I was, in some way, getting over the lose of my small baby.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Im not thinking.” I lied.

“Liar. I know you well enough to know that you’re thinking.”

“Fine, im thinking about hectic life is going to be from tomorrow on wards. For a while as well.”

“Never mind, things will get easier for you.”

“I know. Kevin can I ask you something?”


“Why did you come out to Turkey, you lost Danielle because of it.”

“My best friend is more important than a silly relationship with someone who didn’t want me to be best friends with the person I want to be best friends with.” Kevin stated.

“Still shouldn’t have done it.”

“I should have. And im glad I did. You might not still be talking if I haven’t come.”

“I guess. Ha, that makes you my knight in shinning armour.” I laughed.

“I guess it does.” Kevin smiled down at me.

“Well knight in shinning armour, I say we have a dance before I go home.”

“Ok then.” Kevin laughed as we got up and went to dance.

We danced around for a while before Jordan called me over to her and Claire. I went over and was dragged into a sitting position as a load of pictures were taken of us for our website and just for us to keep. The person taking the pictures gave Claire and Jordan their cameras back before walking away.

Joe walked over and took her to talk to again. Jordan went back over to Nick, wrapping her arms around him instantly. I couldn’t help but think how much they really did suit each other. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Miley scowling at them. I marched over, gave her a dirty look and then spoke.

“If you cant just be happy for them, then id like you to leave because tonight is about celebrations, not grumpy brats.” I said matter of factly.

“Fine.” She said bitterly before getting up and pushing past me to leave.

I giggled at her retreating figure before spinning around to see Selena. She hi-fived me before joining in my laughter. Demi was soon walking over to find out what we were laughing at, I told her id spilt drink and someone had sat in it so that she wouldn’t tell us off for being horrid to Miley