‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

It was as if my body knew I was in England, as soon as we walked off the aircraft my stomach rumbled. On tour we rarely ate cooked meals because of the limited spare time we had, so we just snaked when we were hungry.

I pulled my suitcase along the newly polished airport floor, Lauren trudging behind me. It was five in the morning back in America; we had only just landed in England. “It is to early to be up.” Lauren yawned a little.

“It’s ten in the morning, this isn’t early.” I glanced behind me poking my tongue out at her. I hardly ever suffered from jet lag anymore, but Lauren who enjoys her sleep did.

“Ten in the morning and it’s already raining.” Lauren whined again stopping in the middle of the airport sitting on her suitcase.

“Come on Lauren, the quicker we get home the quicker you can go to bed. Where is Kieran anyway?” I started looking around, but I couldn’t see him above all the heads. I stood on my suitcase and could just make out Kieran’s head.

“I see him, come on let’s go.” I laughed helping Lauren up.

I fiddled in my bag for my phone, turning it on. Lauren practically fell asleep as soon as we reached the car. She handed me her umbrella, and collapsed in the back seat leaving Kieran to put her suitcase in the boot.

“It has only just started raining, the past few weeks we have had nice weather.” Kieran told me as he drove out of the airport.

“Lauren we are officially cursed.” I laughed a little looking behind me to see Lauren curled up sound asleep.

“I wish I could go to sleep as easy as her.” I pouted, I knew by the time we got home and unpacked there would be no chance that I would go to sleep.

“I think it runs in the family. So why are you only staying for a week if you have three weeks off?”

“I don’t like being away for too long.” I yawned leaning my head on the window.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Kieran was getting our suitcases out of the boot. I shook Lauren awake, which she wasn’t pleased about. I got out the car taking my suitcase and rolling it down my garden path. I hadn’t been home in nearly seven months and yet nothing had changed from last time. That was one of the things I liked about coming home.

I knocked on my door, while smiling at Lauren who was muttering profanities about the weather whilst waiting for Cher to open the door. The door opened to reveal my mum smiling.

“Hey, I’m back!” I called out knowing my dad would probably out in the garden.

“Don’t you look pretty. A little skinny but you are defiantly happy now.” My mum said pulling me into a hug.

“I was happy last time you saw me.” I chuckled a little.

“You may have been able to fool all your friends but I am your mother I know these things. So tell me is a certain Jonas back in your life is that the reason why you are so happy?” I rolled my eyes as my mum led me into the living room.

“Mum, you sound like Lauren when she is trying to get information out of me. I was happy with Jonathan if that’s what you wanted to know but feelings change. We are still friends though; at least I think we are.” I said realizing I hadn’t spoken to him since we were in Paris.

“I heard Joe and Camilla split up. Correct me if I’m wrong but I could have sworn he spent a few weeks on tour with Honor Society. Who where Honor Society on tour with. Hmm a band called Forever True which coincidently you are a member of.” My mum really took the whole pretend not to know thing to a whole new extreme.

“For your information you suck at being subtle.” I said before heading for the stairs.

“Oh and you were wrong, he spent a few weeks on our bus.” I called when I reached my bedroom. My mum knew me to well.

I opened the door to my room looking at the view in front of me. The only thing that had changed was a new bed set was now in the place of my teal one that I slept in last time i was here. It even still smelt like my favorite air freshener Vanilla.

I put my suitcase on the bed and started putting my clothes back in my drawers. Once I had finished un packing I found one of my hoddies I used to wear when I had a hangover, I called it my “hang over jacket” I slipped it on amazed it still fitted me. I knew Lauren would be asleep now for the rest of today and perhaps the whole of tonight as well so there was no point in ringing her. Instead I went downstairs and turned the TV on I was flicking through the channels annoyed because in America we have a lot of channels to choose from but over here I only like five channels.

I was just about to change it over when Kevin, Joe and Nick’s faces appeared on the screen. It was JONAS, I hadn’t had time to watch it yet, so that’s what I spent my Sunday doing. My dad walked in a few hours after I had been back took one look at the TV and walked back out. He never did understand why a fully grown woman liked to watch the Disney Channel.

That night my parents took me out for a meal, even though I begged for them to let me pay the bill. My parents refused to take money off me for anything, when we released our first album I offered to buy them a new house but they turned my offer down. Then after that I offered to buy them both new cars and anything they wanted but they wouldn’t take any of it.

“Your birthday is in a month and I have no idea what to get you.” My mum said once our food had arrived.

“You don’t need to get me anything.” I smiled meaning it, but I knew my mum wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“It seemed like only yesterday you were walking out the front door heading to the airport for your holiday with Lauren when you were eighteen and now you are twenty two, have been on two tours, released two albums and you finally got over that boy you were seeing.” My dad said.

“You mean Tony.” As I said it a shiver ran down my spine. I really did believe we would be married by now. I shook my head, reminding myself how lucky I am to be out of the relationship from hell.

After that the conversation died down while we finished our meals. My dad then asked for the bill.

“How much was it?” I asked as soon the bill came.

“Never you mind, it’s our treat. You are only here for a week we have to treat you before you go back to LA again.” My dad said pulling out his wallet.

“At least let me pay for half of it.” I pleaded.

“Nope look, I’ve sorted it now. Come on let’s go.” My dad smiled before handing the bill and the money to the waiting waitress.

“But daadd.” I protested getting my jacket.

“While you are here, you are not paying for anything. It’s not every day I get to see my baby girl is it.” He said pulling his arm round me. Even though I was fully grown he still towered above me, it wasn’t because he was partially tall it was because I was really short.
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This one is kind of a filler.
We had to get Claire and Lauren back to england because otherwise they wouldn't see their families.
Comments would make my day :D ?