‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

The rest of the week was spent just having time out and spending time with our families. Claire and I didn’t see much of each other for the first 3 days of being back in England because I was constantly being sent to family member’s homes to show them that I really was ok and that I wasn’t just faking it. Of course, being as close to my granddad as I am, he guessed that I was still upset about it but he didn’t tell the others, just spoke to me quietly and gave me some advice.

He said, “Lauren, he really wasn’t worth it if he got up and left you when you needed him the most, not a nice man at all and if I ever see him ill be sure to tell him what I think of him. But remember, if you ever need time, come home, even if you don’t go and stay with your mum and dad, you can always stay here. It will take time, but one day, you look back and think about it and realise that all this hurting has only made you a better person and you will love each of your children too much for words when it’s your time.”

His advice really helped me. After that, I spent the remaining 4 days with Claire, going back to the places we went as kids, sitting in the old park and trying to dodge the old man in the corner shop, who even now gives us grief about how many sweets we buy.

During the last day of Claire's visit to England, we got up early, got ready and met each other in the front gardens. Both of us had our Forever True hoodie’s on, something that we both treasure because of what it symbolises. Friendship. We spent the day at the park we used to go to before we went home from school on a night, of course, getting into trouble every night because we were late home.

The day that Claire finally came though, I went with her to the airport with her parent’s her little sister having to go to school so she didn’t come.

“Claire, I don’t want you to leave me.” I whined as we climbed into her parent’s car to go to the airport.

“Come back with me then.” Claire smiled.

“I don’t want to go home yet, I wanna stay here, enjoy the crappy English weather.”

“Tough then. Im going back.” Claire laughed.

“Meany.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

The rest of the drive to the airport went quickly, with Christine telling Claire loads of information and rules and how much she wanted her to come home soon. Before long, we were back at the airport.

“Claire do you realise that this is the longest we’ve ever been apart?” I asked as Claire’s flight was announced.

“I know. But you’re coming home in a few days right?”

“Yeah, im going to change my ticket when I get home.” I said.

“Good.” Claire smiled before hugging me goodbye.

She did the same to her parents before grabbing her things and going off to her boarding gate. Once she’d gone through, I went back to her parent’s car and was driven home in the backseat while her parents chatter aimlessly about how long I had left in England and how much they were glad that I was staying because my mum had been so worried after leaving me on tour.

Once home, I swapped my tickets for a flight home in 2 days, less of a stay than before we went on tour. Once my ticket had been sorted, I climbed into my bed to get ready for a very busy two days of talking to even more family and making sure that they understood that im coping.

“LAUREN! Get up.” Chloe said, bouncing on my bed on my last day in England.

“What Chloe?” I yawned, pulling the covers further over my head.

“I want to talk to you.” She said softly, sitting down.

“Ok, then, talk.” I said, sitting up slightly.

“Im sorry that you lost your baby, id change it if I could. And im sorry that Alex is so stupid. He should be shot. I can find someone to do it if you want me too.” She said gently, patting my hand.

Tears filled my eyes as I watched my younger sister of 7 years act so grown up. She was 14 and yet she was condoling me.

“Thank you Chloe.” I said as the tears spilled from my eyes.

“Don’t cry. Im sorry ive upset you.” She said, wrapping her arms around me to give me a hug.

“It’s fine Chloe. Look, things are a little hard for me. So let’s pretend it never happened and ill be fine.”

“Ok.” she smiled, hoping off the bed and going to the door.

Once she’d left, I climbed out of bed and got into the shower. I couldn’t seem to stop crying so I was happy that an en-suit bathroom had been put in so no one would hear me crying.

After showering, I dressed, dried my hair and then packed my suitcase. Id stopped crying now and my eyes were no longer puffy and red so when my mum came in to tell me it was nearly time to go, I didn’t mind. I just picked up my suitcase and bag and carried them down the stairs.

My brother, sisters and dad were all waiting for me. I hugged each of them before going out to my brother’s car so he could take me to the airport. He dropped me off before leaving again, neither of us could stand the goodbye part of my stays so we always said ‘see you later’ before he drove off, leaving me to get onto my plane alone. I didn’t mind though, it always gave me chance to think when I was on my own.

I boarded my flight half an hour after getting out of Kieran’s car and walking into the airport. Of course, paparazzi were everywhere, asking questions about who dropped me off and why I was leaving later than Claire. I answered the questions simply, giving hardly anything away; they didn’t need to know everything after all.

My flight went by quickly because I slept for the most of it, my ipod keeping the noise of other passengers out as I dreamt of the days when Claire and I were both in college and dreaming of working with children, never dreaming of being famous and singing on stage with each other and another best friend who we made because of touring.

I woke up as the plane landed. I got off quickly and ran to get my suitcase before going out to find Claire waiting for me, car keys swinging around her finger as she tapped her foot to the song in her head.

I laughed as I walked over and shouted.


“Oh my god Lauren, don’t do that.” Claire laughed.

“Im home.” I stated proudly as we left the airport.

“Never, I thought it was a hologram.” Claire smirked.

“Oh shut up. You used to come out with the same so there.” I said poking my tongue out at her as we put my things into the car that was parked at the curb.

“But you loved it.” Claire laughed.

“No, I don’t think I did.” I smirked, earning a gentle slap from Claire.

“Did you know people are starting to wear Forever True hoodie’s just like ours?” Claire asked as we drove from the airport.


“Yeah, im guessing either someone’s trying to forge them or Simon’s making money on it and not telling us.” Claire laughed.

“I blame Simon.” I yelled making Claire laugh more before I fell about in hysterics.

We had gotten into the car laughing and talking and carried on doing it until we pulled up outside of our apartment, things changed way too often for us so I was glad that my 2 day absence hadn’t changed anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its taking me so long to post updates. College is getting insanely hard for me now. Im sure Claire & Jordan are feeling the same even though they probably update better than me ;]
Comments would be lovely.
Lovee youu Laurenn xo
Ps - Thanks to everyone who comments, thanks to Claire who waits patiently for me to write my update when it takes me ages & thanks to Jordan who writes amazingly to help spice this up a bit ;]